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During September 2024, ravi is in his own sign, simha till 16th of the month and thereafter transits in kanya rasi. At the beginning of the month, budha is in kataka. From 5th to 23rd budha transits in simha; From 24th budha transits in his own sign, kanya. Budha is combust from 15th of the month. Shukra is debilitated in kanya rasi till 18th of the month. And he moves into his own sign, tula on 19th.
Lunar eclipse on 18.09.2024, 08.04 hrs IST occurs in the star poorvabhdra, in meena rasi. The eclipse cause severe problems to persons born in meena rasi, tula rasi and simha rasi.
For the entire month of September, kuja stays in mithuna rasi. During September, guru transits in vrishabha rasi. Retrograde shani continues transit in his own sign kumbha. Rahu and ketu are in meena and kanya axis.
Rasi wise forecast for September, 2024
There are good as well as unpalatable events related to children. You tend to be unhappy with them. You need to spend more money for them. Nevertheless, there are stable steps by your children towards success. Though ravi is adverse in 5th, he is in his own sign. There is no big progress in respect of students.
In the first half, you will be reconsolidating your influence in domestic circles. Any problems related to inheritance, related to partition of properties or property disputes are solved in your favor. For this, you have some heart breaking situations and rift with the people you adore. Ravi in 4th is adverse but in own sign. You should be more diplomatic that will help you to get more benefits in above transactions, budha is transiting in benefic 4th from 5th of the month to 23rd.
First half is good for the persons in sports and it is a good time to take membership of elite clubs, to make public appearances and take up new ventures, ravi is benefic in 3rd in his own sign. Do not indulge in gossip or pock your nose into irrelevant topics.
There is excellent income and there will also be mounting expenditure. There is excellent income from various sources from 5th to 23rd of the month. You will regard this month as a prosperous time. During the second half, expected friends do not arrive. Trips and tours do not materialize. They are cancelled well in advance. When taking a trip consider the necessity and urgency as the trips may not be fruitful.
There is lot of tensions and work pressure during the first half of the month. You need to keep good health. Due to this heard work and your commanding nature, you will get due recognition. There is considerable amount of money for long term investments and purchase of costly items, agricultural tools etc., but there is some strains regarding monthly finances.
In the first half of the month, you will spend (rather invest or purchase is the right word) considerable amount on buying of gold, central government bonds. You will receive some amount by inheritance or matured deposits and wish to put some more amount. This deal will pinch your purse for the time being only. This brings contentment and happiness.
For tula rasi persons ravi is excellent in 11th in own sign during the first half of the month. You can expect large scale benefits like winning a lottery, Ph.D or purchase of vast land. Any dream you have will come true.
Entire month of September is quite memorable. There are progress and grand success in many areas. Many people of this sign get married or settle in life, thanks to guru in benefic 7th. During the first half of the month, a grand promotion awaits you. You will find it unbelievable, a kind of double promotion. Immediate financial rise is not see but you will enjoy a new chamber, new staff and your durbar!
YAll through the month, there is professional frustration due to ketu in 10th. Your boss or teacher or guide is so strict during the first half of the month, you feel totally suffocated. You may even seek his recommendations for a transfer which he just ignores. Be wary of elite and influential persons and persons of opposite gender. They will set you against the boss (he is not harmful but stubborn) and have fun, shukra is neecha in unfavorable 10th. Those students in advanced studies have bitter experiences like this. You are full of courage and nothing can upset you. You can even take head on anybody. There is raw courage as well as patience to stage a long drawn battle. This merit will lend a hand in your professional plights.
During the second half of the month, you will come to know that the boss is moving out and he has strongly recommended your for promotion! You are pleasantly surprised and immensely happy. His recommendations have great impact in days to come. You have lot of work During the second half of the month, no matter whatever you do, nothing moves forward. Do not plan any significant events during this month.
Financial position is bad in the entire month. However as shukra is in his own sign, from 24th there is considerable improvement. As shukra is checked, you can not expect a whole pot of money. It is just enough to sustain a moderate life.
Marital life is not up to the mark as kuja is bad in 7th in the entire month. There is no remarkable success in any field. You are forced to take all kinds of loans and at this rate may land in problems in mid summer, next year. However, guru in 6th gives you patience and prudence to tackle adversaries in the office. Students are not able to concentrate on studies. There are ebbs and tides in studies.
You are prone to cuts, wounds and accidents during the first half of the month. There may be humiliations in public, false accusations and severe financial problems as well as health problems. As ravi is in his own sign, these do not cause severe problems. With caution and remedial measures to ravi, the days will pass off without any problems. There may be some horrible dreams of similar kind.
You are prone to cuts, wounds and accidents during the first half of the month. There may be humiliations in public, false accusations and severe financial problems as well as health problems. As ravi is in his own sign, these do not cause severe problems. With caution and remedial measures to ravi, the days will pass off without any problems. There may be some horrible dreams of similar kind.
In the entire month, there are resentment about your father, elders and religion. However, you take to exception like worship of Mahalakshmi for more and more money. Surely, you get a lot and all will be spent by month end for worthless causes. Thanks to shani in adverse 2nd in own sign, the temptations can be controlled. You will get some financial raise during last week of the month but with lot of work. It could be enticed honorarium tagged for some lousy work.
You are at best in your oratory skills from 24th of the month due to budha in own sign. However, this does not lead anywhere profession as budha in 9th is bad. You can expect all good news related to children. You may take up new hobbies. A good time for investments. You should recite ravi beeja mantra, minimum 21 times a day during first half of the month.

Heated arguments with spouse during the first half. As ravi is in own sign, peace prevails after every fight and no ill will is carried to the next day. You are prone to cuts and wounds in the entire month particularly in second half. Both ravi and ketu are against in the second half. Extreme caution is required. Most of the time shukra in 8th and shani in your rasi in own sign act as antidote. You should recite ravi kavacha and ketu kavacha, each one time during this month.
Be careful while driving your new car. You may over estimate your capability and land in bad maneuvering. You are expecting a fabulous amount towards month end but it will reach you. From 19th of the month, you have pots and pots of gold. There are happy events, parties, purchase of all top class things.

There is redemption from your pecuniary perplexities in the first half of the month, ravi is benefic in 6th in own sign. You will be able to clear loans and have some buffer for future anticipated requirements. Marital life is at the worst in the entire month due to neecha shukra and also ravi in 7th in second half. You can handle the situation efficiently as budha is in own sign from 24th.

In the second half of the month, your loan application is help up for one or the other reason. From 24th of the month, there will be drastic change. This is a good time for attempts to secure advances and loans, budha transits in own sign in favorable 6th. In the entire month, there are minor professional problems and they are more in second half. One or the other petty financial problems pester you. Some times money is somewhat else where and not on your hands, benefic guru is under check. It is still possible to acquire immovable properties like land and buildings. It is possible but almost impossible. Shani in own sign is retrograde and in benefic 11th, he yields to vedha. Horrible drams and mounting expenditure bother you, due to rahu in 12th.
During the second half, there are rifts with your children. You should control temper with children. Relationship with children improves during last week. You should not go to a shopping driven by your impulses. I there is anything costly that you wish to purchase with long term credit support, wait till 19th when shukra is in his own sign but in adverse 6th. This is not a good period for investments. In the entire month, there are sudden loathsome situations are seen in domestic area. You will enjoy good health and there is great respect by others, thanks to guru. But this does not benefit you in any way. At times, you are more sensitive to what people think about you.
There is much fun and frolic unbridled as shukra is neecha in benefic 5th. Ensure you do not loose health due to excesses. You have professional frustrations that you are not able to change your job. You need not be afraid of redundancy as shani is in own sign in adverse 10th. You should have patience, even if you are side tracked or insulted. Do not go for quick cures and money spinning schemes. Even if you close your account, the banker does not return your amount immediately. He wishes to push you into another scheme!

Mind your business; as budha is adverse in 3rd, there will be fall out from some regular customers. Excellent financial situation is seen during the first week of the month. All through the month, there are problems in education, properties and purchase of things you need. There are friction frequently with close relatives. Your happy moments are quite few due to adverse ketu and adverse ravi in second half of the month. However, due to benefic budha in 4th in own sign, there is good progress from 24th. You will find some positive developments but end results are far away, as budha is combust.
Till 18th of the month there is great temptation to abuse credit facilities. Even then such wasteful expenditure is restricted as the things you require are not readily available! There will be some generation gap issues with your daughter. This does not damage the relationship but both the parties are graceful to accept the differences and enjoy togetherness, shukra transits in his own sign but yields to vedha.
You have resentment towards rituals but you are deeply religious. Only close look at your life revels your religious convictions but to others you look a stubborn atheist! Take care that you will not beyond your limit in physical activities and travels, kuja adverse over you rasi causes acute muscular pain. There is no remarkable success in any areas of life. Nevertheless, you enjoy the slow phase of life; you are able to sleep well and relax. You should be careful in the office not to loose your temper. This may happen with strange pestering customers even bosses with weird ideas. Be detached and keep your cool. If you loose your temper, you will be illustrated as a bad natured grumpy. Be detached with issues related to mother, close relatives and property matters. Things will settle down in course of time. Now, it is not the time to time any moves.
From 24th of the month, there is love and hate relationship with brothers, sisters and friends. You will experience some thing good and some thing bad with them. Take care of your friends but politely reject the demand to throw a big overpriced party. You may land in trouble due to such ventures, as shukra is neecha but in benefic 3rd. You will gain friendship with ungainly financial situation! From 19th of the month, you are able to purchase all the costly things you fancy about. Many people of this sign get married or blessed with beautiful daughters! You should calendar parties after 19th to take best advantage!
There is always a sense of loss, frustration due to slow phase of life. You feel abandoned by your own people. But this will give you good health, time to ponder and spend time alone in the clutter routine activities. You are able to save fairly good amount, thanks to shani in 8th but in own sign. Cut down your physical and mental activities towards night, otherwise sleep will evade, kuja is bad in 12th. Success does not come easily as guru is under vedha. You will come across new friendship offers from foreign lands and remote places. This will change your outlook of life.
Many people of this sign will purchase land and buildings. Voluminous work in the office causes boredom but you will enjoy the importance given to you. Despite all the sweet words, do not part with your resources in the name of knowledge transfer. In the world of neck-to-neck competition, to be good only for King Duncan, until a Macbeth steps on the scene! There is simmering heat in marital life but these will firm the bond and brings more understanding. You are prone to cuts and wounds as rahu transits in adverse 8th. Caution is required while driving and handling hazardous instruments. Do not think of family problems and finances, like a tided dog you tend to go round and round without finding a solution! Eclipse occurs in the 8th from your rasi. This is rahu grasta suraya grahana that means both rahu and ravi are in 8th from your rasi. You are prone to cuts, wounds and humiliations. You should recite any slokas or stotras of your choice during this month. Be very careful while travelling by water and also while handling inflammable liquids.
In the second half, you are burdened with more and more responsibilities in the office. You are forced to take leadership. This causes tensions and body may cry by throwing acid reflexes. You display great dexterity and diplomatic skills during last week of the month. This brings more claps and bravos but do not be under any impression of long standing benefits. In the entire month, you will experience some 'out of focus' situations due to budha in adverse 12th. Till 18th of the month, due to debilitated shukra in benefic rasi, you tend to spend more on pleasures of life. But you should have some restrictions - over indulgency will cause infirmity.
You have false prestige, spending money to hurt others or just bribing others till 18th of the month. You may throw a grand party to buy people on your side. Even if cash chest is open, we should not steel. Resist such temptations. Have control over you eating habits, shukra neecha in benefic 11th makes you eat forbidden things by your doctor! A foreign trip, purchase of matters, cots, pillows, Air Conditioners. You have so much money, you want to purchase one or two spares also! The process of acquiring properties, ploughing the field, the project of building the house goes on and on. In the mean time, there are rifts with close relatives. Mother may stand in your way of progress. Have patience, every things will be sorted out. You are prone to cuts and wounds due to adverse kuja in the 8th. Extreme caution is required. You should recite kuja beeja mantra, minimum 21 times a day. Be careful about investment matters. Watch out for any trespassers selling 'piedra de toque' that turns iron to gold! You do not what 'piedra de toque' is but you are tempted to purchase!
It is difficult to save but you will be able to accumulate some money. Yes, it will grow steadily to a handsome dimensions. Forgetfulness, abrupt lassitude are due to rahu over your rasi. Good food, being altruistic towards all, particularly to your spouse will help. Strained relationship with your brothers, sisters and friends will continue.
Expected amount will not come in time, shukra in benefic 2nd house is under check. However, due to budha in his own sign in benefic 2nd, you have wind fall of gold coins in the last week. There will be income from various sources. There will be proportionate increase in expenditure also, budha is combust. Finance is not bothersome for expansion of business, travels and purchase of tools and vehicles, shukra is benefic in own sign identical with 3rd from rasi. Sports persons and agriculturists have good time, thanks to kuja.

In the second half of the month, there is income but all the post dated cheques - shukra though in own sign in benefic 2nd is under vedha. Loans are available for purchase of properties but for the time being your application is held up due to some technical issues; you need not have to worry. Due to rahu in 7th, you are short tempered with your spouse more frequently. This does not damage the relationship. Gray hair, wrinkles and dark spots around eyes are due to ketu over your rasi. Like a sports coach you have to run here and there related to your profession. You have lot of strength for this but it is tire some. Expected good events in the house are put off. You are not able to take up the long due pilgrimage.
Many people will receive a grand promotion and rewards. In the entire month, particularly in second half, you have some problems in relaxing and sleeping due to over worked up mind. You are always engaged in planning money germinating plans. Many of such plans will get finalized during last week of the month. Pleasure trips, parties and purchase of costly domestic articles, vehicles and god are seen till 18th of the month. You are likely to incur more than you can to purchase shiny, useless objects. Take care of health, there may be infections, eye troubles or stomach upsets. It is better to recite any slokas or stotras for chandra during this month as the eclipse is in the 6th from your rasi.
These are not done due to requirement of pleasure but to keep false prestige. The quantum of expenditure depends on your neighbor! You look gleaming with health and happiness. You are more concerned about your beauty. And you are worried about the ageing signs, particularly during second half of the month. Excellent development of children; however it requires lot of resources. Loans are available to meet all requirements, if need be. You are very skillful to settle the disputes with your competitors.
In the second half, you are bent upon an attempt to make a quick project or a sweeping change. Well, it does not work out like that - your boss is not inclined. You need to exercise patience with your children. You seem to be unhappy with them for flimsy reasons. You feel they are not up to your standard.
Nonetheless there is complete change of scenario after 19th of the month. As the lunar eclipse occurs over your rasi, you should recite slokas for chandra during this month. If you are born in poorvabhadra nakshatra and if you are under bad dasha/bhukti, consider doing shanti for ravi. Do not pick up quarrels with influential. Be humble and do not expect people with honor or recognize you.