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Cult gurus and miracle men:
Buddhism rejects the idea of soul and super soul (God), even though it recognizes rebirth. According to Buddha, it is the consciousness which goes to next birth. Let it not mean that I am criticizing Bhagwan Buddha. There was much of racism, cruelty to animals, and atrocity by priesthood that made Prince Siddhartha to take up the great cause. Though Buddha antagonized Hindus, they did not crucify him but he is accepted as God Incarnate. Bouddhavatara is one of the dashavataras of Maha Vishnu. Many religions raise their prophets to God-head making other gods or prophets subservient to him. But in Hinduism, there is no God head above God. Hinduism does not call anybody 'son of God' or 'last messenger'. Buddhism has two principles for meditation; Samatha - where one concentrates on inhalation and exhalation. This would merely give relaxation, according to Buddha. The other is Vipassana - concentrating on the sense of breath where it touches nostrils. Buddha held that Vipassana gives prefect bliss, Nibbana. One cult guru who heavily relies on Buddhism is propagating Vipassana method. Unfortunately, his followers do not know how Buddhism differs from Hinduism.  After constructing many meditation centers that look like the final abode of Ferrah of Egypt, now this guru is on run - due to scams in land acquisition and association with women bhaktas. He has claimed, he had read 5000 books and believed that Rampa was a real Buddhist  monk! Compared to vast literature, 5000 books are nothing. I remember a poem by Vinayaka (Prof. VK Gokak) of who low he felt when he visited a library, realizing his limit of knowledge.

Theravada pantha strictly follows the teaching of Bhagawan Buddha, as they are envisaged in Tripitika, that all should renounce the world and practice meditation. Since it is not possible to renounce the world by all, Mahayana pantha emerged basing that one can be in the world, yet should relieve the sufferings of others. Then came Vajrayanapantha (Tibetan Buddhism) also known as Heenayana, wherein mandals (charkas) were introduced to meditate upon. Devotion to one's guru, methods of worshipping the gurus, occultism were fused. Buddha said that one can become 'like God' (as there is no separate existence as God) by following right paths. Today Buddha adores many homes as fat (Contented Buddha) or Laughing Buddha. He also has become a fancy doll like three legged frog! What a bad notion to present the handsome prince - a model of mercy to all. Buddhism is a 'beautiful temple without God'. As such, if you believe in God (rather existence of God), you can not use the valuable services of this Buddhism inspired guru as there are no mantras, not even 'om' chanting, no visualization, no bhajans in this cult. Buddha was accepted as God Incarnate, but Hindus refused to follow a religion without God. Eventually, Buddhism disappeared from India!
There is another cult with a patented breathing technique. With great difficulty I was able to learn about this 'patented knowledge'. Here, the guru extensively uses 'ujjayi' and 'brastrika' pranayama and he has introduced the movement of hands to regulate breathing. Actually, hands need not have to be used. If you remember your childhood, you would recall that breathing does not require any force from the body and breathing is the automatic response of the body to the growing need of oxygen. Brastrika is a forced breathing practice which may stimulate an attack in asthmatic patients. Another cult has quite good asanas but the food restrictions are hard to follow. This cult has less followers. The gurus in this cult take advantage of organizational weakness and cash in extra money for their personal needs, unfortunately. Yet another cult guru directly instructs his followers in Chakra meditation. In 90 days, the course produces yet another guru! There are lots of concentration exercises on charka and above the head (this 'above' is strange to Patanjali Yoga Sutra!).
All the religions implore much importance on codes like morality, cleanliness, satya (truthfulness), ahimsa (non-violence), aparigraha (non-corruption), asteya (not stealing) brahmacharya (following the path of God), pranayama (proper breathing), pratyahara (control over senses), asanas (postures) etc., Without following these codes, doing pooja or meditation would be futile. If kundalini is awakened without these practices, it would play a havoc. For more details regarding moral codes and the procedures for meditation, learned readers may refer to: slokas 11 to 14, 16, 17 & 35 of Atmasamyama Yoga in Srimad Bhagawad Geeta; Slokas 30, 32, 36, 37 to 39, 46, 47, 52 of Sadhana pada & slokas 1 & 2 of Vibhuti pada in Patanjali Yoga Sutra; Ayat 153, Sura II and Ayat 43 Sura IV of Holy Quern; complete ch.5 & 6, v7 &8 ch.7, v15to 35 ch18, v35-46 ch26 of Mathew, v28 to 31 ch12 of Mark in the Holy Bible.  Offering prayers is not limited to individual needs. Collective prayers are offered to Varuna, God of Rain by doing Parjanya Japa. It is inspiring to see all Muslims lined up in strict discipline to offer namaz. Prayers are also offered on behalf of sick and needy. Shanti kriya for planets should be undertaken on behalf of another only when that person is unable to do the same. When a shanti kriya is being done on behalf of another person, it is imperative the client participates within his own limitations.
Chakra (Kundalini) Sadhana should not be ventured unless the other moral codes are practiced. It is important to note that no asana, pranayama and food are suitable to all. One man's food is another man's poison. One has to select suitable asanas, pranayama, food habits based on individual needs and capabilities. To learn asanas and pranayama,, you should approach a qualified yoga teacher and not a spiritual master as we go to several doctors for specialist advice. If one confines himself to a particular cult, he succumbs to "my great cult vs. rest of the world" syndrome. One should learn from the knowledge of great men. Watching religious TV programs, reading scriptures of all religions and cults will help you to develop more love towards God. Rigveda says, "Let noble thoughts come from all sides".

Some of us are very much impressed by miracles. We measure a guru's spiritual power by his miracles. The disciples of Bhagwan Buddha showed him a bowl and said that a man had brought it down from a great height without touching it. Buddha took the bowl and crashed it under his feet. He told them never to build their faith on miracles, but to look for truth in everlasting principles. By mastering the charkas, it may be possible to perform certain miracles (i.e. if the miracle maharaj is not performing any tricks!). Miracles were performed by Jesus Christ, Shirdi Baba for the benefit of common man. They never produced Rolex watches nor gold rings for selected few nor gave some miracle honey or bhasma just to impress their greatness.
Spiritual masters - where in my guru?

For spiritual upliftment, you need not have to attend very costly meditation workshops of any Babus of Bangalore nor spend a hefty amount on membership for DVDs of a certain Sun of God. You need not have to participate in yet another tonic yoga camp to gain a '90 day qualified guru' certificate. Just look around, do whatever you could have done - but did not do so far - in spiritual life. My friend who hails from an orthodox family of priests had forsaken his daily duties of pooja, sandhyavandana etc., and went to learn spirituality from a German music-guru. This happened due to ignorance of his heritage. Hinduism does not harbor enmity against any beliefs. You will not come across any new concept that has not been explored in the Hindu scriptures. The cult gurus are not criminals, they too work for the upliftment of the society. For spiritual advancement one should not limit himself to a single school of thought. Rig Veda says, "Let noble thoughts come from all sides." Learn yoga, panayama and such fitness stuff from a qualified and well-experienced yoga scholar than from a spiritual master. When you have a severe headache, you cannot concentrate on Katopanishad! Physical fitness has its own importance.

To emphasize the need of swadhayana (self-study), Sikshavalli of Taittariya Upanishad (this part is known as Swadhyana Prashamsa) uses the word 'swadhyana' 12 times. Study the literature of all the religions, sects, cults, followings and great teachers of the whole world to make your own notes, than depending on the abridged versions of cult gurus. Bhagwan Buddha told his disciples to write his teachings in Pali, a language spoken by common men. "The Parses said, why is it that your master eats with tax-gatherers and sinners?'. Jesus heard it and said, "It is not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick. I did not come to invite virtuous people but sinners." (v.11-13, Ch.9, Mathew, Holly Bible). Now, you know where to search for your spiritual guru!