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At the start of the month, At the start of the month, Ravi is in makara rasi till 12th of the month. And from 13th February, he moves into kumbha. Kuja transits in mithuna rasi in the entire month and is retrograde till 23rd February. Budha is in makara rasi at the start of the month; he transits in kumbha from 12th to 27th of the month. On the last day of the month, he is debilitated in meena rasi. Guru is in vrishabha rasi and retrograde for the first three days. Shukra is exalted in meena rasi in the entire month. Shani transits in his own sign, kumbha in the entire month. Rahu and ketu continue their transits in meena and kanya rasis.
Rasi wise forecast for February, 2025
An excellent month ahead. There is considerable professional advancement; you are meeting all your targets during the first half. Second half proclaims the enjoyment of fruits of such endeavors. Second half is suitable for investments. There is greater element of success in all areas of life in the entire month, particularly in second half.
Two important things that happen during the month of Feb.2025 are related to wealth, properties and success. The second thing is a troubled professional front that makes you put lot of efforts. However, there is stability in job. You can not change the job, even if you want. And also there is no reason, the hard times are there to teach you a lesson or two and are not punishments.
Not a great month to talk about. There are multiple challenges in your life during this month. You are very religious and there is always help from elders, gurus and God. As such you are not driven to the wall. You have lot of tolerance and concentration; you should concentrate on acquiring more knowledge; get busy with hobbies. There are no financial strains. appliances go under repair. Do not be impulsive while purchasing electronic gadgets.
February is going to be a blend of varied incidents. Foundations for a great future is laid down but you are yet to see the results. It takes just some time. You have lot of money with no particular plan to spend. It is better to keep it like that than spending on worthless causes. And you are likely to take on such a misadventure during February! Shukra is under check in benefit 9th where he is exalted.
AA very great month for wealth matters and enjoyment of life. The professional life has challenges. It goes great in the first half but not bad in the second, if you take care. You are pampered to guide, help or to do whatever it takes to keep the boat floating.
Kanya :
tere is considerable improvement in professional front during second half. You will be able to clear long outstanding dues. But, if you seek a further long term loan, the process is delayed but sanction is assured. Many people of this sign go on holidays, get married or launch an investment plan, thanks to shukra. However, you tend to spend more on enjoyment of life, as exalted shukra is in adverse 7th. You are likely to loose temper with your spouse quite often. And same is the case with your children during first half. Lot of tiring work in the office which does not recognize your contribution. Most of the time you are worried about the signs of aging -like more hair loss!
A month that requires strength and struggles to reconsolidate. Students have excellent progress till 11th of the month. The success is remarkable and unseen earlier. However, there are domestic problems like disputes in he family and concerns about properties. Faculty is highly demanding and you feel lot of stress. Success is hard to come by as guru transits in adverse 8th.
Marriage, child birth and acquisition of properties of considerable value are sure incidents in this month. Friends come calling in the first half. There are tours and pleasure trips during the first half. Property transactions go well after 14th of the month.
Not a remarkable month. It just goes on with few changes and enhancements! Entire month, you are busy with your friends, trekking and pleasure trips. Also, you will come across new friends who will stay with you for entire life.
A month of contentment and achievements. Do not overdo the importance; do not seek a feedback on how important you are; else you will become laughingstock! Be important to yourself and measure yourself with your own yardstick.
One (and only one) outstanding trait during this month is finance! You have lot of money flooding to your money purse. Of course, you are a prudent introvert person and you will not go to market place without a plan.
Shukra is exalted over your rasi which is a benefic place. You will so much inflow of gold coins. Added to this, your are recognized by important people during the first half. You will go on regular visits to markets, online stores to hunt whatever you like. Regular savings plans go on well. Be prudent to keep aside some money for future requirements, it does not rain gold coins always!

इन्द्रं॑ मि॒त्रं वरु॑णम॒ग्निमा॑हु॒रथो॑ दि॒व्यः स सु॑प॒र्णो ग॒रुत्मा॑न् । एकं॒ सद्विप्रा॑ बहु॒धा व॑दन्त्य॒ग्निं य॒मं मा॑त॒रिश्वा॑नमाहुः ॥
इन्द्र॑म् । मि॒त्रम् । वरु॑णम् । अ॒ग्निम् । आ॒हुः॒ । अथो॒ इति॑ । दि॒व्यः । सः । सु॒ऽप॒र्णः । ग॒रुत्मा॑न् । एक॑म् । सत् । विप्राः॑ । ब॒हु॒ऽधा । व॒द॒न्ति॒ । अ॒ग्निम् । य॒मम् । मा॒त॒रिश्वा॑नम् । आ॒हुः॒ ॥
[अमुं- about this (i.e. Aditya)]; इंद्र- indra; मित्रं - mitra; वरुणं - varuna; अग्नि- agni; आहुः -call(name); अथो -further (this Aditya); दिव्यः - celestial; सुपर्णः -having good wings; गुरुत्मान् - divine bird, (eagle); सद्विप्राः -learned ; एकं -one; अग्निः -agni; यमं -yama; मातरिश्वानं- matarishva; बहुधा - many; आहुः -call(name);
(They phrase Him, the Sun), Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni, and he is the celestial divine bird with good wings; learned call One by many names Agni, Yama, Matarishva.
Rishi: dhirghatama aucathyaha; devata: suryaha; chandas: trishyup [rigveda 1-164-46]

Sports persons feels upset as the facilities are not promising. Expected friend does not come in time. You exhibit greater diplomatic skills till 11th of the month. You should plan crucial meetings, contacts and get-togethers during that time. There is lot of money to spend. But you find that the things you need are not readily available. Think of long term immovable property plans than short term pleasures. There are some fears and bad dreams due to rahu in adverse 12th.
During the first half the boss is hard to please - he will make you rewrite many plans. From 12th of the month heralds successful career. You will enjoy every moment of your life. Financial problems are there to small extent as you spend even the last coin, when you shopping. You need equally care about day to day spending. Do not bother what others think of your life. You will surely acquire lot of wealth, gold and properties and vehicles. Many people of this sign get married and settle in their lives. In the hurry, do not jump into wealth matters without out considering pros and cons as rahu transits in 11th. There are some concerns about children running in the background.
A court settlement is reached but the proceeds are yet to come. This is the time when you will recoup from sickness and loans. You will come across good people from various cultural background. You are prone to cuts and wounds due to adverse ravi. A bit of caution is required. Always be humble and do not take it to your heart if you are insulted in some ways. In the second half of the month, you can expect fabulous financial gains as arrears of pay or a settlement, budha is most favorable in the 8th.
But you are not given the due credit for this. So, be tactful when you take additional loads of work or responsibilities. In the competitive world, it is always better to keep some secrets up you sleeve! Time is good to purchase lands and building, particularly agricultural lands. Sport persons have successful days. Many people of this sign go abroad or get married or get fabulous job. There will sense of achievement and wealth pours in like a torrent! The downside is that marital life is not up to the mark; you should be careful while handling risky tools, rahu is adverse in 8th. Despite all the prosperity, there is always some fear that the empire may fall apart. This is unreasonable imagination due to ketu in 2nd.

You will enjoy the life despite reservations and obstacles as shukra is in exalted in adverse 6th. You will take all kinds of loans and advances to purchase vehicles and consumer durables. There is steady progress of children but with considerable expenditure. Loans are easily available. Sleep evades and goblins visit you in the dreams.
You should expect last minute reversals of plans, delays and also obstacles due to change in government policies. Final success is assured. Students have assured success; There is great success regarding children. Many people are blessed with birth of children, marriage and their settlement in life. This is a good time for investment in various forms of wealth. At times, you loose your temper with children due to generation gap. Kuja is adverse in 8th and as such you should be careful while handling heavy objects. Marital life is good in the entire month and from 12th it is excellent!
This is the time to branch out, open your branch offices, to add new goals and hobbies. You are trying hard to acquire house property but it is getting postponed. Do not be impulsive and avoid any quick decisions. Professional frustrations run in the background due to adverse ketu. You have ready cash but the property up to your requirement is not readily available. Though there are no financial shortage, the first half of the month has some jiggling in the first half. Do not loose your temper with relatives and handle the issues tactfully.
You have this inclination in the first half of the month. There is lot of money involved in tours and entertainment. Do not spend it all on friends. You make quick friends during this month and unfortunately they fade away in coming months. So, do not spend much on worthless leads. And there are recurring savings plans in place to take care. There is good progress with reference to children. There are financial strains due to unplanned and uneven spending. With proper planning, financial front need not bother you, shukra is benefic and exalted in 3rd with out vedha from 13th of the month. Do not talk about religious matters the way it comes to your mind; you make simple ideas tortuous with technical jargon that repels any prudent person!
Shukra exalted in benefic 2nd gives you lot of wealth, inclination towards fine arts, hobbies, purchase of vehicles, consumer durables etc., Many people of this sign get married to most beautiful persons! Domestic problems like misgivings with mother or close relatives will go on, as usual. Due to ketu in adverse 8th, you harbor strange presumptions and fears. This month is the time when pessimistic kumbha person turns out to be optimistic! The remaining concepts of life like profession etc., just go on as usual or just below that.
Remaining concepts of life are ordinary or less than that. Martial discord to some extent is possible. You are very short tempered with your spouse. Very thought of your once treasured relatives, drives to angry.