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IIफलानि ग्रहचारेण सूचयन्ति मनीषिणः। को वक्ता तारतम्यस्य तमेकं वेधसं विना॥        - फलदीपिक        
"With the help of planetary movements, mortals can only give indications of what is to happen; who else other than BRAHMA can tell with certainty as to what will definitely happen" - Phladeepika.

Only God almighty knows for certain and astrological analysis is mere human effort to understand infinitesimally huge uncertainty. Remedial measures help us to improvise on the given birth but will not altogether change the life.
Your family doctor can explain monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fats.  He can not talk about brown fat, metabolism or rate of energy release by carbs and fats. Nevertheless, he is a practical  and most helpful man in the world!

Your astrologer can not tell you  effect of  moonlight on Hydrochloric acid in your stomach.  But can tell what happens when shani transits over your 10th house.
सूर्यशौर्यंथेंदुरिंद्रपदवीं सन्मंगळं मंगळः।  सद्बुद्धिं च बुधो गुरुश्च गुरुतां शुक्रः शुभं शं शनिः॥
राहुर्बाहुबलं करोतु विजयं केतुः कुलस्योन्नतिं।  नित्यं प्रीतिकरा भवंतु सततं सर्वेनुकूल ग्रहाः॥
Divine Thought
अ॒भी॑हि मन्यो त॒वस॒स्तवी॑या॒न्तप॑सा यु॒जा वि ज॑हि॒ शत्रू॑न् । अ॒मि॒त्र॒हा वृ॑त्र॒हा द॑स्यु॒हा च॒ विश्वा॒ वसू॒न्या भ॑रा॒ त्वं न॑: ॥

अ॒भि । इ॒हि॒ । म॒न्यो॒ इति॑ । त॒वसः॑ । तवी॑यान् । तप॑सा । यु॒जा । वि । ज॒हि॒ । शत्रू॑न् । अ॒मि॒त्र॒ऽहा । वृ॒त्र॒ऽहा । द॒स्यु॒ऽहा । च॒ । विश्वा॑ । वसू॑नि । आ । भ॒र॒ । त्वम् । नः॒ ॥

Manyu;  अभीहि-come to us;  तवसः-  of the strong;  तवीयान्- strongest;  तपसा युजा - with Tapas;   शत्रून्- enemies; वि जहि- defeat;  वृत्रहा- slayer of enemies;  अमित्रहा- slayer of unfriendly;   दस्युहा- slayer of demons;  त्वं- you; विश्वा- all; वसूनि- riches;  नः- to us;  आ भर- bring

Come to us Manyu, the strongest of the strong; with Tapas to defeat enemies; the slayer of enemies, the slayer of unfriendly, the slayer of demons, bring us all riches.

Rishi: Manyutapasaha: Devata: Manyu; Chandas: Trishtup;  Rigveda 10-83-3
i am an ordinary astrologer like anyone else. My fame = several thousands divided by whole population of the world. Fortunately, it is not a negative integer, though near to zero! "If I can do that, anybody in the world can do it, perhaps even better" said the teacher to David Dorian Ross, famous Thai Chi Master in US. Like your family doctor, I can talk about mundane affairs in general but i am not an expert in that field. It does not matter - i have been able to pass on as an astrologer since last 45 years!
[Dasha/bhukti in foundation chart][Eclipses during 2025][Transit of major planets across rasi][About BJP, Congress, Sri Rahul and Sri Modi]

The year 2025 is going to be a year of great turbulence in many areas for the country. We are coming to setting of chandra dasha and dawn of kuja dasha. This is called as dasha sandhi - a situation similar shifting sand.  In the foundation chart, chandra dasha - Shukra bhukti from 11.07.2023 to 11.03.2025 is the best period for the country. This bhukti implies considerable business activities, wealth and growth in various fields. The citizens enjoy good health, wealth and happiness. Monumental movies are released. Most of the people own houses, vehicles and gold easily. The country is one more step ahead of any developed country! To cater the needs, BPO may be opened abroad! We will have our own version of AI, tools and machines to suite our Original Intelligence. People do not relish foreign jobs when the life is so peaceful and assuring in India. Country is not regarded as "religiously fundamental, patriotic, fanatic, suffocating, press-oppressed bigot". The other members of UN or whatever the international bodies, think twice before they say anything. Of course in India these claims surface now and then but they will churn the public opinion for those who were neutral. Milk boilers are great, they do not over burn milk but you need to tolerate unendurable whistles. Loose statements about pettiness or eminence of sanatana dharma ignite galvanic arguments, at times fierce but helps to towards nationalism!  No body is much bothered about religious supremacy as in previous years and are busy making money. Religious feelings, patriotism, culture and such lofty notions are not in circulation. The BJP gets another feather of unity, economic develop and welfare.
Annoyances keep going on - shukra is placed in the star Aslesha and is combust. Intellectuals make confusing statements that are hurtful and make situations difficult to control. There will be increase in health problems like obesity, life style disorders, skin problems and mental problems. Press may create disorientation and unease. After I found Deccan Herald, I gave up Al Jazira. They are going a great job!

Chandra dasha - Surya bhukti (11-03-2025 to 09-09-2025) is the last bhukti of chandra dasha. Ravi is 5th lord, a functional benefic but a hot planet placed in 5th but not own sign. Also, he is at the very end of the sign in kataka rasi. This is the time when intellectuals, patriotic thoughts impose the strict  authority on others. It is worthy to be patriot and it should come from inside the heart like a oasis but when such ideas become overbearing it may cause repulsion from quarters. It is better to go on soft footing than waving scepter. 
Also, it should be noted that such a planets hands over the wand to another natural malefic, kuja. Kuja dasha - kuja bhukti  (09-09-2025 to 05-02-2026) triggers new configuration in partnership with government as well with other countries. Country become more commending and assertive; it is no more a planner and a dreamer. What thoughts came so far during chandra dasha will be strictly enforced - you like it or not. Country emerges as a very strong military fight and no non-sense partner. Relationship with China, Russia, US  and all our chotu neighbors with big bombs will have to fall in line. And some do not work the way we like; such policies of US may adverse effect our finances. There will be good progress in communications, roadways and sports. Government will ensure more forestation and agriculture will go well. As kuja is in 8th from 7th, war like situation may arise with a neighbor.

The rasi that rises in the foundation chart is kataka. Lunar eclipse on 14th March and total lunar eclipse on 7th September  (visible in India) occur in 2nd and 8th from kataka rasi. Due to eclipses in 2nd from rasi (in simha on 14th March), there will be financial problems and rifts among ruling partners. The government becomes quite intolerant towards partners and dissenters. However, eclipse in the worst 8th i.e. kumbha rasi on 7th September predisposes you to accidents, tragedies and loss of lives. There will be accidents in mining, deep sea waters. The possibility of arson and terrorism is not ruled out. Kumbha is also the seat of education and meditation. An attack on prominent places like libraries is seen. A boat carrying little children may sink. Kumbha is stira rasi that indicates earthquakes and landslides. These are not infinitesimally  minor events in your neighbourhood! They make national headlines.
Lunar eclipse on 14th March, partial solar eclipse on 21st September are in 3rd in rasi. This eclipse causes strained relationship with the neighbouring countries. Long standing relationship with major players like China, US and Russia will undergo some strain. The eclipse in meena rasi on 29th March in 9th has major impact on the country's affairs. This opens Pandora's box where religious inclinations, patriotism or otherwise; convention vs. liberalisation go into conflicts. Some court judgements go against the government.  Religious groups wriggle in several ways to have prominence in society.

The rasi that rises in the foundation chart is kataka. Shani transits is in his own sign kumbha, till March 2025 but in 8th which is called astama shani. Any imperfections in the horoscope surface during astama shani transit. Hence, there are several questions right from the roles of pre-independence leaders to the role of present heroes. Role of government, directions and limitations of courts, success and wealth, squabbles regarding job creations and wealth making schemes comes under cloud. Statistics is efficiently used to prove the point by both government and opposition. The position in own sign, reduces the adverse effects of eclipses.
From 30th March of the year shani transits in 9th from rasi; During this transit, scepticism regarding religious practices comes to surface. Despite this, the government will revise many rules and regulations governing places of worship. And it is successful too.

Till May of the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis in 9th - 3rd houses for kataka rasi. By repeated onslaught of religious and nationalistic rhetoric causes overdose of nectar. However, this transit heralds naval discoveries in the filed of science. There will be remarkable development in space science. From 19th May 2025, rahu and ketu enter kumbha - simha, which is  8th - 2nd houses for your rasi. This causes  water related accidents and scams by the government.
During the year, guru transits in vrishabha (till 14.05.2025), mithuna (15.05.2025 to 18.10.2025; 06.12.2025 to 02.06.2026) and kataka (19.10.2025 to 05.12.2025) rasis. Transit of guru in vrishabha is 11th in the foundation chart. The financial position is excellent. There is lot of success in various walks of life. Guru in 11th is able to quell the problems caused by shani and rahu  as well as eclipse in 8th. Transit in mithuna is the transit in 12th from rasi. This brings cool to already arising hot situations. Foreign reserves will go up. Problems caused to Indian nationals abroad will be resolved.

Transit in kataka is over rasi of foundation chart. As guru is exalted here, there is lot of religious activities. There is revival of ancient traditions and practices. The country will openly declare the religious preferences.  This will increase spiritual development. Top court declares some path breaking judgements. Transit of guru in kataka, over natal rasi is very crucial and the effects cascade for many years to come. India gets due recognition world wide. The progress in religious spare is not consistent, as he is retrograde several times.

Now, let us consider few important horoscopes that impact future of the country. In the analysis, I have depended on the birth data [06.04.1980; 11.45; Delhi] available on the internet.  However, I can not vouchsafe the accuracy. The chart of ruling party BJP suffers eclipses in 10th, 11th, 4th and 5th as the rasis is vrischika. The eclipses in 10th will tarnish the image of the party during March. Transit of shani in 4th (in own sign) and 5th cause infighting while rahu and ketu add sufficient fuel to fire. Transit of guru in mithuna rasi results in all sorts of debacles and the party is driven to walls. You may even think it is wash out forever as it happened to other parties. However, transit in kataka where guru is exalted, helps BJP to stage a perfect and thumping come back. Whatever religious, cultural or national, the party stands for it steadily.
It is just the chance that Sri Rahul Gandhi [18.06.1970; 21.52; Delhi] has vrischika rasi! Like BJP, he too suffers bad luck when guru transits in mithuna rasi but bounces back when guru comes to kataka. Another coincidence - Sri Narendra Modi also has vrischika rasi [18.06.1970; 21.52; Delhi] subjected to similar experiences to BJP party and Sri Rahul Gandhi!

National Congress party, has kanya rasi at the time of birth [02.01.1978 12:00 Delhi]. There are internal problems in the party. Winning in elections is more difficult due to shani in adverse 7th. At crucial time, people will desert due to eclipse in the 7th from rasi.
Transit of guru in mithuna rasi brings considerable success in elections. Congress may shift from its stance from the patron angel of certain specific minorities to advocate social justice for majority religious people also. It is like an IAS aspirant taking clues from a successful IAS candidate, Congress parrots the opponent BJP!

I have not considered here the annual chart for 1st January 2025, due to paucity of time and space. We will take up mundane chart analysis for Ugadi on Chitra masa shukta pratipat.