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Most often the people are taken for a ride for their laziness to recite any mantras by themselves or their eagerness to put on some charming stone. They give hint to the astrologer that they desire to purchase a stone and also mention the price they are prepared to spend! That is enough - the astrologer (could be the one you readily find in any jeweler shop) or his agent suggest a gem in a fraction of a second! Since Bofors deal every religious man(!) knows how to strike a kick back. Added to this, the client does not know whether the stone worth the amount they paid. The green colored emerald is always substituted with artificial onyx. I know a reputed astrologer who would write the stone in a chemical nomenclature (like aluminum something Cr2O3 - for emerald). The client as well as other dealers would not know what it really means! Clients would be forced to purchase from a certain shop only.
Oh, what a great business he had - I said 'he had' - now he does not the reason being one can not fool around all the time. Always purchase the precious stones from a reputed dealer only and get a receipt. Be on your guard when purchasing diamond and emerald. The rest of the stones are not worth substitution. There is also a possibility you would be purchasing a sub-standard one. You should select the stone having minimum scratches, bubbles or any such marks. One should not compromise the weight recommended by the astrologer. Also do not exceed the weight recommended. There are alternative semi-precious stones which come very cheap. I humbly request you not to go for such thing. These have very limited effect.

At times we come across the charts which do not flourish with any stone at all. In such cases, better to wear  good clothes. One may look wonderful in a Bikini!  A dietician has said -"most people would die of cardiac arrest if they look at themselves in Bikinis". Your first preference should always be meditation, conducting some shantis, using some yantras, doing dana (giving donations), leading a correct life. Wearing of stones come only next to it. Do not be under the impression - it will change your luck completely. It will only boost the process. If a stone is wrongly selected it is bound to cause some adverse effect. I recommend the stones (only navaratnas and not semi-precious ones) for the planet which is very good and does not cause any side effects at all (Anukoola graha). It is always dangerous to decide a suitable stone depending on date of birth, moon sign/sun sign or dasha running etc., The horoscope should be examined in depth. In North India, there is not much of confusion as to whether one should wear a stone for a benefic planet (anukoola graha) or to a malefic planet (pratikoola graha). In South India, particularly in North Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra there is so much confusion. Do not, please go for short cut news paper advices.

As far as possible, do not consult a resident astrologer in the jeweler shop or the one who uses the letter pad supplied by dealers! Yet, NO DEALER CHEATS YOU WHEN YOU PURCHASE BLUE SAPPHIRE (A STONE FOR SHANI), the dealers do not like to invite the wrath of Shani Bhagwan.  Look alike beads may be deceptive and so one should take precaution.  I advocate use only ratna s (precious stones) and not uparatna s (semi-precious stones). One need to analyze complete horoscope and decide functional benefics with reference to the dasha (time-scale) running.  I would not suggest the gem stones based on your name, number or rasi etc., which are very crude and dangerous methods.
Original gem stones look like these in color and texture.  The color may slightly vary depending on the gasses dissolved in the stone. Dependable good quality precious stones are available  and will be couriered without delay. Your first preference should always be meditation, conducting some shantis, using some yantras, doing dana (giving donations), leading a correct life. Wearing of stones come only next to it. Do not be under the impression - it will change your luck completely. It will only boost the process. If a stone is wrongly selected it is bound to cause some adverse effect. I recommend the stones (only navaratnas and not semi-precious ones) for the planet which is very good and does not cause any side effects at all (Anukoola graha). Semi precious stones (uparatna s)  have the same effect of mukhya ratna s but their effects are very much limited.  Due to their fragile and ductile nature they have the possibility of getting damaged in course of time.  Instead, one can purchase a small mukhya ratna for the same cost! It is always dangerous to decide a suitable stone depending on date of birth, moon sign/sun sign or dasha running etc., The horoscope should be examined in depth. In South India, particularly in North Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra there is so much confusion regarding selection of gem stones for anukoola graha or pratikoola graha. Do not , please go for short cut news paper advices as they are based on short cut methods. Gem stones just boost the positive energy to some extent but are not substitutes for sadhana (meditation, pooja, shanti, yantra or dana). At times we come across the charts which do not flourish with any stone at all. In such cases, better to wear  good clothes. One may look wonderful in a Bikini!  A dietician has said -"most people would die of cardiac arrest if they look at themselves in Bikinis". Here the navaratnas are showcased in true colour. 
Manikya (Ruby)
Represents Ravi
Mouktika (Pearl)
Represents Chandra
Pravala (Coral)
Represents Kuja
Panna  (Emerald)
Represents Budha
Neela (Sapphire)
Represents Shani
Pushyaraga (Topaz)
Represents Guru
Vajra (Diamond)
Represents Shukra
Gomedh (Hessonite)
Represents Rahu
Vidhurya (Cat's eye -lapis lazuli)
Represents Ketu