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Rahu and ketu are shadow planets and represent other planets and do not have any specific characteristic of own. Suddenness of any event - whether good or bad - is represented by rahu while ketu causes mild problems, he is not so venomous as rahu. So, there are elusive and faint differences in the results of rahu in 5th and ketu in 5th! And any result offered by rahu and ketu are not distinctive but are assimilated in the results of other transiting planets. But then, these days TVs are making loud noise about these transits.

Brihat Jataka sets down that major planets are seven in number (mukhya saptaha) while the remaining planets (aka rahu and ketu) do not play a major role. For assessment of lifespan, Bharana and Harana systems do not consider rahu and ketu at all as they are shadow planets (chaya grahas).
The rationalists always have a thoughtless tiff, claiming the basis of astrology is wrong as these are not planets at all. Not only the high school rationalist but our ancestors too were well aware that rahu and ketu are not substantial heavenly bodies like other planets. I would not go in to purnic episodes of churning the ocean (samudra mathana), everybody knows it. It is said, rahu and ketu attack or swallow ravi and chandra, as these were the devatas who exposed the demons. Rahu Ketu are celestial points which intercept the path of sun. Some 30 years ago, Indian Scientific astrologers brought the name Dh (Dragon's Head - Rahu) and Dt (Dragon's tail - Ketu) into the boxes of horoscopes. The two points at which the orbit of the Moon cuts the orbit of the Sun are called nodes which are exactly 180 degrees apart. The point of intersection formed when the Moon's motion is from South to North, is said to be ascending node and named Rahu, and the point of intersection formed when the Moon's motion is from north to south is called the descending node or Ketu. It has been observed that the nodes have a retrograde motion and Rahu stay in a sign for about 18 months.
Shri Sharma, a very orthodox brahmin went to US (obviously, all intelligent Telugu brahmins land up in US - the distance between India and US being less than the distance between Siddipet and Hyderabad) and fell in love with Sabina Williams and enjoyed western life style for several years. No, it was not a marriage of western and eastern thoughts. Sabina was not a religiously inclined person and did not come to Mysore to conduct shraddha for the people who died in Tsunami in Japan. But then the problem started - they could not have children and the search for a solution started. Shri Sharma realized his 'mistake' (he is resigned to his fate but does not want a separation) and became a dedicated orthodox brahmin (again). He went to all the temples in India - to the great temple in Kedarnath and also the small & remote temple in Kalasipalyam, Bangalore and visited all the famous and infamous astrologers of India while his wife remained in the hotel. Shri Sharma fasted and fasted but it did not trouble Sabina, who used to come late from the parties! By the grace of God and his firmest faith in rituals, he was blessed with a son, by name, CH. PSSSVNKRK Murthy. And praise the Lord, Shri Sharma became an ardent believer in Rahu kalam, Ketu kalam as well as Tuesdays and Saturdays.
While working out a muhurta, I do not go by Tuesdays, Saturdays, astami, rahu kala, durmuhurta, choghadiya etc., These rahu kala, durmhurta, amrita ghadiyalu are not used in North India while in South, choghadiya is not followed, they are not universally applicable and defy any logic when it comes to predictive utility. I go by what the planets, signs, aspects and conjunctions as well as status signify and examine whether the planets in muhurta promote the desired events. When you are talking about the size of the pockets and where you want them, the toiler takes important measurements to fit your big fat belly rightly inside the shirt, pocket size does not matter to his success. Likewise, I select the muhruta and then scan for such bad muhurta breakers like rahu kala that are hell bent upon damaging my reputation! (I am not world famous yet!). Rahu kala is in no way related to the transit of rahu. In this article, we are not discussing about the empirical time division named after rahu - they are merely combinations of certain time and names of the days. We talk about the effects of rahu and ketu, the points in zodiac.

There is ambiguity regarding the signs owned by rahu and ketu and signs where these planets are exalted or debilitated. For example, according to Uttara Kalamrita an ancient classic on Hindu Predictive Astrology Rahu is exalted in Vrishabha and debilitated in Vrischika and the reverse holds good for ketu. Own sign of rahu is kumbha and vrischika is owned by ketu, according to this classical text. Sanketnidhi takes Mithuna as the exaltation sign of Rahu, Kanya as his own sign while Dhanus as the exaltation sign of Ketu and Meena as its own sign. Well, my candid and well considered opinion is, the shadow planets do not show any specialty in so called own signs, exaltation signs or debilitation signs.

For mesha rasi persons rahu transits in the 12th while ketu in the 6th. There are hidden enemies plotting against you. Think twice before you take loans or go to a different doctor. There will be loses, wandering in foreign lands, lack of sleep due to horrible dreams. You should be cautions while purchasing costly goods. You are afflicted with incessant back pain. It is not much pain but you have a feeling that it still there, when you think of it. Ignore and you will not feel the pain! Do not bend back and front in the office. Exercise regularly to strengthen your back and forget about it. You are prone to allergic reactions caused by bad food. Any mild health condition should not be ignored as they tend to become more complicated afterwards.

You may land in trouble with the government or with your employer due to talking too much without discretion. Do not enter into conflict zones. You should be prudent in your investments policies as you may over do it, at the cost of your comforts. Despite all these, there is a kind of resigned attitude towards night fall which gives you good sleep and relaxation. Health may become delicate and you are prone to disorders of stomach. There is also possibility of sports related cuts, wounds and breaks. There is sufficient warnings and you should heed to such hints. You will purchase anything with an impulse and land in loans. This should be avoided and you should check the worthiness of things you purchase. If you are in managerial levels, take care you do not behave head strong with your subordinate staff and servants, for they are able to cause unbearable heart burns. You may have to cut a sorry figure due to this, if proper care is not taken.

Caution is required in financial matters, insure your costly things and do not put your money in Charsov Bees Bank. Ketu in 6th is a benefic transit, these bad events would not even happen if you take caution and remedial measures. You should recite ketu kavacha / mantras/ asttottra/ stotra etc., (any one of them) once a day during this transit. No shanti is required at all.

Rahu transits in 10th while ketu transits in the 4th. You should be extremely careful in the office as you tend to loose your temper. You should not loose your cool, even when provoked. Sudden problems, proponed of dead lines keep you on tenterhooks. Severe professional dissatisfaction runs high. In the mean time, domestic life is also not good. There will be misunderstandings with mother or her ill health causes great concern. Misunderstandings with your mother breaks your heart. Many people disheartened will opt for long distance transfers. Relationship with close relatives and family friends goes bad beyond salvage point. There will be constant repairs of all household articles, one by one and again! Repairs does not cost much but breaks down you want it most. Do not forget to create frequent restore points and do not keep coffee cup on Seagate!

Some times there are lot of activities unexpected that brings the best in you. Some times, you are not able to complete the work in time due to unforeseen delays. You will get good name in helping others. Due to your infatuation to cleanliness, you may pick up quarrels with family members. There is also a surge of love and affection. You should ensure you will not overstrain in your professional pursuits. You deserve breaks and relaxations.

Students have lot of confusion. It is a good idea to jot down the the head lines of your answers frequently. Efficiency goes down due to boredom and disadvantageous situations. As this transit affects both professional front as well as domestic area, you should recite gayatri mantras for both rahu and ketu, minimum 21 times each every day. Under any circumstances you should not put down your papers in a knee-jerk reaction, more so if you have shani in 10th in your birth chart.

For vrishabha rasi persons, rahu transits in benefic 11th while ketu is adverse 5th. Losses in speculations, due to theft, fire etc., are seen. You are likely to be greedy and for meager 0.111% gain, you will take the unreasonable risks and may loose all 100%. There will be sudden disappointments and disheartening situations. Of course, there will be sudden profits, success from unexpected corners if you are wise and skillful to use your contacts to boost your area.

But you can not depend on when you get actual payment, it may be delayed putting you into some muddy situations. There will also be unplanned travel to some holy places towards the end of the transit.

A beloved person may show his true colors throwing you off gear. Due to adverse ketu in 5th, you may take wrong decisions in investments. You are hard to please and no matter whatever they do, you are not happy with children.

You will find faults and faults with all the doctors, gurus and all. You feel you have solutions for all the problems, but you are not sure! Exercise patience with your children. Some times, there may be quite hot situations with children. Well, some times, you will experience a surge of love too! You should be a friendly parent than a strict gym instructor!

No creativity but critical mentality in abundance. You are always confused and afraid of secret enemies and black magic. No shanti or japa is required but you should be extremely cautious in financial matters.
What are these?
Rahu and rationalists
Rahu, Ketu and Indian affairs
Sharma son's upanayana
Rahu kala, Tuesday, Durmuhurta Astami & Choghadiya
How does Rahu/Ketu affect your rasi

For kataka rasi persons rahu is in adverse 9th and ketu is benefic in 3rd house. Anti religious feelings and at the same time interest in ESP, kundalini, cults and modern sciences is more. The students in advanced studies like computer skills artificial languages, nuclear physics and genetics etc., have remarkable success. There will be some bitterness with father, elders in the family as well as higher officers. You are highly critical of rituals of your own religion and culture while inadvertently you are interested in culture and religion of others, a paradox indeed.

This is a good time to explore new horizons in history, economics, journalism and history. You feel the need for isolation and for this reason, yoga, meditation and serious study suit you. This is of course for brief time and you are back in society again.

You are more selective in your friends and for this reason find insufficiency in your friendship. There are some situations when you are suddenly gripped with some imagined fears. You should be careful in your relationship with friends. In case of any fall out, you should be tactful to make a royal exit than making a squabble.

You exhibit stinginess in your expenditure. Ganesh Youth Assn will not be able to extract a single paisa from you! You will use foul language deliberately to hurt others. During transit of ketu in 3rd, there is always some fear and uncertainty - fear of ghosts, dristi, strangers and darkness. If you are a firm believer, you will loose faith; if you are a rationalist you will loose your well preserved rationale. "But, we can not say" is your key word! You are a non conformist in true sense - even if Chintamani (touch stone) knocks you door, you are undecided whether to open or not! This is a good time to learn languages and computer skills that you never tried before like - Esperanto, puzzles, repairing locks, rearing honeybees or research in hair oils.

This is the worst transit - rahu in the 8th while ketu in 2nd house. You are prone to cuts, wounds and accidents. Extreme caution is required while driving and handling dangerous objects. There will be loss of properties and costly items due to theft, deception and negligence. There will be sleep related issues and horrible dreams. There is constant worry about financial condition, for no reasons at all.

Persons who have any psychological issues should be unhesitating to meet as and when required. This transit also makes you keen on physical fitness. The more you are fit, you gain confidence. Somebody you trust a your parent or guru may cause anguish. You should be careful of such people in disguise. There are some issues among relatives and your are dragged into conflicts. Take some time before you talk. At times, there minor financial strains. You should promptly pay your dues to government. Otherwise, you will have to face consequences.

There will be bitter misgivings from family members. There will be health problems related to chest and waist regions like catching sudden pain. Shanti for rahu should be done, if you are under adverse dasha or bhukti. Nevertheless, you should recite rahu beeja mantra or gayatri mantra (any one of them, minimum 21 times a day) till the end of the transit.

Rahu transits in the 7th while ketu over your rasi. This is adverse transit. The intensity and possibility of cuts and wounds are far less compared to simha rasi persons. There will be marital discard and short tempered behavior with family members, particularly spouse.

You receive lot of appreciations and support from unexpected groups. You are able to take on your competitors with greater skill. You are at best in your language. Then quite suddenly when you riding good horses, you are entangled in misunderstandings and due to this your projects suffer delay. You feel sympathetic to some person unrelated to you; it is like a rich man in support of a poor man, a boss supporting a watchman. You are pulled into trouble but you derive satisfaction and appreciation for this.

you should not put government agencies on test. Just pay for the traffic violation and do not argue. Unexpected profits are seen but the amount is not great. There may be some disagreement with close family members.

For Tula rasi persons rahu transits in favorable 6th while ketu is adverse in 12th. You will overcome enemies and competitors and success does not come easily. On occasions, you may employ deceitful means to achieve your goals and to settle your score. There will be sudden health problems like skin problems, constipation and allergy. Proper and timely medication is needed, otherwise the problems become prolonged. Some people become very cautious and improve health while some complain unendingly and prefer to suffer.

For vrischika rasi persons rahu transits in adverse 5th while ketu is benefic in 11th. There will be misunderstandings with children and you are not at all happy with them. There may be losses and heavy expenditure due to children. The expectant couples should conduct Naga Pooja.

Rahu transits in the 4th and ketu in the 10th results in problems from or due to mother, close relatives and properties. Hardly ever happy due to restlessness and sudden turn of events. Untimely meals, lack of sleep and relaxation. You may have to live away from your people, due to long distance transfer or bitter misunderstandings.

For makara persons, transit of rahu and ketu is across 3rd and 9th houses. Rahu in 3rd is regarded a benefic while ketu in 9th is bad, according to classics. Strained relationship with brothers, sisters and friends are possible, at times it may turnout to be severe. And there may be heavy expenditure due to them. You can not count on your courage - surge of courage subsides suddenly leaving you with some sort of fear!

Rahu and ketu transit across 2nd and 8th houses. Financial problems crop up quite suddenly. Rifts with close family members, sudden violent anger and mood swings come up causing anguish. Diseases of mouth and face are quite common. You are likely to suffer food poisoning,  problems related to eyes and dark marks on the lips and face.

Rahu over your rasi and ketu in 7th result in problems related head and eyes. Your are more bothered what people speak about you. You are unnecessarily concerned about so called false prestige. There is constant fear of loosing you position and dignity in social life. There are possibilities of cuts, wounds, canine and insect bites and allergic reactions. Some caution is required in this matter.
This is the transit across 3rd and 9th houses from rasi of Independence Chart. This transit assumes considerable significance as the country is heading towards General Elections during early 2024. The government headed by BJP drifts from its main policy to play some stunts to get more strong position. Of course, BJP is certain to come to power but such gimmicks are to consolidate even more strong disposition. There will be strong and public disapproval from gurus inside BJP. There is always some fear among the MPs of ruling party. They make some ludicrous statements and get into trouble. Other sister organizations think BJP is deviating from its main principles. Like the opposition parties, BJP also will adopt the appeasement policies much to the chagrin of majority people!

Government will distance itself from court cases regarding other disputed places. Government does not enjoy good relationship with judiciary.  It is almost impossible to implement the policies for which the party was voted for. The situation becomes more violent and uncontrollable from July 2024 to March 2025.
A distinguished religious head is assassinated or a religious place is assault and consequently situation goes out of control. But from March, BJP comes back to its senses and becomes the BJP as in earlier times.

Before and for few months after elections there is utter confusion in government policies. BJP is bent upon hurting its partners from November 2024 till May 2025. There will be some disappointments in sports, some traffic accidents from Nov. 2023 to March 2024. Despite this. there is good administration from March 2024 to Nov. 2024.
True, astrology is hard to crack, he did not go beyond these topics. He had to conduct upanayana for his son and they came to India as such rituals should be done in the country where Ganga, Kaveri, Krishna flows and not on the banks of Mississippi. Considering the time constraints, I decided a muhurta but could not avoid a portion of Rahu kala overlapping, despite my best efforts. Shri Sharma is very knowledgeable in astrology (that is printed on the backside of calendars). I tried to explain to him why I do not consider Rahu kala or Choghadiya while making a muhurta. Half heartedly, he went to Tirupati and consulted another world famous astrologer cum priest there for a muhurta. World famous astrologer-priest made some corrections, considering overlapping of rahu kala for a function at the start of the function is better than overlapping at the culmination of the function. Sharma was not fully convinced. "OK", said Sharma, " Then we will have upanayana next year". But what is the guarantee that he comes to the same priest? Astrologer cum priest quoted a Tamil song, "How dare rahu and ketu move over the Head of My Lord, Balaji? They go every where but not over seven hills". According to this text, Tirumala is exempt from rahu kala! The upanaya was conducted and these days Sharma goes to Tirupathi for muhurtas and comes to me only for prediction work! I did not try to explain the concept of rahu kala again to him - he did not ask for it but had said, "మంజునాథ్ గారికి predictive astrologyలో చాలా ప్రభుత్వం ఉంది కాని ముహూర్త భాగంలో అంత పరిణితి లేదు" ("Manjunath has competence in predictive astrology but does not have expertise in election astrology") to his brother.
After serious study of hundreds of charts, I have not found a single horoscope where exalted rahu in 10th has given great benefits! There is another opinion that Rahu acts like Shani and Ketu acts like Kuja (kodanda rahu and kujaved ketu). They are merely malefic planets - rahu is more malefic than ketu - and they are good in the houses 3-6-11 with traces of some bad effects! Some classics postulate that rahu can also be yogakaraka [If Rahu is in either the 4th, 5th, 10th or 11th houses, fame and affluence are guaranteed (during his dasha) - Bhavartha Ratnakara]. I am yet to come across such lofty results. These planets represent their star lords, associates (by aspect and conjunction) and lastly rasi lord. So, it is very knotty postulate to decipher their roles, as they largely depend on individual charts. The effects described here are general in nature. Rahu transits in meena rasi from 30-Oct-2023 to 17-May-2025, while Ketu transits in kanya rasi. The results are based on my humble practical experience as well as classical texts like Phaladeepika, Chamatkara Chintamani and Saravali.
You should avoid unnecessary arguments in the entire transit. The problems may linger for a long time. Towards the end of the transit these problems become less and less. Work related tensions keep your sleep at bay. You may not see any pay hike but you are able to save more coins. Marital life has some ups and downs towards the end of transit.

There will be minor losses in financial transactions due to adverse ketu in 12th. Lack of sleep, horrible dreams, undefined fears are common. You are very generous and will spend fair amount of money on religious causes. There will a sense of secrecy where you are not able to decide what are the secrets that should be guarded. You should recite rahu kavacha / mantra/ asttottra/ stotra etc., (any one of them) once a day during this transit.
There will be problems from house owners or neighbors which cause frequent shifting. Loss of gold, vehicles, properties and grains due to theft and negligence. Students have consternations and are not able to concentrate on their studies. as they are worried about their possible placements. However, students in electronics will fare well.

The transit has multiple effects. In the beginning , there is considerable acquisition of various forms of wealth, shares and deposits. You believe these days go on forever but they stop causing great discomfort. Towards the end, situation improves but you are not keen on personal gains but you will spend the amount on social causes.

Some body prompts you to fight for a social cause and you get carried away. You will plunge into struggles and suddenly the support, encouragement and applause will fade away leaving you in cold! Keep away from such people you derive the benefits at your cost. By the end of the transit you will become wise.

Ketu in 10th causes mild professional frustrations. There are no secret enemies but your friends put you in tight spots, even without their knowledge. Mild amount of misgiving continue in background, no matter even if you are elevated to the post of MD. Even if there is no reason to worry about, you tend to sense problems. You should be careful in property and financial transactions. Do not worry about professional problems and do not overreact, you tend to blow the events out of proportion. Students should not be tempted by sound, scents and colors. Anything outlandish invites you! Watch your company, you may fall into a bad company. You should recite rahu kavacha / mantra / stotra etc., (any one of them once a day).

From the very beginning of the transit you should control your resentment with your children and exercise patience. First it begins with small but numerous objections in terms of teasing your children that they learn good lessons. Then this will result in cold war; you are hurt more than your children. Towards the end of the transit, these problems ease out. If you have any contracts with government agencies, you will get your dues. There are sudden religious trips with new friends like showing Belur temple to your American friend. Towards the end of transit, you see profitable transactions.

You should keep away from any chance games and dubious investments; the temptation to make fast buck is ever more. You should be extremely careful in purchase of electronic gadgets, as they may break down. Though you have financial stability, you are not able to invest the way you want. You tend to become unorthodox in your views on many matters. Horrible dreams and fears haunt during nights.
Many friends, many activities and your energy is dissipated in this. Then suddenly friends become rare as you long to be alone. Any you will find solace in own efforts than team work. First a gullible saint -head will barge into your life; take care you will not lose your money nor loose your heart and soul.

Due to good friends and your spouse, you will come out of it. This loss of time and efforts makes you double up the speed in your life to achieve something cherished.
Sudden short journeys and also problems thereby. Mouth sores, black spots on the face, stammering and forgetfulness are possible. You tend to talk more and land in trouble; you are likely to be misunderstood. Tools, machines, equipments and household articles breakdown frequently. Ketu is mild malefic and by and large a benefic and in the 9th he is good. There is lot religious interests though you are not comfortable with rituals. You may visit black magic people and try to change your luck with their help. You may be cheated by such people. You will get interest in occult sciences like astrology, palmistry and kunalini etc., You may even find a Jiddu Krishnamoorthy in neighborhood. Such interests are welcome but ensure your religiosity is not exploited by any gurus. [There is only one good guru in the world while all others are simply gurus without beards! There may be some minor misunderstandings with your father or worries regarding his health. Students in advances studies like Ph.D suffer lack of commitment.
You will indulge in deceitful and vulgar language and fond of telling lies to impress others. There will be bitter misunderstandings with close relatives like mother. You are likely to suffer depression and if you are predisposed to sensitivity, this transit may cause relapse.

This transit produces strange results. This increased monthly income from various sources and you will take it for granted, it would be like this for next hundred years. Then quite unexpectedly you crash into financial hardship; the income dwindles. In the beginning, there will be fear that marital life may end up in a disaster but it improves; only you should control your tempered. You should be careful while driving vehicles.

You suffer fear of loosing something (wealth, life, limbs, job or anything), though there are no reasons for such worries. You are Interested in religious lore but given to superstition. You will borrow somebody's ideas and put your faith in that. ("దుర్భాశ్ ఛత్రిగారు పదివేలు పుస్తకాలు చదువారు. దాని సారాంశంగ నాకు పది పేజుల notebook ఇచ్చారు" - Shri Durbhash Chatri has read ten thousand books, he has given me notebook of ten pages").

There is likelihood of cuts, wound and accidents. Insect bites and attacks by dogs, cats, jackals and other wide animals are not ruled out. Caution is required while with animals, insects and birds. While driving, ensure safe distance from strange looking vehicles like autos. Keep away from chance games. You should force interest in life otherwise, you will suffer pessimism in all walks of life. For every good event during this period, you have a negative comment ("Last night, it rained currency notes but it was a worst night in my life, God did not include Cash Counting Machine"). You should recite ketu gayatri mantra or beeja mantra, minimum 21 times a day.
It is possible that spouse and partners are able to easily influence in important matters. You look towards west for all the inspiration. Boils, acne, blackheads, blisters and spots around eyes refuse to heal easily. You have reservations against strangers and strange situations, though you are interested in their lifestyle and culture. Slight displeasures with spouse but you are not able to locate the reasons.

You may loose some precious items due to negligence. You are likely to be cheated in financial transactions though such losses are small. These can be easily avoided with some caution. Be prepared to face humiliations. Some precaution is required but no mantra or shanti are required.

Marital life is good barring some conflicts and you are not in a mood to quarrel with your spouse but prefer to suffer silently. You are able to purchase some shares, fund certificates etc., quite suddenly. This is a good time to take up some courses in software. You like to be alone and you are not attracted to visit even nearby temple. You are helpful to others and your position is society goes up. At times you suffer mood swings.
[From 30-Oct-2023 to 17-May-2025]
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