Coming soon: Transit of Shani into Meena rasi and its consequences...
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फलानि ग्रहचारेण सूचयन्ति मनीषिणः। को वक्ता तारतम्यस्य तमेकं वेधसं विना॥ - फलदीपिक
"With the help of planetary movements, mortals can only give indications of what is to happen; who else other than BRAHMA can tell with certainty as to what will definitely happen" - Phladeepika.
The forecasts are based on the transit of major planets during Krodhi nama samat. Well, I do not subscribe to aya - vyaya-raja kopa-raja preeti or the results of nava nayaks and upanayaka or of sankranti purusha you find in all the panchangas. In my humble opinion, these do not hold much water. It is more worthy to consider the lunation charts.
Tula (Libra):
Partial solar eclipse on 21st September 2025 happens in 12th. There will be temptations to make easy money. You may land in trouble due to abuse of plastic cards. You should be careful in financial matters. You may also face disappointments when you are certain of great conquest.
Vrischika (Scorpio):
Partial solar eclipse on 21st September 2025 happens in 11th from your rasi. Eclipses in 11th cause temptations to make easy money. You may land in trouble due to abuse of plastic cards. You should be careful in financial matters.
Dhanus (Sagittarius):
Partial solar eclipse on 21st September 2025 happens in 10th. There are deep repercussions on your profession. You may fall from grace of higher authorities. There could be court proceeding against you for tax evasion or you may incur displeasure of government.
Makara (Capricorn):
Partial solar eclipse on 21st September 2025 happens in 9th from your rasi. You tend to be highly critical of own religion and rituals; and there will be certain friction with higher authorities and your father. Total lunar eclipse on 7th September 2025 (visible in India) and solar eclipse on 17.02.2026 occur in 2nd from your rasi.
Kumbha (Aquarius):
Partial solar eclipse on 21st September 2025 happens in 8th from your rasi. Eclipses in is as bad as possible. This will predispose you to cuts, wounds and accidents. Extreme caution is required in this regard. There will be unexpected expenditure and disappointments in life.
ಯುಗ ಯುಗಾದಿ ಕಳೆದರೂ
ಯುಗ ಯುಗಾದಿ ಕಳೆದರೂ
ಯುಗಾದಿ ಮರಳಿ ಬರುತಿದೆ
ಹೊಸ ವರುಷಕೆ ಹೊಸ ಹರುಷವ
ಹೊಸತು ಹೊಸತು ತರುತಿದೆ
ಹೊಂಗೆ ಹೂವ ತೊಂಗಳಲಿ
ಭೃಂಗದ ಸಂಗೀತ ಕೇಳಿ
ಮತ್ತೆ ಕೇಳ ಬರುತಿದೆ
ಬೇವಿನ ಕಹಿ ಬಾಳಿನಲಿ
ಹೂವಿನ ನಸುಗಂಪು ಸೂಸಿ
ಜೀವಕಳೆಯ ತರುತಿದೆ
ವರುಷಕೊಂದು ಹೊಸತು ಜನ್ಮ
ಹರುಷಕೊಂದು ಹೊಸತು ನೆಲೆಯು
ಅಖಿಲ ಜೀವಜಾತಕೆ
ಒಂದೇ ಒಂದು ಜನ್ಮದಲಿ
ಒಂದೇ ಬಾಲ್ಯ, ಒಂದೇ ಹರೆಯ
ನಮಗದಷ್ಟೇ ಏತಕೋ
ನಿದ್ದೆಗೊಮ್ಮೆ ನಿತ್ಯ ಮರಣ
ಎದ್ದ ಸಲ ನವೀನ ಜನನ
ನಮಗೆ ಏಕೆ ಬಾರದು?
ಎಲೆ ಸನತ್ಕುಮಾರ ದೇವ
ಎಲೆ ಸಾಹಸಿ ಚಿರಂಜೀವ
ನಿನಗೆ ಲೀಲೆ ಸೇರದೂ
ಯುಗ ಯುಗಗಳು ಕಳೆದರೂ
ಯುಗಾದಿ ಮರಳಿ ಬರುತಿದೆ
ಹೊಸ ವರುಷಕೆ ಹೊಸ ಹರುಷವ
ಹೊಸತು ಹೊಸತು ತರುತಿದೆ
- ಅಂಬಿಕಾತನಯದತ್ತ
ನನ್ನ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಅಭಿಮಾನಿಗಳಿಗೂ, ನನ್ನ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಗಳಿಗೆ ಇಂಬು ಕೊಟ್ಟ ಎಲ್ಲ ಸಹೃದಯರಿಗೂ ಯುಗಾದಿಯ ಶುಭ ಕಾಮನೆಗಳು.
- ಮಂಜುನಾಥ ಶರ್ಮ
Meena (Pisces):
Partial solar eclipse on 21st September 2025 happens in 7th from your rasi. This eclipse may cause cuts and wounds, marital problems and problems in partnership. Total lunar eclipse on 7th September 2025 (visible in India and solar eclipse on 17.02.2026 occur in 12th from your rasi. These eclipses cause health problems, loss of image and also lack of good sleep and relaxation. There will be increased expenditure.
Know your personality....
[29.03.2025 to 19.03.2026]
Divine Thoughts
मा जस्व॑ने वृषभ नो ररीथा॒ मा ते॑ रे॒वत॑: स॒ख्ये रि॑षाम । पू॒र्वीष्ट॑ इन्द्र नि॒ष्षिधो॒ जने॑षु ज॒ह्यसु॑ष्वी॒न्प्र वृ॒हापृ॑णतः॥
Padapathaha: मा । जस्वने । वृषभ । नः । ररीथाः । मा । ते । रेवतः । सख्ये । रिषाम । पूर्वीः । ते । इन्द्र । निःसिधः । जनेषु । जहि । असुस्वीन् । प्र । वृह । अपृणतः ॥
Pratipadrathaha: जस्वने - to cruel enemies; वृषभ - Giver of benefits (Indra); नः -us; मा ररीथाः- do not give (deliver); ते - your; रेवतः -rich; सख्ये - in friendship; मा रिषाम -not be troubled; पूर्वीः - many; ते - your; इन्द्र - Oh, Indra; निःसिधः - obstacles; जनेषु - in men; जहि - eliminate; असुस्वीन् - those not giving offerings; प्र वृह -eliminate अपृणतः - not giving libations;
Meaning: Give us not up, showerer (of benefits) Oh Indra, to the obstructer (of our rites); relying upon the friendship of you, lord of riches, may we be unharmed; many are the hindrances (opposed) to you among men; slay those who make no libations, root out those who present no offerings.
[Rishi: Shamyu barhaspatyaha; Devata: Indra; Chandas: Viratrishtup; Rigveda 6-44-11]

Total lunar eclipse on 7th September 2025 (visible in India) and solar eclipse on 17.02.2026 occur in 5th from your rasi. This eclipse may blunt your intelligence. You are likely to jump into a trap. Overconfidence will pit you in a muddy place, particularly if you are a public speaker or stage artist. There are some issues related to children due to this eclipse. Partial solar eclipse in meena rasi on 29th March 2025 occurs in 6th from your rasi. This will result in loans. Health issues related to stomach and feet become bothersome. Partial lunar eclipse on 03.03.2026 is in simha rasi which is 11th from your rasi. This may result in sudden losses in trading transactions.
Shani transits in 6th from your rasi which is wholly beneficial position. You will be able to clear the loans; you can expect promotions and acquisition of land properties. During this transit, you will consolidate your financial position. There is lot of enthusiasm and a sense of achievement. A good period to purchase of immovable properties, loans are easily available without complications. Any litigation will be settled in your favour.
Till May of the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis in 6th and 12th from your rasi. Sudden pain in extremes like feet and legs are seen. You are having undefined fears and restlessness. You should be very shrewd regarding your investments.
On 19th May 2025, rahu and ketu enter kumbha - simha, which is 5th and 11th from your rasi. You should avoid any arguments with your children. Do not expect fabulous profits, there are disappointments. You should be careful in business and investments.
During the year, guru transits in vrishabha (till 14.05.2025), mithuna (15.05.2025 to 18.10.2025; 06.12.2025 to 02.06.2026) and kataka (19.10.2025 to 05.12.2025) rasis. Transit of guru in vrishabha is 8th from your rasi, the worst transit for guru. During this transit you are humbled with many problems and confusing situations. You feel let down and feel God does not answer your prayers. Remember, He is testing your integrity. However, this transit works as insurance against terrible things.
God will not harm you. The Lord said to Satan, “All right, then. Job is in your hands, but do not take his life.” (Job 2:5-6). Guru protects you from any debacles when he is in 8th also. There are setbacks and failures or postponement of good events. There will be insults and humiliations in many walks of life and be prepared to face them. Do not ignore the advise of your family members and elders, even if it is not palatable to you. There will be great interest in religious matters and pilgrimages etc., It is better recite any guru related mantras or any mantra for your Istadaiva, to reduce the evil effects and to enhance all the benefits of guru in this transit. Regular visits to places of worship, conducting rudrabisheka or satyanarayana pooja will be of great help. It is better to take up some social service like feeding cows and giving donations to educational institutions and orphanages.
Transit in mithuna is the transit in 9th from your rasi. There is complete change of scenario. You find luck smiling at you every morning. Every sunrise herald new hope. There is great faith, as thanks giving. For whatever setbacks, failures and postponements, you are compensated with quick and resounding success and fast progress. Your situation improves considerably. Hope appears on the horizon and timely advice of others will benefit you. Good events happen with very less efforts on your part. There are interested in religious practices and pilgrimages etc., You will be filled with joy due to progress of children like marriage, securing a job or higher education etc.,
Kataka transit is able to protect you from adverse effects of nodes and shani to large extent. You will get respect and your status raises. You are more valuable in the office and contented in life. You are happy due to importance rightfully accorded to you in office and in society at large. You will get rewards and prizes, unheard of in your life. There is great recognition that flows beyond your department. This is not just a local prize for winning 500 mtrs. sprint in 50 minutes! If you are in judiciary, journalism, social service or education, your name becomes well known even to a common man. You will get good name but there will not be associated monetary gains.
You may also face sudden disappointments when you are greatly certain of victory. Total lunar eclipse on 7th September 2025 (visible in India) and solar eclipse on 17.02.2025 occurs in 4th from your rasi. There will be concerns about mother's health. You have bitter quarrels with close family members. Costly equipments in your house and workplace may break down. There are problems related to properties and education becomes most expensive. Ensure you are not on wrong side of your faculty. If you are in the middle of property transactions, you should proceed unhurriedly; you may have to change your options. Partial solar eclipse in meena rasi on 29th March 2025 occurs in 5th from your rasi. This eclipse may blunt your intelligence. You are likely to land into a trap. Overconfidence will pit you in a muddy place, particularly if you are a public speaker or stage artist. There are some issues related to children due to this eclipse. Partial lunar eclipse on 03.03.2026 is in 10th from your rasi. This results in professional frustrations. You are lacking the drive and you can be easily discouraged. Be strong enough to stand for yourself or else, others' mistake will be thrown on you.
Shani transits in 5th from your rasi which is again a bad situation. Your investments are deadlocked. You will have to spend considerable amounts for welfare of children. You have firm faith in God. Meditation appeals to you most. You are very strict with children yet considerate. It is better to recite shani kavacha/ mantra/ shatanaama stotra (whichever you find easy) once a day. You should do shiva pooja on Saturdays and Maasa shivaratri days.
Till May of the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis in 5th and 11th from your rasi. You should avoid any arguments with your children. You should be careful in business and investments. On 19th May 2025, rahu and ketu enter kumbha - simha, which is 4th and 10th from your rasi. This transit causes setbacks in property matters, problems to mother and sudden time bound projects cause tensions that reflect in your domestic life. There will always be some professional frustrations and also a bothering rumor about redundancy, automation, closure or shifting of entire facility to the centre of Amazon forest! Do not give credence to such gossips.
During the year, guru transits in vrishabha (till 14.05.2025), mithuna (15.05.2025 to 18.10.2025; 06.12.2025 to 02.06.2026) and kataka (19.10.2025 to 05.12.2025) rasis. Transit of guru in vrishabha is 7th is a welcome transit. This gives success, wealth and excellent marital life. You will enjoy all round success in life. Many people of this sign get married or obtain well paying jobs. Marital problems, if any will be amicably settled. You will enjoy good health and you will get great recognition for your excellent work and way of life.
Transit in mithuna is the transit in 8th from your rasi. During this transit you are humbled with many problems. You feel let down and feel God no longer answers your prayers. Remember, He is testing your integrity. However, this transit works as insurance against terrible things. God will not harm you. The Lord said to Satan, “All right, then. Job is in your hands, but do not take his life.” (Job 2:5-6).
Guru protects you from any debacles when he is in 8th also. There are setbacks and failures or postponement of good events. There will be insults and humiliations in many walks of life. Do not ignore the advise of your family members and elders, even if it is not palatable. There will be great interest in religious matters and pilgrimages etc., It is better to recite any guru related mantras or any mantra for your Istadaiva, to reduce the evil effects. Regular visits to places of worship, conducting rudrabisheka or satyanarayana pooja will be of great help. It is better to take up some social service like feeding cows and giving donations to educational institutions and orphanages.
Kataka transit is in the 9th and guru is exalted here.There is complete change of scenario. You find fortune smiling at you every morning. Every sunrise heralds new hope. There is great faith in God, as thanks giving. For whatever setbacks, failures and postponements in earlier transit in mithuna, you are compensated with quick and resounding success and fast progress. Your situation improves considerably. Timely advice of others will benefit you. Good events happen with very less efforts on your part. There are interested in religious practices and pilgrimages etc., You will be filled with joy due to progress of children like marriage, securing a job or higher education etc., This transit is quite suitable for study of religious scripts, astrology, palmistry etc., You should consider initiation to mantras of your favourite God. There is no wonder, if you experience goosebumps [why should goose have bum(p)s?] divine bliss in dreams or when worship goes on.
Incidentally, I should mention how divine bliss is experienced. Stambh (स्तम्भ) - Body turns stiff; Swed (स्वेद) - Sweating; Romanch (रोमांच) - Hair stand straight; Swar bhed (स्वर भेद) - Voice shakes or changes or you forget recitation of mantras; Vaipathu (वैपथु) - Body shivers; Vaivarna (वैवर्ण) - face becomes pale; Ashru (अश्रु) - tears; Pralaya (प्रलय) - loosing unconscious. Goose (mouse/nose/lice) bump in not relevant word to describe! What is the use of the life, if you do not read "The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna" at least once in your lifetime?
You could be falsely implicated in a wrong doing. During this eclipse you should recite mantras for chandra or ravi (depending on the eclipse) or your favourite God (Istadaiva), instead. For next six months from the date of eclipse, you should be extremely cautious professional matters. The effect of the eclipse diminishes as the days go on. Total lunar eclipse on 7th September 2025 (visible in India) and solar eclipse on 17.02.2026 occur in 3rd from your rasi. There would be merely indicate certain misunderstandings with friends, relatives and brothers/sisters. If you are in risky sports extreme caution is needed. You are afraid of failures and will try to shun responsibilities.
Partial solar eclipse in meena rasi on 29th March 2025 occurs in 4th from your rasi. There will be concerns about mother's health. You have bitter quarrels with close friends and family members. Costly equipment in your house and workplace may break down. If you are in the middle of property transactions, you should proceed unhurriedly; you may have to change your options. There are problems related to properties and education becomes most expensive. Ensure you are not on wrong side of your faculty. Partial lunar eclipse on 03.03.2026 in simha rasi identical with 9th from your rasi does not have much impact. This may cause some friction with parents and higher officers. You should avoid talking low of others and indulging in foul language. It does not benefit anyone and brings down your standing. Shani transits in 4th from your rasi. This transit is known as ardastama shani is regarded as very adverse position. You may be forced to relocate. All the close relationships you have fall apart. Many people have severe strains with family members and will opt to go away to a foreign land.
Mother's health causes concern or she may become antagonist towards you. Mark my words, it hurts a lot. You consider a nameless living in a far away land, is far more better than present suffocating atmosphere. You will acquire lands and buildings, with some delay and setbacks. There will be problems in education and in property matters. You should recite gayatri mantra for shani, minimum 21 times a day during this transit. Regular visits to places of worship, conducting rudrabisheka will be of great help.
Till May of the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis in 4th and 10th from your rasi. This transit causes setbacks in property matters, problems to mother and sudden time bound projects cause tensions that reflect in your domestic life. There will always be some professional frustrations and also a bothering rumor about redundancy, automation, closure or shifting of entire facility to the centre of Amazon forest! Do not give credence to such gossips.
On 19th May 2025, rahu and ketu enter kumbha - simha, which is 3rd and 9th from your rasi. You oscillate between sudden surge of courage and sudden loss of such courage. You may fall from grace of higher authorities. There will be a feeling that you have run out of luck. You are inclined more towards pessimism. Invest yourself in religious and spiritual matters.
During the year, guru transits in vrishabha (till 14.05.2025), mithuna (15.05.2025 to 18.10.2025; 06.12.2025 to 02.06.2026) and kataka (19.10.2025 to 05.12.2025) rasis. Transit of guru in vrishabha is 6th from your rasi. This results in professional problems, loans and ill health. You will have to shoulder additional responsibilities in the office. But ensure you do not part your success formula in the name of team work. You should recite any mantra/stotra/sloka etc.,(link here) for guru during this transit. Regular visits to places of worship, conducting rudrabisheka and satyanarayana pooja will be of great help. It is better to take up some social service like feeding cows and giving donations to educational institutions and orphanages.
Transit in mithuna the 7th from your rasi is a brilliant transit that awards success, wealth and excellent marital life. You will enjoy all round success in life. Many people of this sign get married or get settled in life. Marital problems, if any will be amicably settled. You will enjoy good health and you will get great recognition for your excellent work and way of life.
Kataka transit is in the 8th and guru is exalted here. There are setbacks and failures or postponement of events. There will be insults and humiliations in many walks of life and be prepared to face them. Do not ignore the advise of your family members and elders, even if it is not palatable to you. There will be great interest in religious matters and pilgrimages etc., Guru protects you from any debacles when he is in 8th also. It is better recite any guru related mantras or any mantra for your Istadaiva, to reduce the evil effects and to enhance all the benefits of guru in this transit. Regular visits to places of worship, conducting rudrabisheka or satyanarayana pooja will be of great help. It is better to take up some social service like feeding cows and giving donations to educational institutions and orphanages. We should not forget that guru is exalted in kataka; you stand to gain in some way though the trend appears against you! Above problems become very minimal. There will be timely help from various sources. You are sure to get considerable inheritance. You may be initiated in a spiritual journey.
There will be minor financial problems and rifts with family members. You will become restless and easily provoked. Partial solar eclipse in meena rasi on 29th March 2025 occurs in 3rd from your rasi. Eclipse in meena rasi does not impact your life to a large extent. There will be certain misunderstandings with friends, relatives and brothers/sisters. Partial lunar eclipse on 03.03.2026 is in simha rasi has worst effect on makara rasi persons as the eclipse is in 8th from your rasi. You may suffer insults, wounds and fire accidents or electric shocks. Extreme caution is required in this regard. There will be unexpected expenditure and disappointments in life. If you are under ketu bhukti then shanti for ketu is required. You should recite mantra for your favourite God (Istadaiva), instead.
Shani transits in 3rd from your rasi which is a good situation. You are full of boldness and determination. You will gain good friends who remain who remain with you for the rest of your life. Many people of this rasi will get favorable transfers. A good time to open new branches. Look out for opportunities for franchise, licence and authorization of reputed concerns. You will be able to purchase properties as investments and also for own house like a house.
Till May of the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis which is 3rd and 9th from you rasi. You oscillate between sudden surge of courage and timidity. You may fall from grace of higher authorities. There will be a feeling that you have run out of luck; you are not able to recognize how lucky you are - you are inclined more towards pessimism. Invest yourself in religious and spiritual matters.
On 19th May 2025, rahu and ketu enter kumbha - simha, this is in 2nd and 8th from your rasi which is even more bad. You should not embark on new business ventures when ketu is in 8th. You are afraid of all and everything. Or you may believe a total stranger and may run into trouble. There may be quarrels with brothers/sisters and neighbors. Trivial setbacks cause lot of frustrations and worries. There are minor financial strains too. Relationship with close relatives is strained.
During the year, guru transits in vrishabha (till 14.05.2025), mithuna (15.05.2025 to 18.10.2025; 06.12.2025 to 02.06.2026) and kataka (19.10.2025 to 05.12.2025) rasis. Transit of guru in vrishabha is 5th from your rasi. There is great progress in respect of children. Many people of this sign are blessed with birth of children. You will make a gigantic impact in sports and hobbies. Though there is considerable expenditure due to children, you are happy with their progress. Happiness does not come easy, great amount of investment of time, energy and money is required.
Transit in mithuna the 6th from your rasi. This results in professional problems, loans and ill health. You will have to shoulder additional responsibilities in the office. But ensure you do not part with your success formula in the name of team work. You should recite any mantra/stotra/sloka etc., for guru during this transit. Regular visits to places of worship, conducting rudrabisheka and satyanarayana pooja will be of great help. It is better to take up some social service like feeding cows and giving donations to educational institutions and orphanages.
Kataka transit is in the 7th and guru is exalted here. A brilliant transit that awards success, wealth and excellent marital life. You will enjoy all round success in life. Many people of this sign get married or get settled in life. Marital problems, if any will be amicably settled. You will enjoy good health and you will get great recognition for your excellent work and way of life. There are several jolly good events with your kids. You are more patriotic and there is great spiritual progress.
You will experience failures in all walks of life. If you are under rahu or ketu bhukti then shanti for rahu is required. You may also recite mantra for your favourite God (Istadaiva). You are prone to insect bites, canine attacks and food poisoning. Total lunar eclipse on 7th September 2025 (visible in India) and solar eclipse on 17.02.2026 occur over your rasi. These two eclipses cause health problems, loss of image and humiliations in public. Shanti for chandra is needed if your birth star is poovabhadra wrt to eclipse on 7th sept 2025. Shanti for ravi may be performed if your star is dhanista wrt eclipse on 17.02.2026. Partial solar eclipse in meena rasi on 29th March 2025 occurs in 2nd from your rasi. There will be financial problems and rifts with family members. You will become restless and easily provoked. You intend to hurt one and all with your highly critical tongue. These are minor setbacks and do not call for any concern. Partial lunar eclipse on 03.03.2026 is in simha rasi, the 7th from your rasi which causes some marital problems. You may come across many obstacles in your life.
Shani transits in 2nd from your rasi (meena). There will be severe financial strains as you are keen on saving more and more. You may over subscribe to savings and thereby face financial crunch in day to day life. There will also be strains in relationship with close family members. You have lot of concentration and also memory power. You can not forget the ill treatment you met and normalise relationship - you will better let it go like a lizard serving off it tail! There are tears in your eyes remembering the days gone by and also fire to melt all fake relationships.
Till May of the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis which is 2nd and 8th from you rasi. You are afraid of all and everything. Or you may believe a total stranger and may run into trouble. There may be quarrels with brothers/sisters and neighbors. Trivial setbacks cause lot of frustrations and worries. There are some financial strains too. Relationship with close relatives is strained.
On 19th May 2025, rahu and ketu enter kumbha - simha, this is in your rasi and 7th from your rasi which is better than the earlier transit. This transit causes concerns like frequent headaches, hair loss, irritation in eyes, acne and pimples. There is constant fright that you may loose social standing. You do not agree with your spouse on even a single point and due to that frictions break out now and then. There will be some strains in marital life also.
During the year, guru transits in vrishabha (till 14.05.2025), mithuna (15.05.2025 to 18.10.2025; 06.12.2025 to 02.06.2026) and kataka (19.10.2025 to 05.12.2025) rasis. Transit of guru in vrishabha is 4th from your rasi. The transit in 4th is not gurubala - you have to put efforts to be happy, to gain education (knowledge) and properties. This brings happiness and contentment but these do not come easily - there will be some element of unhappiness and bitterness!
Transit in mithuna the 5th from your rasi. This transit protects you from adverse effects of shani. There is great progress in respect of children. Many people of this sign are blessed with birth of children. Excellent progress in education and hobbies. Though there is considerable expenditure due to children, you are happy with their progress. Happiness does not come easy, great amount of investment of time, energy and money is required.
Kataka transit is in the 6th and guru is exalted here. This results in professional problems, loans and ill health. You will have to shoulder additional responsibilities in the office. As guru is exalted here, there will be timely help from Providence. You should recite any mantra or stotra for any guru of your choice. Small amount of remedial measures will remove many problems. Though for the time being, it looks a bad transit, it is going to make a long lasting help in your life. By the end of the transit you may land in bad situation in profession - the people who took your help may turn against you. Nothing to despair, there is one person who sees your plight and helps you out. You will get favourable long term loans. You should not take loans for small reasons - to purchase perishable wealth. You should not overdo your devotion towards your guru by donating large amounts! God appreciates your piety and not your wealth.
Partial solar eclipse on 29th March 2025 occurs over your rasi. This eclipse results in humiliations, insults, minor health problems and being sidelined in the office. When in company of others, remember that your charisma is very low. Shanti for ravi should be done if your birth star is uttaraphalguni as the eclipse occurs in this star. Partial lunar eclipse on 03.03.2026 is in simha rasi is likely to cause problems related to blood pressure, toxins in blood, palpitation and anxiety.
Shani transits over your rasi, the second phase of adverse seven and half year transit of shani. With this transit, trouble starts. There are physical problems like general debility, dental problems or problems related to bones or big muscles in legs. Anaemia, lack of interest in life, boredom are quite common. You feel ignored or sidelined by your own relatives and friends. Well, if you are given importance or a prominent role in the office, you will decline! You wish to be left alone! You are rarely seen in public functions. There is stability in your character - no matter whether you are 16 or 61. This is the time for deliberations on your life. There are more of physical problems than mental problems. However, as shani slows down your life, the adverse effects of rahu-ketu in the entire year are reduced. There is great interest in spiritual matters.
Till May of the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis which is over your rasi and in 7th from you rasi. This transit causes concerns like frequent headaches, hair loss, irritation in eyes, eyes repeated eye infections, acne and pimples. There is constant fear of loosing your social standing. You do not agree with your spouse on even a single point and due to that frictions break out now and then.
On 19th May 2025, rahu and ketu enter kumbha - simha, this is in 12th from your rasi and 6th from your rasi. You should be careful in financial matters as you may choose a bad investment. You are likely to go abroad. There are health problems that look terrible but the solutions are simple. You are prone to infections. The diseases throw varied symptoms to confuse any specialist. It is always good to take second medical opinion. You should read the small print when you take loans.
During the year, guru transits in vrishabha (till 14.05.2025), mithuna (15.05.2025 to 18.10.2025; 06.12.2025 to 02.06.2026) and kataka (19.10.2025 to 05.12.2025) rasis. Transit of guru in vrishabha is 3rd from your rasi. This transit gives you moral courage and rarely you will falter from the path of God. Actually guru in 3rd is not called gurubala. Your relationship with friends, relatives, brothers or sisters and neighbours will improve considerably.
Transit in mithuna the 4th from your rasi. This transit comes as a gift from God at the very time of need, as it brings happiness and reduces fatalistic attitude. This transit is good for education; students witness grand success. But such progress does not happen easily, there are hurdles. You need to put efforts to be happy, to gain education (knowledge) or properties.
Kataka transit is in the 5th and guru is exalted here. Guru here brings good progress of children and good luck. Many persons of this rasi will be blessed with birth of children, adoption of pets, settlement of children, marriage and such good events. You will see great progress of children, good investments, all kinds of happiness and contentment. All the old problems, loans, sickness or any lassitude will disappear as thin sheet of ice. This transit is able to reduce the adverse effects of shani and nodes. Till 7th June, you are prone to cuts, wounds and accidents. Extreme caution is needed and you should recite kuja kavacha once a day during this time. From October to November you have financial problems and remaining months are quite promising.