Coming soon:  Transit of Shani into Meena rasi and its consequences...
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Total lunar eclipse on 14th March happens in the star Uttara phalguni, spread over simha and kanya rasis. Again, partial solar eclipse on 29th March occurs in Uttarabhadra star meena rasi. There is no associated religious rites for these two eclipses as they are not visible in India. The persons born in simha, kanya, makara, kumbha and meena rasis should wary of cuts, wounds, losses and abuses.
At the start of the month ravi is in kumbha rasi and enters meena on 15th of the month. In the entire month kuja continues his transit in mithuna rasi. Budha is debilitated in meena and is retrograde from 13th. From 18th budha suffers combustion also. Guru continues his sojourn in vrishabha rasi. Shukra is exalted in meena but is retrograde from 3rd of the month. Shukra is subjected to combustion from 19th to 28th of the month.
Rasi wise forecast for March 2025

A successful month, particularly in the first half. You will see success in many areas of life. You should value what you talk otherwise you may land up in losses, budha is adverse in 12th. Expected money will not come in time. A good period of investments and purchase of properties.

Professional advancement during the first half. You have luck raining on your day and night. Time to purchase whatever you want. There are some tensions related to profession. There is income from various sources. Investments appreciate as never before. Minor issues with children due to generation gap.

Friction with elders and parents during the first half. There will one or the other professional issues. Yet, due to your diplomatic skills, you will win over the situation. You should not loose your cool in the office. Frequent repairs to domestic articles and mother's ill health causes concern. Be focused on your professional goals. This is the way out of your problems.

Prone to cuts and wounds, ravi is in the 8th. You may be sidelined in the profession. Restlessness and lack of sleep. Expected dues do not come in time. Narrow escape from a troublesome situation. At the time of need, there is one or the other person to help you out. The help comes from unexpected quarter.

Prone to cuts and wounds in the entire month due to eclipse, ravi and rahu in adverse positions. You will purchase land properties of higher value. There will be inheritance or realization of old dues. Profession does not go on well due to heavy work. You have ample funds to purchase whatever you need. Despite affluence there is slight imbalances in monthly income and expenditure. Remedial measures for rahu and ravi are required, particularly so, if your star is uttaraphalguni.
Kanya :

In the first half there is good progress in profession. There is back breaking work load. Marital life is not up to the mark. Many people of this sign get married under uneasy situations. Expected financial help is not in sight. Due to eclipse on 14th March on your rasi, you need to take up remedial measures to avoid cuts and wounds, particularly if your star is uttaraphalguni.

Loans are available as per your terms. You should consider purchase of properties on long term loans. There is no success in any of your efforts. Progress of children is good but it causes some frustrations also. Not able to sleep and relax. Some misgivings with elders and parents.

Government agencies cause some trouble related to properties. Excellent marital life. There is nothing you can not purchase. Many people of this sign get married and settle in life. Thee will also be birth of children. It is not easy to purchase properties. You are prone to cuts and wounds due to adverse kuja in 8th.

This is the time for tours and travels. Friends always visit you and you will have outings with them. Marital life is not up to the mark. You are not able to purchase anything, though money is ready. Loan situation causes some worries. Professional frustration will be mounting and you feel helpless.
अन्त॑रैश्च॒क्रैस्तन॑याय व॒र्तिर्द्यु॒मता या॑तं नृ॒वता॒ रथे॑न । सनु॑त्येन॒ त्यज॑सा॒ मर्त्य॑स्य वनुष्य॒तामपि॑ शी॒र्षा व॑वृक्तम् ॥

अन्तरैः । चक्रैः । तनयाय । वर्तिः । द्युमता । आ । यातम् । नृवता । रथेन । सनुत्येन । त्यजसा । मर्त्यस्य । वनुष्यताम् । अपि । शीर्षा । ववृक्तम् ॥

अन्तरैः - best;  चक्रैः - with wheels;  तनयाय  - male children;  वर्तिः - house/yagna shala;  द्युमता  - radient;  आ   यातम्  - please come;  नृवता - with good driver;  रथेन -chariot;  सनुत्येन - not visible;  त्यजसा -anger;  मर्त्यस्य - man who worships;  वनुष्यताम् - bad people (demons);  शीर्षा - heads;  अपि ववृक्तम् - cut;

Come with your shining and well-guided chariot, having excellent wheels, to our house, (to bless upon us) male offspring; cut off with secret anger the heads of those obstructing (the worship) of the people.

[Rishi:  Bharadvajo Barhaspatyaha Devata: Ashwini    Chandas :    Nicrttristup            Rigveda 6-62-10]

"Brother, Christ mentioned in Rigveda" said Nicolos Nayak!
Shani transits in own sign kumbha most of the month. He enters meena rasi on 30th of the month. Shani is combust from 1st to 29th of march. Rahu and ketu transit in meena and kanya respectively.   A ruling in the International Court or an economic forum goes against the country. The top courts will pass strictures on some rules, regulations and reports of the government. Relationship with the neighboring countries suffers a lot. There is war like rhetoric and the country is not able to make clear of its intensions. There is some fear in the air that the centre is not efficiently restraining different states and its authority seems to be waning. There is some scam or a false economic report.
Certain sections of society will create problems to the government in the first half of the month.  Many religious and political leaders speak in different voices causing greater confusion. A labor unrest or resistance against the government on its high handedness takes place. Lunation in the 8th in the foundation chart forewarns about a disaster like earth quake, rail or road accident or a land slide. However, the loss of life and property is at the minimal as shani is his own sign and house. By the end of the month, shani moves into meena rasi. This relieves problems associated with his transit for makara, kataka and vrischika rasis. But transit starts problematic phase to kanya, dhanus and simha rasi persons meanwhile meena rasi persons enter into second phase of adverse transit of shani of seven and half years while kumbha rasi persons have final two and half years transit. This is the beginning of adverse seven and half cycle for mesha rasi persons.

You will see good progress of children. Friends who promised do not turn up. There are no financial strains and you will purchase many useful tools, vehicles etc., There is always some resentment about parents and elders in the family. Eclipse in 8th from your rasi predispose you to cuts, wounds and accidents. Caution is required.

Expected money does not come in time and this causes some imbalances. You are not able to purchase high value properties. Yet, every day you will visit the market place, there is so much money and items in the market. Thanks to shukra in benefic 2nd. Horrible dreams and unreasonable fears haunt you. You have eclipse in the 8th form your rasi on 14th march.

You are prone to cuts and wounds as well as humiliations as there is eclipse over your rasi and also in the 7th. ence caution is required, solar eclipse is in your rasi. There is always a sense of unhappiness due to mother or close relatives. You should control your activities - one at a time. Multi tasking causes tensions. Marital life is not up to the mark. The excellent things of the month which lessens all the other tribulations is wealth. You can purchase anything you like, there is no shortage funds.