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Shani, advantageous to astrologers
What is transit?
Transit of shani in meena rasi, retrogression and combustion
Indian political scenario
Remedial measures
How shani  in meena, affects me?
An astrologer is assumed to be a dreamy detached man, oblivious to science and technology. To hatch an everlasting impression on the minds of the client, astrologer has to show of his knowledge about Shyaturn (etymology - Saturn in Kannada and Telugu) - his body weight, distance from earth, glow and surface temperature etc., Astrology is concerned about the position of he planet, the longitude. You have come to this page to know astrological significations otherwise you would be on NASA site. Rural astrologers use English words sprinkled here and there - Shyaturn and Markury. The urban astrologers quote from classical texts (खारको भाव नाशाया) to announce their rural roots (to a remote village near Himalaya). One reputed astrologer had told her client, she had swallowed a small silver Ganesh in her teens (when she was in math) that made her an astrologer in later life! That was a prop but she was truly a great astrologer; her sophisticated reasoning and speed were remarkable. This will make any astrologer शानदार (amazing). How to convince the client about the depths of astrological wisdom? Blame the problem on shani - he is looking at you cruelly and kicking on your behind when retrograde. ಅನಿಷ್ಠಕ್ಕೆಲ್ಲಾ ಶನಿಯೇ ಮೂಲ (Shani is root cause of all the problems). If you can do this, you have already learnt astrology. Shani Bhagwan God of Judgment. He punishes those who commit bad deeds and blesses those who commit good deeds, however, his judgment is justified. The words Sade Sati, astama shani, ardastama shani and saptama shani cause shivers. He would humble you and when all your faults evaporate, you will realize your worth!
Shani transits in meena rasi from 30-Mar-2025 to 3-Jun-2027 and from 21-Oct-2027 to 28-Feb-2028.  While in meena rasi, he is retrograde from 12.07.2025 to 27.11.2025 and from 27.07.2026 to 10.12.2026; 20.10.2027 to 22.12.2027. Also when ravi moves near shani within his orb, shani is astangata (combust) in meena rasi from 08.03.2026 to 11.04.2026; 21.03.2027 to 24.04.2027.

One has to be careful while drawing separate and independent conclusions based on the status of a planet. The effects can not be isolated, the results for the signs get altered due to transit of other planets. However, results specific to transit of shani as per Hindu astrology is given here. Shani is benefic while he transits in only three houses - 3rd, 6th and 11th from rasi. If any planet (other than ravi) transit in 12th, 9th and 5th from rasi respectively, will stop the good effects of shani. Similarly, the results (whether good or bad) of transit of other planets (other than ravi) in in 12th, 9th and 5th is checked by the transit of planets in 3rd, 6th, and 11th respectively which is called vipareeta vedha. Out of twelve, nine persons have one or the other problem. T.P. Kilasam, illustrious kannada dramatist [ಕನ್ನಡಕ್ಕೋಬನೇ ಕೈಲಾಸಂ] once said, "It is true all the world is a stage but (unlike a theatre) there are so side-wings to rest". With good Shani or a bad Shani, we have to surge forward - whether you take the bull by its horns or better still fondle the bull and sit on it effortlessly without wounds! Astrology is not ordained. If it is I who acquired a bad fate' due to previous karma, it should be I to correct them. My prarabda karma should never ever prevent me from taking good deeds to acquire a good 'fate'.

Due to retrograde motion, shani retraces to kumbha,  his own sign, from 04.06.2027 to 20.10.2027. Retrogression starts when Shani is away by 251° from ravi and the direct motion is resumed when Shani comes close to ravi, by 109°. Retrogression is apparent phenomenon, no planets track backwards in its orbit. When your car accelerates, the car beside you seems to recede backwards, though both cars move in the same direction. In my humble experience, the planets in retrogression give 'stay' order! Nothing happens - neither good nor bad - but the issues are kept on low flame. They do not go away either. For those having benefic transit, the results will be withheld.
It would be heretical and inexcusable if I say shani was not a vedic God. Nowhere in all the four vedas we can come across shani or rather any planets! The avahana mantras for shani  (or any planet) are actually the hymns having the word (shabda) of the planet and such mantras appear in Nagagraha Sukta of Rigveda. However, descriptions of Yama and Rudra are more identical to shani. Shani is associated with Yama as he is the significator of lifespan. Like Shiva he is slow, unconcerned and detached. Shani is the son of Ravi like yin and yang they support and oppose each other. Shani is cold, defensive and secretive planet; under the influence of shani a person shrinks to isolation, love and joy evaporates. When shani is ill disposed in transit (or that matter badly placed in natal chart) misfortune, delays, chronic health problems and litigations strike. If shani is good, he will redeem you from such problems - he would give stability, realization of your capabilities and maturity. Under the influence of evil shani one is dirty, withered stupid, cruel and melancholic. Even when shani is benefic in transit/natal chart, there will be some minor problems and that depends on natural tendency of shani as well as his role in the birth chart. If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If it brakes from within life beings! And it depends on shani!
Transit of the planets in Western astrology is considered from the 'orb' and aspects caused to the cuspal mid points as well as to the planets' position in the birth chart. The Hindu method of finding the transit results is from the transit of the planets across moon-sign (rasi). Outer most planets i.e. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not considered in Hindu astrology. Brihat Jataka declares, "मुख्य सप्तः" (important 7 planets). In this article the transit of rahu and ketu are not explored as the results are similar to the transit of Shani and Mars. Further, they being shadow planets, do not exactly give their 'own' results - but reflect the results of the planets aspecting /conjoining them.

Shani also known as Manda means slow. It also means to be full of forgiveness, tolerance and peace as in “shankara”, “shanno danti prachodayat”. Shani indicates the solitaire life and  spirituality. He signifies cold diseases, hard work, public office, political success and protracted diseases. Shani is a karaka of anything slow  - be it a disease, a long stay in the office. A well posited shani gives excellent longevity. Similarly, Shani would cause delay in the aspects of life he is associated. Shani indicates stability and if you want to change your job during shani bhukti or during adverse transit of shani, it is futile. May be the couple quarrels a lot but the marriage survives and peace returns due to shani bhukti - he is a cold planet and so takes the heat off the situation. Ravi is no longer king in present day world.

You will find kings in royal regalia in Melody Band Party! The majority, decided through democracy is the king. If you have have great ravi, you may end up as the Chief Secretary of a minister but if you have a strong shani, you will become Chief Minister! Shani is in-charge for bones and quality of blood. Adverse shani would cause fractures, dental problems and anemia.
In the foundation chart, shani transits in 9th. The elderly people are insulted, assaulted and many people spend their last years in old age homes. There is no interest in the country's affairs in young people; they are busy money and old people make the rules of order.  It is difficult to imbibe new thoughts. Rest of the young people are stuck in time machine brooding in the past. There will be some ongoing conflicts with the judiciary which goes against the government and the government is able to turn the same to its advantage!  Divorce rate comes down and many people have liking to conventional marriages. There is a tilt towards delayed marriage. Government will find it difficult to control increasing expenditure due to compulsion from partners in the government and due to ominous intent of neighbor countries.
The impact of shani's transit in meena rasi on various rasis is given below. Shani is beneficial in meena transit for the persons makara, tula and vrishabha rasis as they have transit of shani in 3rd, 6th and 11th from their rasis, respectively. The transit in meena rasi is bad for meena, mesha, simha, kanya dhanus and kumbha rasis. Remedial measures to shani will mainly reduce the delays, cure from cold and bone disorders and also reduce the  adverse effects shani caused by his position, ownership and association in the chart. This opens the an avenue for remedial measures to mitigate the adverse affects. Some mantras related to shani (line here) are given below:-

शनि नमस्कार श्लोकः >> नीलांजन समाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजं। छायामार्तांड संभूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरं॥
शनि पीडाहर स्तॊत्रं: >> सूर्यपुत्रो धीर्घदेहो विशालाक्ष शिवप्रियः। धीर्घाचारः प्रसन्नात्म पीडां हरतु मे शनिः॥
शनि गायत्री मंत्रः >> ओं शनैश्चराय विद्महे छायापुत्राय धीमही। तन्नो मंदः प्रचोदयात्॥
शनि बीज मंत्रः >> ओं प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः॥ 

Other mantras for shani like Kavacha, Mantra, Avanana mantra, Attottara Shatanamali and Asttottara Shatanama stotra are also available in the site. More Some astrologers notably in Deccan prescribe gem stones/metals like blue sapphire, amethyst, iron, lead, steel and antimony as remedial measure for adverse transit. This is not as per the precepts of Hindu astrology - gem stones and metals are prescribed for benefic planets (anukoola grahas) only. I have observed that a person under adverse guru bhukti suffered most when he started wearing yellow sapphire. Lead a simple life and let your head rule over your heart. अनायासेन मरणं विनादैन्येन जीवनं। देहि मे कृपया शंभो त्वयि भक्तिं अचंचलं॥  "Lord Shambhu, give a serene death, a life not needing mercy of others and unwavering devotion in you".
How does shani in meena effect you?

or mesha rasi, shani transits in 12th which is the first phase of seven and half years' adverse transit. Expenditure and disappointments are caused during this transit. You will develop some resigned attitude towards life.

Shani in benefic 11th from your moon sign that heralds a successful story. You have been waiting for this success for a long time. Since last two and half years, you had severe professional problems. You will be known as a successful man in society. Your name and fame spreads far and wide. Though who despised you, who looked down upon you, will come to know your personality.

Shani transits in  adverse 10th from your sign. Actually, anybody with this transit may suffer severe problems at work place that is to say, means of livelihood is challenged under humiliating circumstances. Yes, there is always fear of loosing the job but you can hang on to the job despite professional problems.

Shani transits in 9th from your rasi. Shani transits in meena rasi, causes minor ill health to elders in the family. Students in higher studies will come out successful but they have to put hard work. You have lot of concentration that helps in education.

Shani is the bitter enemy of your rasi lord, ravi. As such, simha rasi persons are most effected by adverse shani transit in 8th from your rasi which is called astama shani. You will remember this transit for many years, so is the impact. This dreaded transit will cause collapse of whole life, whatever the meaning be!

Shani transits in 7th from your rasi which is called saptama shani.

Shani transits in favourable 6th from your sign. You will be known as a hard worker who wouldn't give up. This is a good time for people in politics as well as in service under government. Be ready to take hard work, with extra efforts and hours. The assignments are not much of brain work but are strenuous.

Shani transits in 5th from your sign which is not a good position, though it can not be termed as absolutely bad. You wish to be alone and do not welcome guests and relatives. There is always a desire to be aloof from crowds. Your nerves become weak and for small things you will suffer anxiety.

Shani transits in 4th from your sign, which is called ardastama shani. It is difficult to get your talents and achievements recognized in a gathering. You are an  invisible man without any adjectives. You should accept this deficiency and patiently await for good time. Heavy work in the office but you stand to gain in a long run.

Shani transits in 3rd from your sign. The domestic and financial strains you had since last seven and half years ends now.  With this transit, you will gain abundant encouragement and good support from others.

Shani transits in 2nd from your sign. This is the last phase of seven and half years' adverse transit. During the last two and half years, the problems were intensively focused about marital life, prestige and health. Now the scene will change to rifts in family circles.

Shani transits over your rasi and it is the second phase of adverse seven and half years' transit. Charisma, influence in society are reduced. but you will known become  in some select groups for your talent, discipline and honesty. You are introvert and steadfast in your efforts but at times you tend to be lazy, lethargic and fatalist.
Divine Thoughts
Stick to your words
I am Manu & Surya
Auspicious works
आ नो॑ भ॒द्राः क्रत॑वो यन्तु वि॒श्वतोऽद॑ब्धासो॒ अप॑रीतास उ॒द्भिद॑: । दे॒वा नो॒ यथा॒ सद॒मिद्वृ॒धे अस॒न्नप्रा॑युवो रक्षि॒तारो॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे ॥

Padapatha: आ । नः । भद्राः । क्रतवः । यन्तु । विश्वतः । अदब्धासः । अपरिइतासः । उत्भिदः । देवाः । नः । यथा । सदम् । इत् । वृधे । असन् । अप्रआयुवः । रक्षितारः । दिवेदिवे ॥

Pritipadartha: आ यन्तु - come; नः - to us; भद्राः - good; क्रतवः - works; विश्वतः - from all directions; अदब्धासः -unharmed (by enemies);  अपरिइतासः - unhindered; उत्भिदः - desctrutive (of enemies); देवाः- all gods;  नः - to us;  यथा - like this; सदम् इत् - always;  वृधे - advancement; असन् =like; अप्रआयुवः - not abondoning;  रक्षितारः - granting protection; दिवेदिवे - every day;

Meaning:  May auspicious works, unharmed, unhindered, and destructive (of foes), come to us from every quarter; may the all gods, not abandoning from us, but granting us protection day by day, be ever with us for our advancement.

[Rishi: Gautama Raahugana; Devagta: Vishvedeva; Chandas: Jagati; Rigveda 1-89-1]
Not all the things bad, the new age cult gurus, happy gurus and sad gurus have less business while influencers of history, archeology and traditional values take firm foothold. Can there by bad oxygen that should I call it 'good oxygen'? There can not be a sadguru (good guru) as there is no word as 'durguru'. It is like calling God Dakshina murthy (divine guru) as Dakshina dakshina murthy!  The wisest thing for cult gurus is to jump the band wagon of patriots and twirl with winning horses in their religious tangos.

Some well meaning gurus who proclaim peace and happiness are booed and bolted away from their organizations. There is careless attitude by the government and its departments towards any advice by others. Court judgments come heavily on the government. All the intellectuals advising the government will walk out on one or the other pretext.

It is always good to go back to the past to discover our merits. But, I should not hang myself to the same banyan tree, my great grandfather planted! Delving into epics is truly enlightening but trying to make rocket fuel with cow dung and urad dal (black gram) is pretty insane! The arrow of time is forward and there is no regression to past possible. This is how the world order goes on - the crowd imposes crowd control. The world goes on its own ways - whether you like it or not!
भूय॑सा व॒स्नम॑चर॒त्कनी॒योऽवि॑क्रीतो अकानिषं॒ पुन॒र्यन् । स भूय॑सा॒ कनी॑यो॒ नारि॑रेचीद्दी॒ना दक्षा॒ वि दु॑हन्ति॒ प्र वा॒णम् ॥

Padapatha: भूयसा । वस्नम् । अचरत् । कनीयः । अविक्रीतः । अकानिषम् । पुनः । यन् । सः । भूयसा । कनीयः । न । अरिरेचीत् । दीनाः । दक्षाः । वि । दुहन्ति । प्र । वाणम् ॥

Pritipadartha: भूयसा
-costly aricle; वस्नम् - price; अचरत् - (seller) obtains;  कनीयः -less value; अविक्रीतः - did not sell; अकानिषम् -full value (seeks) पुनः यन् - again (going) । सः -he; भूयसा - costly aricle; कनीयः - less value; न । अरिरेचीत् - does not complete; दीनाः - helpless; दक्षाः - clever; वि प्र दुहन्ति - (should get) agreed amount (at the time of bargain); वाणम् - (as per) agreed talk.

Meaning: A man has realized a small price for an article of great value, and again coming (to the buyer he says) this has not been sold; I require the full price; but he does not recover a small price by a large (equivalent); whether helpless or clever they adhere to their bargain.

[Rishi: Vaamadeva; Devata: Indra; Chandaus: Trishup; Rigveda 4-24-9]
There is a desire to invest, purchase properties like old house, vintage car  but funds are limited. Students are not able to concentrate and loose interest half way. But with some efforts they will be able to score good marks. Any health problem or weakness in the chart, that already exists in the chart, will surface. Long distance transfers are seen.   When Shani is combust, you have the hell falling on you. When any planet other than ravi, transits in mithuna rasi, you are spared from nuisance of this transit. Shani in 12th causes heavy expenditure, increased blood pressure, imbalances in vitamins, mineral or hormones, eye or head related problems, imposition of fines and terrible wrath of higher officers. Your relationship with your brothers/sisters is brought to test. Even the strongest relationship are challenged. There are at times marital problems, you find you spouse old fashioned and trouble makers. There are professional problems too. Though there is security in job, there is hell of work which causes terrible tiredness and boredom.  You should carefully balance your health and professional life. There will be expenditure due to father or pilgrimage to holly places, expenditure due to rituals of good nature, obstacles in purchase of properties or wealth schemes. You should do shiva pooja on Saturdays and Maasa shivaratri days.
You are happy, contended and careless towards your adversaries. Such a strong personality confuses them!  Broken relationship in family circles are restored but not at your cost.  You are very courageous and venturesome. You can not be put down, discouraged or cast aside. If you were separated from your main family for professional reasons, you will be united with them. Disposal of old properties works out to greater profits. There is no wastage. With this proceeds you will acquire new properties.  You will purchase vehicles, ornaments and any luxurious things you desire. There will be steady and assured positive developments regarding children. Even small amounts you are able to save will lead to greater fortune. You are able to secure a secure retirement or you will start such a venture that yields assured amounts for a long time.
You are able to clear very long outstanding dues and you are able to gain greater respect from others. At the very beginning of the transit you my spend more on religious causes or in helping others. There will be heavy work in the office and such added responsibility will bring you closer to higher authorities. By the end of the transit, there is visible increase in your monthly income. When any planet other than ravi, transits in kanya rasi, you will not experience the benefits of this transit.

Students are very successful in their studies with lot of concentration, will power and dedication. Any litigations are resolved in your favour. Married life is excellent. Many people get married during this transit. It is the time to approach higher authorities or government agencies for any favours. There is laziness to the maximum extant, much needed so that you can recoil from previous bitter experiences. 
profession becomes more demanding. You are regarded as most unimportant person in the office and all the unrewarding, monotonous and complicated tasks are passed on to you. Whether you will loose the job and get one after some time or will not get any at all, depends on the strength of shani and the role he plays in natal chart. You are always busy as the work is forced on you! You should not take the risk of quitting the job unless and until you have another job order ready in your hands. Some people may jump into business, heads down based on some obscure logic and a fast friend!

One fellow sold off his big hotel near bus station, in the hope of getting a job in an international hotel in Perth. The recruitment process took a long time and the project did not take off, those were the days apartheid in Australia. Now he works as a manager in his own (previous) hotel. Do not have ego centric higher appreciation of your capabilities. You like to go abroad or away from your close relatives. There will be severe misgivings with close relatives. It may be such a that your own mother may pique you. You should avoid any buying and selling of properties. If you have to, then ensure you do not land up in some kid of litigation. There is a desire to hide from others. Marital life and relationship with partners is also hit severely hit during this transit.

You should recite Shani kavacha/ mantra/ shatanaama stotra (whichever you find easy) during this transit. You should do Shiva pooja on Saturdays and Maasa shivarathri days. Have patience, good days will come - after two and half years. Shanti for shani is required only if shani is badly placed in your birth chart.
You will become more religious though  you are highly critical of rituals. Shani guarantees good luck, if you undertake hard work! Misunderstandings with brothers, sisters and friends will bother you. You have considerable amount of courage to sort out any such issue. You will purchase some old properties as investments or will accumulate money to purchase these. You may suffer anemia as well as minor circulation problems. Proper food and exercises are essential. When any planet other than ravi, transits in dhanur rasi, you are spared from nuisance of this transit.  Loans are readily available for development purposes like procurement of properties and expansion of business. You will be able to secure long term loans easily. Expansion of business interests and wealth are sure to happen but in slow phase.
You should do Shiva pooja on Saturdays and Maasa shivarathri days to avoid any misunderstandings with elders, parents and higher officers.
The problems just crop up in a totally unexpected way. If you expect financial problem, you cringe due to money problem!  Three will be problems during this transit in all walks of life. Profession suffers set backs. You will be humiliated and side tracked. Some people who have a bad shani in natal chart may be suspended or dismissed. You should  be more economical otherwise you may land in revolving heavy interest on your cards. You should take loans only for investment purposes. There will be severe strains in relationship with children. Be patient with them; keep some money aside for their emergent needs. Stay away from chance games, racing and risky sports. Chronic patients should not overlook medical advice.  It is better to assess the risk factors by complete body check up.
There will be severe financial strains. There is imminent danger due to misunderstandings with family members. There will not be any peace of mind during this transit.  This is like Aranya parva of mahabharata, losses and failures in every sphere of life. God evaluates to by severe testing before declaring you gold! Artists suffer lethargy and mental dullness. Speculations should be strictly avoided. You are prone to cuts, wounds, accidents and severe health problems and consequent hospitalization for brief period. Caution is required while driving and in sports field. Worries related to children and misunderstandings with them are seen during this transit. When shani is retrograde, the above results are temporary halted but they never go off. You will be just licking the wounds. However, it gives you ample time to retrospect and plan your next moves.
You MUST conduct shanti for shani in a temple or in your house if shani is badly placed in your birth chart.  When done in a temple you can share the expenditure with others. It is the process of reciting shani beeja / gayatri or namaskara mantras 19000+ times. You should also recite shani gayatri mantra [ओं शनैश्चराय विद्महे छायापुत्राय धीमही। तन्नो मंदः प्रचोदयात्॥ or beeja mantra [ओं प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः॥  (any one of them depending on time available and your inclination) minimum 21 times a day.

You should do shiva pooja on Saturdays and Maasa shivaratri days. Whether mantras, pooja shani etc., are mere spurious acts by Zionists (Manuvadis) cab be deliberated after three years.  Think just in case these will help you out! Extreme caution is required in professional matters. Do not put your papers, even if you are humiliated. Have patience, good days will come - after two and half years.
This transit causes  strains in marital life. If you have any differences, it is better to reconcile as the misunderstandings tend to linger for considerable amount of time. Business partnerships may break down or misgivings with the partner crop up.  Long distance transfer and consequent separation from your spouse and children is possible. Some people may get married during this transit but they will have some problems and delays in setting up the family. Students have hard spell, they have to put more efforts. Students in higher studies do well, though with considerable difficulty. There will be concerns about health of mother and close relatives. Property matters do not go well, consider before you embark on any property plans. Untimely meals and boredom are quite common. You are prone to cuts, wounds and accidents. There will be some rifts with parents or elders in the family. Lethargic and fatalistic attitude predominate. When shani is retrograde you are given some relief and when shani is combust, a friend or relative will play spoilsport and keep you in a fix. Relationship with parents, elders and higher officers is somewhat strained. Laziness, pessimism, anemia bother you a lot. There will be delay and disappointments in various ways and element of happiness is very less. You should be careful while purchasing properties as it may have some legal complications.
If possible, shanti for shani may be conducted in a temple or in your house.  It is the process of reciting shani beeja / gayatri or namaskara mantras 19000+ times. You should also recite shani gayatri mantra [ओं शनैश्चराय विद्महे छायापुत्राय धीमही। तन्नो मंदः प्रचोदयात्॥ or beeja mantra [ओं प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः॥ minimum 21 times a day. You should do shiva pooja on Saturdays and Maasa shivaratri days. Whether you believe in God or whether you believe in the remedial measures is the consideration now. You just take the remedial measures seriously, think just in case these will help you out! Caution is required in professional matters. Do not put your papers, even if you are humiliated,  ignored or insulted.
You may have some minor misunderstandings with friends and relatives. You have lot of courage and patience. You are able to clear long outstanding dues and consolidate your financial position. You can take easy loans with lower borrowing rates to clear the high end loans. You will get some promotions and recognition for the work you have executed. This is the kind of assured promotion owing to long working years. But you waited for this since long. Students perform well in competitive examinations. You will receive substantial amounts through inheritance or arbitration. This transit heralds a new life of confidence.  Old bad habits will leave you, welcome new practices and thinking.
Old health problems will disappear. No classical author has lost opportunity to praise this transit. With due respect to them, I beg to deviate from their view. This transit may cause health problems and also fractures. At the same time, new diseases of minor kind related to head, teeth, bones and middle stomach surface. These are due to aging process or bad food habits and can be corrected. When any planet other than ravi, transits in mithuna rasi, you will not experience the benefits of this transit.

Due to physical fatigue and minor health problems, you will not be able to sleep or relax sufficiently. The relationship with your brothers, sisters and friends are slightly strained. You should stay clear of unnecessary disputes. If you are having adverse dasha or bhukti of 7th or 8th lord, you are prone to accidents resulting in fracture. This transit causes dental problems too.

You will have to deal with your competitors and opponents. You have lot of success that come only after struggles and the rewards are good. There is no change of job or nature of work.  But, there may be transfer to a branch office without your willingness. Those people who are abroad continue their stay, no matter how much they wish to go back. You have lot of success in various fields. You are able to make investments using loans that are easily available. When shani is retrograde you will not derive any benefits. When shani is combust, there will be heavy expenditure beyond your control.
At times, you have dental problems and mouth ulcers. You may indulge in sinful acts and use foul language frequently. When any planet other than ravi, transits in kanya rasi, you are spared from nuisance of this transit.
There is unhappiness from children - a feeling that they are just wasting you money. Heavy expenditure, losses, worries due to children and misunderstandings with them are possible. All these, though seem adverse for the time being, will shape more advantageous things in future. You have misunderstandings with your spouse. You do not find much love or time for spouse.  Unwed persons can expect marriage but after some delay. You will be able to acquire immovable properties.
You are subjected to arrogance of higher officers and this strain adversely reflects your relationship with family members. There will be some element of financial strains also. When shani is combust you land in problems due to over sized self confidence. You should recite shani kavacha/ mantra/ shatanaama stotra (whichever you find easy) once a day during this transit.
अ॒हं मनु॑रभवं॒ सूर्य॑श्चा॒हं क॒क्षीवाँ॒ ऋषि॑रस्मि॒ विप्र॑: । अ॒हं कुत्स॑मार्जुने॒यं न्यृ॑ञ्जे॒ऽहं क॒विरु॒शना॒ पश्य॑ता मा ॥

Padapatha: अहम् । मनुः । अभवम् । सूर्यः । च । अहम् । कक्षीवान् । ऋषिः । अस्मि । विप्रः । अहम् । कुत्सम् । आर्जुनेयम् । नि । ऋञ्जे । अहम् । कविः । उशना । पश्यत । मा ॥

Pritipadartha: अहम् - I (known as Vamadeva); मनुः अभवम् - am Manu; च सूर्यः - and Surya;  अहम् -I (known as Vamadeva); ऋषिः कक्षीवान् - rishi kakshivanta;   अस्मि - am;  विप्रः - wise; अहम् - I (known as Vamadeva);   कुत्सम्  - kutsa; आर्जुनेयम् - son of Arjuni; नि ऋञ्जे - (I) bless in abundance; अहम् - am;  कविः - far sighted;  उशना - (rishi) Ushana;  पश्यत - know (like this) मा - me.

Meaning: I have been Manu and Surya; I am the wise rishi Kakshivat; I have befriended Kutsa, the son of Arjuni; I am the far-seeing rishi Ushana; so behold me.

[Rishi: Vamadeva Indro va; Devata: Indra Atama va; Chandus: Trishtup; Rigveda 4-26-1]
You have strong liking for solitude; long walks in silence are more appealing. There could be separation from family members due to relocation. Any attempt to purchase properties land up in delay and you are successful at the end. Your mother's health causes worries. Minor misunderstandings with mother and her relatives. Some may have to leave their native places (or the place of longest residence) under humiliating circumstances. You are more bothered how you are regarded by others. If somebody being preoccupied, put you on hold, you feel offended and this happens even with family members. You should remember, you are modest being who does not require any special treatment!
Your prestige in your relatives goes down and mother-side relatives will humiliate you but his leads to strong and firm relationship with some. Students have minor set backs in their studies. Hard work will pay off well. When shani is combust you are subjected to heavy expenditure, long distance transfer and losses in property transactions. There will be some problems in the office and caution is required in professional matters. Do not put your papers, even if you are humiliated or ignored for promotion. Do not resort to loans to meet expenditure but you will easily get long term loans for developmental purposes. Think before you avail loans, there should not be any scope for unscrupulous expenditure. You are slothful and somber; but it is not bad you are establishing a steady life.  Have patience, good days will come - after two and half years.

You MUST conduct shanti for shani in a temple or in your house. It is the process of reciting shani beeja / gayatri or namaskara mantras 19000+ times. You should recite shani gayatri mantra [ओं शनैश्चराय विद्महे छायापुत्राय धीमही। तन्नो मंदः प्रचोदयात्॥ minimum 21 times a day. You should do shiva pooja on Saturdays and Maasa shivaratri days. Whether you believe in God or whether you believe in the remedial measures is the consideration now.
There is everlasting spring of courage within you.  Your relationship with your brothers, sisters and friends grows considerably. You will make new dependable, collaborative and competent friends. This is the time to take subscription in elite clubs.  Sports persons set new records and are able to settle in life. There are changes in residence or the work place. There are frequent journeys at short notices. Students have good time. If you are doing any specialization like PhD, you are assured of grand success. There are some concerns about children and investments. You have lot of concentration and dedication. You may take a does of religious isolation and practice some methods devoid of worship of Gods like mind cleaning, soul cleaning or bladder cleaning. These pave way for further true religious wanderings. You will take up religious trips but most of them are delayed or cancelled. This is a good time to start a saving scheme with a purpose. When any planet other than ravi, transits in dhanur rasi, you will not experience the benefits of this transit.
There is improvement in business - opening new branches, purchase of accessories to the existing machines, acquisition of articles of comforts and vehicles. If you are in the farming activity, this is an excellent transit which gives you lot of farm animals, tools and machines. Promotions, outstanding commendations and awards await you. Make hay when sun (I should say, shani) shines! Your charishma goes up and the opponents beat a hasty retreat. If you are trying to go abroad for further studies and employment, you are sure to achieve these goals. When shani is retrograde, the benefic effects are withheld for the time being. Combust shani causes minor rifts with brothers, sisters and friends.
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You will become rude with bad speech. Due to heavy investments in properties, you are facing shortage of finance to meet monthly needs. At times you will have to withdraw from your savings to meet commitments. There will be realization of written off amounts and arrears of your dues etc., to tide over the situation.  There is stability in financial matters. You are prone to minor cuts and wounds. You can expect a favorable placement or transfer. Combustion causes work related tensions and displeasure of higher officers. The project for acquiring own house, vehicle or gold is delayed and you have to face shortage of funds due to this.  Some of the relationship will break off leading to grief. Extreme caution is needed while driving and handling sacks of grains.
You MUST conduct shanti for shani in a temple or in your house. It is the process of reciting shani beeja / gayatri or namaskara mantras 19000+ times. You should recite shani gayatri mantra [ओं शनैश्चराय विद्महे छायापुत्राय धीमही। तन्नो मंदः प्रचोदयात्॥ minimum 21 times a day. You should do shiva pooja on Saturdays and Maasa shivaratri days. Whether you believe in God or whether you believe in the remedial measures is the consideration now.
This is the period of stability in life, you will regain your lost health and status. You have good amount of courage, commitment and resources. There would be successful but tiresome journeys. You are prone to minor health problems related to bones, teeth. You should take a complete blood picture and ensure optimum levels of iron, hemoglobin and Vit. B12 etc., that cause general anemia. Relationship with your spouse is slightly strained. No new projects can be taken up during this transit as shani has delaying tendency. The adverse effects will not deter you, you are full of courage.  Your friends, brothers/ sisters are always there to help you. Professional problems are seen during this transit. When shani is combust you tend to be more religious and also arrogant with family members.
You MUST conduct shanti for shani in a temple or in your house. It is the process of reciting shani beeja / gayatri or namaskara mantras 19000+ times. You should recite shani gayatri mantra [ओं शनैश्चराय विद्महे छायापुत्राय धीमही। तन्नो मंदः प्रचोदयात्॥ minimum 21 times a day. You should do shiva pooja on Saturdays and Maasa shivaratri days. Whether you believe in God or whether you believe in the remedial measures is the consideration now.