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Rasi wise forecast for October, 2024

There is good professional progress for particularly for workforce and middle ranking persons. This is more so till 10th of the month. It does not happen to all; if your ravi is weak, then you hear about your promotion but it does not take effect during this month.

Entire month proves very bad for marital life. During the second half of the month, when ravi is debilitated in 7th, situation becomes highly volatile. You should not enter into arguments with your spouse during this month, particularly about financial matters and issues involving relatives. With some caution, you can sail through as shukra is in own sign till 13th of the month.

Mother's health causes concern and also there are many issues raising with your relatives from 21st of the month. The time is not good for purchase of properties. Agriculturists and sports men are quite unhappy. Students suffer considerable setbacks. Expected help and support from your brothers/sisters and friends does not arrive, kuja is under check.

You should plan your major professional moves till 10th, budha is in own sign in favorable 6th. You can expect promotion and you can outsmart others with your wit and wisdom. Loans are available during this time as per your terms. There is always some concern about finances as guru is retrograde and also under check. Thanks to shukra, from 13th in own sign in benefic 8th, you do not have strains. You can expect realization of long term dues or inheritance. It is considerable amount that can be used to purchase vehicles, gold and costly articles.

As shani is retrograde, it may not be possible to purchase any immovable properties. Nevertheless be on look out to identify the property as shani is beneficial in 11th. Eclipse in the 6th from your rasi causes losses in financial dealings; read small print before you take any loans; There may be some sudden stomach upsets too. It is better to recite any sloka of your choice for ravi during this month.

Students are not able to concentrate as the mind is full of anxiety, tensions and rebellious tendency You are easily discourage due to ketu. Somehow, you are able to scone but in the second half, the mind suffers clog a ravi is neecha in 5th. Despite setbacks you will excel in your studies till 10th, as budha is in 4th in own sign. If you are contemplating to purchase some debentures, mutual funds or a vehicle consider this window.

You are full of heightened physical activities that cause lot of mental and physical strains. You are driven by certain goals which are more taxing to your system. You need to rest, relax and rethink your plans now and then. From 21st kuja is neecha in second from your rasi. This causes severe financial problems.

Guru in 12th retrograde is able to impart detached attitude and lethargy which is helpful to reduce the speed of your life. Financial situation is so so only. Shukra in own sign in benefic 5th is under check.

You are aware, slowly good luck is trickling in your life. You realize stability in many walks of like is not beyond your comprehension. Shani is retrograde, at times you doubt this!

Avoid any heated arguments in the office. Work while you work and play while you play. Time bound projects will eat you, if you will not escape time for some time of the day. Have some time for hobbies, meditation and yoga. Rahu in 10th is petrol bomb in your hip pocket. Sit long on any issue for long, it may explode! Then you have to yell like a 'back burnt cat'.

In the entire month, there are some unease with your children due to adverse ketu. This is more so in the first half as ravi is bad in 5th. However, budha though in bad position transits in his own sign. If you exercise some restraint, the situation will not go out of control. You may loose your temper with your children for insubstantial reasons. In the second half, you will outsmart others in the office. This will pique your bosses and yet they are not able to do anything! Do not indulge in unethical activities for some temporary benefits. It is damaging in a long run. There are financial strains till 20th of the month. Also, some issues with family members will crop up. You are full of courage and venturesome attitude from 21st. Ensure your actions do not harbor retaliation, hatred and torpid inclination.

You are over cautious of what people around think of you. This perception is reduced from 10th as guru is retrograde. Shukra in own sign in unfavorable 6th makes you purchase things you want on credit facilities. There will be some health problems but only minor problems. You may spend more to please others or to keep false prestige.

There are some professional problems but surely you are not driven to walls. It is very difficult to change your job. At times, you are not sure whether you should! You may be insulted or sidelined. Unless and until you have a clear appointment order, you should not even think of quitting. Do not be on wild goose chase for any money spinning schemes. You should be extremely in investment matters as ketu in 5th causes murkiness in your thinking.

Expected help from friends may not come during the first half of the month as ravi is under check. However, there is unexpected help from total strangers who you totally ignored, benefic ketu is in 3rd. There is good amount of money power to purchase what ever you need till 13th, shukra is benefic in 4th in own sign.

In the entire month, there is concern about finances. Thanks to budha in favorable 2nd in own sign there is excellent income from various sources till 10th. From 11th to 17th of October, there are terrible financial strains but for the remaining days, you are terrified that black bear may come back! It does not, you have lot of money in the second half but afraid to part with that.

Solar eclipse on 2/3rd October occurs over your sign. This causes insults, humiliations and also health problems related to stomach. As the eclipse is not visible in India, there is no ritual associated with it. If you are born in the star Hasta, then shanti for ravi becomes essential. You have skin problems, hair loss, stammering and lack of confidence.

You are ready to purchase immovable properties but there are some problems related to government will make you hold back, benefic ravi in 11th is under check. Also, Ketu in 11th is checked. Second half is not a good period for investments as ravi is neecha in 12th. You are able to save for purchase of a house; still the house is out of sight. You are prone to cuts and ouls till 20th of the month due to adverse kuja in 8th. You MUST recite kuja kavacha once a day till 20th of the month. Be careful of goods carrying vehicles. There may be misunderstandings with your boss or elders int he family, kuja ins neecha in 9th from 21st of October. There are fair amounts of profits - you will bag the contract; yet your money has not come. Marital life is excellent but some times tedious! But it does not go bad!

It rains gold coins with diamonds till 11th of October a shukra is benefic in 12thin own sign. It is not possible to purchase a house as shani in 4th is retrograde. Yet, you will be able to make some payments towards purchase. Students have to beat boredom, great success is assured. Sudden anger with children is common when guru is in 5th.

In the first half there is mounting expenditure while in the second half, thanks to shukra, there is more income, a sudden change of scenario! You are prone to heat related problems, headaches and eye related problems in the second half.

You are against rituals and religious practices during first half. Profession is very bad, you have to take orders from those you do not wish to work with. You should keep quite and wait till second half of next month.

Despite problems, you are able to sleep well as budha is in his own sign till 10th of the month. In the mean time, expenditure may increase. Students have difficulty to concentrate from 11th of October. The success rate was minimal due to guru in 8th since many months. Now, that success rate will increase, the failures are halted as guru is retrograde. You do not care about health, you will stop all the walking, jogging and prefer to just enjoy life. There are constant worries or concerns about your children. Something is boiling and you are awaiting the final results. It does not come so early. You will get loans easily for developmental purposes. But the process moves forward fast; stops, takes a turn back and goes forward.

Solar eclipse in 10th from your rasi results in unpleasant relationship with others. You should be careful about hidden competitors and you should handle the situations with deftness than loosing your cool. If you get irritated that works for the benefit of your rivals. There is always an undercurrent of professional frustrations due to ketu in 10th. It is better not to enter into disputed areas in your talk, as budha yields to vedha.

As ravi is under check though in benefic 10th placement, expected progress in profession does not come through. Profession does not go bad but there are situations which tax your patience. Considering the first half, there is great amount of success in second half of the month. For this, you may be involved in unethical practices, as ravi is neecha. You will acquire some properties, gold but government policies cause hindrances.

Marital life is bad till 20th of the month. As shukra transits in his own sign till 13th but under check marital life can be improved with some tact. As kuja is in the worst 8th and neecha from 21st of October, you are prone to cuts and wounds. Extreme caution is required while driving vehicles and handling sharp objects. You should recite kuja kavacha during this month. If you are upset with some people, just take it light. If aversion enters your mind, it takes a lot time to go away.

You have some issues with elders and your peers in the entire month, particularly in the first half. You do not like to be put on an order, instead you would your best, if requested. Profession is not up to the mark as you are not too practical, you are carried away by emotions. In the second half of the month profession goes on well but you may do something wrong against rules and regulations. This may land you in trouble. You have great skills in profession due to benefic budha from 11th of October.

In the entire month, you have feeling of dejection and worthlessness; this is more in intensity in the first half as ravi is in worst 8th. You are likely to sidelined and insulted. Take care to avoid such situations. You are prone to cuts, wounds and accidents as the eclipse occurs in the 8th from your sign. At the time of eclipse you should recite ravi gayatri mantra, minimum 21 times.

There are conflicts in marital life due to adverse ravi, budha and ketu. You should keep your cool during first half of the month. Eclipse in 7th from your rasi, overshadows your marital life. Avoid all sorts of arguments and elaborate discussions with your spouse at least till 10th of the month. As budha is in his own sign, this will render the marital problems to minimal.
During October 2024, solar eclipse occurs on 2nd /3rd in kanya rasi, hasta nakshatra. As the eclipse is not visible in India, there is no observance. This eclipse is not good for persons born in kanya, kumbha and mesha rasi persons. If these people are running adverse dasha/bhuktis, then only they should consider shanti for ravi. For the remaining population, the results are not much pronounced. Do not be surprised if your TV astrologer says, 'This time, eclipse has happened on amavasya'.  All solar eclipses occur on amavasya and lunar eclipses on poornima days!
At the start of the month ravi is in kanya rasi; ravi becomes neecha in tula rasi from 18th of the month.  Till 20th of October kuja is in mithuna and he is neecha in kataka rasi from 21st; Budha transits in his own sign kanya till 10th. From 11th to 29th, he is in tula rasi and moves to vrischika on 30th.

Budha is combust till 22nd October. Guru continues his transit in vrishabha and is retrograde from 10th (this continues till 4th February of next year). Shukra is in his own sign tula till 13th and he moves into vrischika rasi from 14th. Retrograde shani transits in his own sign, kumbha in the entire month.  Rahu and ketu continue their transits in meena and kanya respectively.
You have good relationship with your brothers, sisters and friends. With over enthusiasm you may falter and do something against the government. Sins committed will not sleep, like a snake they bite when you are weak, in the darkness. Do not incite against one another. Do not write anonymous petitions to trap others. It is good time to purchase immovable properties like land and building till 20th of the month. It is not possible to purchase vehicles or gold. Time is not good for sporting activities and investments from 21st.

Be vary of friends, they may turn against you; be careful when you talk. There is not much work and there is joyful ride in the office. The team you have set up with your hard training is working well. Students have problems in studies due to indulgence in entertainment. There are problems in marriage life, at least they are on back burner. As shani is in his own sign, the misapprehensions will give rise to better understanding. Do not think of separation or divorce now. Things will settle down but in its own time.
Many people of this sign purchase gold, vehicles and there will be memorable trips. However, investment would not be possible and you can not purchase immovable properties as benefic budha in 4th is under check and benefic guru is retrograde and is under vedha.

There will be heavy expenditure due to children. You will not spend all the coins you ear but you are prudent to save some, shani is in own sign in 8th. It is not possible to save all the time, as he is retrograde. You are unconventional and against rituals. You are highly critical of established values and institutions in society.
Just forget how low you are but get engaged in whatever comes to your mind, like a child. Budha in own sign and in 2nd thereafter will give you an edge in intellectual pursuits.

Money is good but expected money will not come in time. There is income from various sources from 11th. Relationship issues top the happenings in second half, ravi is debilitated. There is much work pressure that cause muscular pain till 20th of the month. From 21st there is good possibility of purchase of properties. You may hurt somebody or break promise as kuja is neecha. Religious trips, rituals are put off to an unknown date. You are happy you are assured the amount but it does not come, the cheque is for a future date! You are not able to clear outstanding loans. Sudden rifts with spouse is common due to rahu in 7th. Nonetheless, it does not damage relationship with your spouse.
Expected loans and advances do not come as benefic kuja is under vedha. From 21st, as kuja is malefic and also debilitated in 7th from your rasi, the marital life is worse. However, shukra till 13th of the month bestows happiness. You can expect good progress of your children, guru is benefic in 5th. However, the outcome still a long way. This is a good time for investments for children. At times, you have some financial strains as you are inclined to save more and more. Relationship with brothers, sisters and friends is excellent.
In the entire month, there is a sense of utter failure in life. It is extremely difficult to keep your spirits in tact. You are likely to be sided, ignored and rebuke in harsh terms. So, avoid all kinds of conflicts and always lay low. You are prone to cuts, wounds and accidents in the entire month, particularly in second half. You should recite ravi kavacha once a month during this month. There are problems related to close relatives, unhappiness due to them due to adverse kuja in 4th. From 21st, relationship with your children is extremely strained. You feel, have been let down by your own people. You are easily discouraged.
पावीरवी कन्या चित्रायुः सरस्वती वीरपत्नी धियं धात्। ग्नाभिरच्छिद्रं शरणं सजोषा दुराधर्षं गृणते शर्म यंसत्
पद पाठ:
पावीरवी कन्या चित्रऽआयुः सरस्वती वीरऽपत्नी धियम् धात् ग्नाभिः अच्छिद्रम् शरणम् सऽजोषाः दुःऽआधर्षम् गृणते शर्म यंसत्
प्रति पदार्थ:
पावीरवी - purifying; कन्या - graceful ; चित्रऽआयुः -having manifold lives;  सरस्वती - saraswati ; वीरऽपत्नी - bride of the hero;  धियम् -wisdom;     धात् - grant; ग्नाभिः - with wives of Gods;  अच्छिद्रम् - without defect;  शरणम् - house; सऽजोषाः -that pleasing (saraswathi);  दुःऽआधर्षम् - impenetrable;  गृणते - upon the one who praises;  शर्म - happiness; यंसत् - bestow.
Purifying, graceful, who has manifold lives, Saraswati, bride of the hero, together with wives of Gods, bestow upon him who praises (you) house impenetrable (by wind, rain and enemies) and happiness.

Rigveda Mandala 6; sukta 49; Rik: 7 rishi: Rujishwaa; Devata: Vishvedevaha
There is no financial problem but you are not able to purchase anything you want - it may not be readily available, as shukra is under vedha. It is better till 13th of the month. You have lot of patience and courage. Relationship with your brothers, sisters and friends is good. Students find it difficult to concentrate; however, students in electronics field do well. There are sudden raptures with your mother and close relatives.
It is better to recite ravi kavacha during this month. You are at logger heads with your elders, father and government. Just do not make any move, wait for the good time; it is coming after two months. You should be calm and cool with your children; loosing temper will further damage the relationship.

Do not take loans for flimsy reasons; you will not get in time and also the consequences are not palatable. You will win the court battle before 10th of the month but the proceeds are yet to be in your hands. Students have lethargic attitude and are not optimistic as they are more concerned about the national affairs than academics. If they become more focused on their studies, they can score well.

There are no financial problems at all as shukra is benefic in 9th in own sign. You will have fabulous wealth till 13th. Nonetheless rest of the month is not bad. But you are very impulsive in your purchases and you may suffer temporary setback due to rahu in 2nd. Like a buffalo in heavy rains, you are unmoved striking balance in life. Shani in own sign over your rasi protects from adverse effects of eclipse and ravi.
Relationship with your brothers, sisters and friends is bad but you will see some reconciliation that has been brought due to changed circumstances, even without your willingness. You wild fire is not extinguished but it is subdued. Lot of money rains like cloud burst in mid monsoon. You have been cash starved since a couple of months. This brings great respite, you are able to spend, save and purchase all the things you wish to, till 13th of October, shukra is in his own sign in benefic 8th. There after too, shukra in 9th gives you lot of money to spend on religious causes. You are afraid to spend, shani in 12th in own sign, forces to save few coins by the end of the day; it is good. Nodal axis with eclipse causes sudden problems in partnership.
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