New: Transit of Shani into Meena rasi
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During November 2024, ravi neecha in tula till 16th; from 17th moves into vrischika rasi. Kuja neecha in kataka entire month while budha transits in vrischika entire month and is retrograde from 26th of November. Guru stays in vrishabha entire month and is retrograde. Shukra is in vrischika rasi at the start of the month and from 8th of the month is in dhanur rasi. Shani continues his transit in kumbha rasi during this month and resumes direct motion from 15th November. Rahu and ketu renew their transits in meena and kanya, respectively.
Rasi wise forecast for November, 2024

You can expect a favorable judgment and you will receive the proceeds which is substantial. You will purchase costly things, gold, vehicle tec., during the first week of the month. Thereafter, you will become more wise in financial matters and large sums of gains are preserved in the form of bonds. However, the relationship with close relatives and mother is severely affected. Since, you will separate the windfall from routine income, you have some financial strains in monthly maintenance!
This is a good time for making investments in land properties. As shani is retrograde, it may not be possible immediately but keep the money ready. There is restlessness, sense of loss and expenditure. Marital life is worst hit during first half of the month. During second half, you are prone to cuts and wounds. A bit of caution is required but no serious harm will come. You may be slighted and it hurts a lot. Do not offer your comments, unless asked for. Do not act of behalf of others - let others protect others. People in glass house should not blame street urchins!
The months is mainly about clearance of long standing loans. These are cleared through your savings, arrears of some kind. No other holding are disposed to settle the loans. There are friends always with you. Sports persons have great time. Marital life is bad; wise husbands do not say, the other girl is beautiful, in presence of wives! You should put diplomatic skills. If your circus acts do not work, then with clenched teeth look the other way. The situation is likely to be more fierce in the second half of the month.
You do not know whether Israel is winning or Iron while the Armageddon goes on and on. Only raw courage and unbroken optimism keeps you ticking. You are more cautious of what people around say about you. Such sensitivity is not required. There is lot of boredom in the office; you are not able to change job, even if you want to. There is no need to change the job at all. You will the children are not up to the mark and they are just wasting your money. This makes you more religious and you will pray for them.
During the month of November you should ask what does not go wrong as such list is very short! Except ravi (during second half) and budha are only favorable while rest of the planetary cabinet are against you. Even ravi in the second half and budha are incapacitated due to vedha.
Bitter fall out with children is seen in the first half. Even if you want loans and advances, no coins are in sight. Financial situation is also not up to the mark. There are professional tensions, sudden challenges and in the domestic front, you are let down by your own people. You mother may become indifferent towards you.
Guru in 12th will not let you sink. Take refuse in God by visiting a nearby temple often. Start regular prayers. There is a man who you do not like much. But that old man will help you out with timely suggestions and all kind of support.

LA bad month. There are disappointments in property matters. Your properties may be taken away by the government. You may have to pay penalties and heavy taxes. Relationship with children is not good. You should avoid arguments with your children during second half.
You do not like old times nor the new age coming and you do not know where you fit. You will get good sum of money but there are some conditions. It may be a favorable judgment yet to be implemented. Or you could be merely a custodian of an estate while title and rights belong to your minor children!

Excellent relationship with brothers, sisters and friends. There are pleasure trips. This is the time to open branches or to start new ventures. However, you should just paint the board and open the doors. Time to stock pile is yet to come. You should only make your presence in the market place. You are subjected to lot of physical strains. Students have hard time as their interests are diversified.
Professional life goes on well. Ensure you do not loose strength due to over work! Despite all your knowledge transfer, you are known as an efficient head of peons! Do not be carried away by sycophancy of your authorities. You are able to make good investments, pick up a new hobby from 8th of the month. Many people of this sign are blessed with birth of children. Marital life is boring but there is stability. You are prone to slip and fall due to rahu in 8th. There are ebbs and tides in financial matters.

A good month but with slightly bad events. There are concerns about finances during the first half. Even if your wife spends a rupee more, you will get angry ('She should know how hard it is to earn even a rupee'). There is just ebbs and tides in finances and fear but actually there is no shortage of funds! That means you have drawn fencing swords with your wife. If it is not for financial impropriety, you will pick up some relationship issues.
Guru in 9th, shukra in 4th bestow lot of money to meet all your expenses. You will be able to purchase gold, vehicles and even properties. There are pilgrimages with elderly people and parents. Consider purchase of some land properties, kuja in 11th is good for you during this month. Your loan application may be approved but you are yet to receive money.
Happy married life. The business takes off well and you can expect profit from unexpected corners. There is lot of money flowing during the first week. However, do not try to break any rules and cut the receipt in order. Do not make the government angry particularly during the first half. There are some instances where you do not agree with your elders. Religious trips are put off. Many people of this sign get married or get settled in life.
This is the time to purchase some high value land properties, instead of gold and vehicles. It is not easy but even a small step will be rewarded suitably. Think before you talk, you may be misquoted. Be kind to your children and do not make investments with unknown entities.

Purchase gold, gold bonds and government holdings during the first half. You are most successful and it is good time for social interactions.
You are prone to cuts and wounds as kuja is neecha in the worst 8th. You should recite aha mrutynjaya mantra, minimum 21 times a day during this month. Be extremely careful while driving. Such accidents (God forbid) do cause some trauma but do not lead to health complications. You should be careful in financial matters - if you balance well as there is no extra income. The expenditure is also under your control. Avoid any short tempered arguments with family members and close relatives, particularly with mother. There is always deep rooted professional dissatisfaction, particularly in second half.

What you do not have this month? You have almost every thing in the world - many in good measure. Such predisposition of planets is very rare. Make hay while sun shines!
Good professional growth in the first half - promotions, awards etc., await you. Excellent financial situation - thanks to guru. Though ravi (in second half) and budha are favorable, they are under check. Shukra is favorable during first half in 11th. Thereafter he is in 12th (also a good position) but yields to vedha. Despite this rare bonanza, you have not lost your focus on savings. Shani in 2nd in own sign shows you are economical to save more.
Friends always come calling. Either you are anti-religious or you are searching for God in unlikely books and places. This causes a perpetual swing between belief and distrust. It is alright, a phase in spiritual growth. But do not approach any gullible - sad gurus or good gurus - you may be misguided or cheated!

There is considerable raise in your influence. You are at the centre stage in the office. However, during the first half one of the higher officer is against and you are put to test by fire! You will across terrible challenges during the first week of the month. You are too lazy to be influenced by others - you are so contented that nothing unfurls your mind. Finance is a bit of concern as there are ebbs and tides. Ketu in 8th causes mysterious fears and dreadful dreams.
Students find it difficult to focus on their studies. They are more bothered about social activities than academic work. It is difficult to purchase house property but not impossible.
If you belong to meena rasi, be prepared to face for a difficult month. You may think I do not like the persons born in meena rasi! Hold up your head above water till 3rd of next month, life will take a good turn. Well, I too am waiting for 3rd November - I belong to meena rasi!

Excellent financial situation. You are able to buy whatever you want in the entire month. From 8th of the month, there are various functions, friends and parties. Such events bring lot of contentment and sense of achievement. Since long you have not been successful in any area at all due to guru in 8th. This month at least bring more money that you forget the lopsidedness. You should avoid any direct conflicts with government officials. Maintain your cool with family members in the second half.
In professional life, somebody makes an open challenge for a neck to neck duel. Do not be provoked and gracefully brush aside such attempts though you may look like a coward. Wait patiently for just a month; you can have a gentleman's victory with all applause! Though you are not totally happy with children, you will appreciate their progress. Be wise to save some more.
Avoid financial transactions with strangers and do not invest in unknown domains, ketu in 12th is bad for investment.

Good days are during first week of the month only. There are difficulties in official circle. Your charisma is at the lowest possible during first half of the month - debilitated ravi is in the worst 8th. You are likely to be rebuked. There is also possibility of cuts and wounds due to sharp and hot objects, electric shocks. Extreme caution is required. You are highly critical of your children and it needs lot of patience. Despite problems of various nature, you are able to save few coins.
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