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During December 2024, Ravi in vrischika till 15th of December and from 16th enters dhanur rasi. In the entire month, kuja is neecha in kataka rasi and is retrograde from 7th of the month; Budha transits in vrischika rasi and is retrograde from 15th. Guru continues his transit in vrishabha rasi and is retrograde. For the first two days only shukra is in dhanur rasi and is in makara from 3rd of December. Shani continues to his journey in kumbha, his own sign. Rahu and ketu are in meena and kanya rasis respectively.
Adika maasa is when number of days in the month are more and shunya maasa is the month when the number of days are less, in a lunar calendar. The months in lunar calendar are chitra, vaishakha...... which are based on the star where full moon (poornima takes place). That means there is no shuna maasa in solar calendar. The solar calendar is based on the months occupied by ravi.
There are no adhika or shuna, as ravi takes nearly 30 days, appx. to traverse in a zodiac sign. Solar calendar is followed in Assam, Bengal, Kerala, Orissa, Punjab and Tamil Nadu. Well, not in Karnataka or Telangana. People have become more wise and they are not conducting any auspicious functions, marriages and grihapravesha when ravi is in dhanur rasi. To be precise, this is called Mārgaḻi maasa in solar calendar.
Rasi wise forecast for December, 2024
Narrow escape from debacles like accidents, humiliations or deceptions. Inheritance of considerable amount; Some professional problems in the entire month. People who have financial authority need to be cautious. Purchase of high value properties like land and building. There are problems related to relatives, mother in particular. Anxiety and restlessness. Overall, December is going to be a good month.
Purchase of tools, vehicles, cattle and expansion of business. Marital problems. Prone to cuts and wounds in second half of the month. Expected help from people you depend, will not come. Professional frustration, a strict boss causing distress. Yet, you stand to gain deep experience; bad profession is not a punishment. Not able to purchase the things you need. Not happy with children; Artists have dull heart and unproductive mind.

You have excellent financial condition to spend, save and enjoy life. Do not try to avail loans and advances for no tangible reasons. Your claim will be just held up. Familial life is not up to the mark and in the second half it becomes even more difficult. You should curtail expenditure. Some of your bosses seem to be rude and unhelpful. In actual sense, they are trying to help you but you are not able to understand their intensions. There are highly volatile situations in the office - you need to control your temper. Do not believe in gossips. You have certain issues with close relatives and mother which causes unhappiness. Many people of this sign receive huge amounts of inheritance or ripening of deposits made.

Unhappiness with children, you find fault with them. This takes a bad turn in first half of the month. In the second half, there is good progress in profession. You should take care of your health. You may land in terrible loans, if you fall in love with market place. Do not use your credit card as often. Marital life is bad. Due to strict dietary habits, exercises and avoidance of rich food, as you are doing now - gives excellent health. There is strained relationship with higher officer.

The month is mainly about purchase of properties, happiness and education. The faculty is very strict and despite this you are going to well in education. There will be some friction with the government regarding properties in the first half. The times is good to purchase flats, cluster houses and vehicles. Professional growth is less but your skills will get attention of others. You are happy for various reasons - intellectual activities, visiting malls or purchase of tools. You are prone to cuts and wounds. You are not able to sleep well.

Compared to the persons of kataka and simha, kanya rasi persons have good luck. Friends cancel trips and you are left face boredom. Some of the friends may fall out. Relationship with close relatives is bad in second half. Financial condition is good. Expected good events related to children are postponed. There is great religious progress - bhajans and pooja in your house and religious trips. You are not able to purchase land properties despite your hard efforts. Marital life is not up to the mark.
Second half is better than the first half. There are good events related to friends. You will be able to expand your friendship. Lot of amounts are due from various sources but none turn up in time. There is failure in all walks of life. It is difficult to foot education bill of your children. Yet, you are happy about their future. Considerable energy is spent on office work. You have suffer tiredness and irritability.
There is always feeling that you are not getting appropriate respect from your subordinates and they do not care to listen to you. It is better to leave at that. Do not talk more and land in trouble. During second half of the month, there may be some financial crunch. Expected amounts do not come in time. You are able to save more for building or buying a house. Students have hard time but success assured. Only they should not indulge in more fun activities. You will be successful in the fields you do not expect to!
Heavy expenditure and restlessness top this month. Financial condition is far better than you can expect. There is money to meet all you needs, purchases of long awaited gadgets, pleasure trips etc., You are not keen on purchase of properties. It is possible to purchase vehicles and gold. Sudden obstacles in purchase of anything. You should go slow to avoid impulsive purchase of substandard article - like a car that does not move or a table that does not stand! Note that kuja is neecha retrograde in the worst 8th. You are prone to cuts and wounds. You should recite kuja kavacha once a day during this month. Extreme caution is required while driving. Such possibilities can be totally avoided as kuja is retrograde.
Among other rasis, makara rasi shines well with good fortune. Most of the planets are in favourable placements. Many people of this sign are blessed with child birth. There is remarkable progress of children. Your deposits for children will multiply. All old problems like friction in the office, sickness or loans will go away. There is restlessness and anxiety during second half of the month. The is lot of love and affection, you are fond of finer things of life. Yet, at times, you tend to loose temper with you spouse. A good time to purchase properties of all kinds - paper money like bonds and shares; vehicles and gold or buildings. Despite this bonanza, you live in most economical measures and you will try to save a lot. Keep away from gurus who eye your wallet - you have become more superstitious.

Ehe more your work in the office, there is even more. It comes to a back breaking point during the first half. Do not cringe or cry - in the month itself you will get good accolades due to this. You have to meet many people in your working capacity and your true skills come out. By nature, you are a man of minimum words but you are eloquent when the situation demands. Your choice of words works! There is lot of money to indulge in luxuries in the entire month. You are slow and stable and in no hurry. Despite all these, now and then you have horrible dreams of goblin, devils and wolfs! Just do not watch TV towards bed time!

You are angry with your bosses and your parents or elders in the family. At times you have disbelief in God - you called Him merciful so far! There is good recognition for your character, straightforwardness and insight during second half. Relationship with your children, relationship with spouse with brothers or friends is all bad, bad and bad. You are not able sleep well. To compensate all the above miseries in good measure, you have deluge of gold coins and that makes this month special. You were cash starved for a long time!

I relocated to a small village in interior karnataka after retirement. Somehow the concept of undesirable 'dhanur maasa' has crept here too as well as in Telangana. When I conducted grihapravesha on 20th December, few years ago, the eyebrows were raised by the wise men of the village. They wondered the credibility of the astrologer who does not know the basics of muhurta! Even my old relative had suggested a different date in January. The concept has become deep rooted even my contemporaries are in the list. Suppose one says, his date of birth is Panchami in Āṉi maasa 1960, he does not know the concept of calendar! What do we get by adding 3 ltr water + 3kgs pepper+1 acre of land? There is no logic in mixing chaitra, vaishakha maasa to Ani, Adi, Mārgaḻi (aka dhanur) maasas. That means, people in Telangana and Karnataka can conduct auspicious functions during margasira - pushya maasa when ravi transits in dhanur rasi.
As a matter of fact, it is mere custom not to conduct certain functions in adhika, shunya, dhanur maasa or pitru paksha. Astrology is focused on zodiac signs, planets and stars. It is not concerned whether you follow solar, lunar or Gregorian calendar! It does not know the boundaries of Kerala, Karnataka or Kremlin. A calendar of your choice is superimposed on the basic principles of
muhurta dependent on custom, location and astrological snippets passed on by elders in the family. Most of us know astrology and vastu by snippets printed on back side of Bangalore Press Calendar or Venktrama & Co calendar. Not bad, we begin our journeys in mathematics through ಮಗ್ಗಿಪುಸ್ತಕ but we should not get cemented there forever.