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You find Vrischika (Scorpio) man in a sports stadium or in a religious function. He is fond of both. He has good appearance but has a strange habit of throwing his legs side ways or shifting the weight side to side while walking. This won't look awkward His eyes are focused He looks eye to eye, is very courageous and venturesome. Vrischika (Scorpio) man is very religious to the core and does not alter his views. He lacks the talent in arguments and finally winds up saying, "you are good at talking but I am not able to convey my thoughts, though I firmly believe I am right." I know of a lady who is 46 now. She got married at the age of 18 years. She thinks she is a perfect lady and all the arguments in her house are due to her husband only and that she has not done any mistake on a single day even! His wants are very much limited. Vrischika (Scorpio) man does not have greed for money. Though he wants to enjoy the life, he will not go to excesses in eating and drinking. He likes sour, astringent and dry things. He is very emotional, is easily provoked. When he can not continue his arguments, he calls for a dual. Similarly, when Scorpio likes a person he touches him fondly. But he does not like strangers touching him. He shouts at his wife and children unmindful of the circumstances. He cools down quickly, but does not give up the point. For the next half an hour, his family members should listen to his lecture. Scorpio has pictorial memory and has his own way of describing the events. Once he starts describing his dream, you run away - so elaborate, it is! After middle age, he would continue to exert the same demands on his body as he used to do in his younger days. This results in damage. So, he would suffer the disorders related to sports. One black belt vrischika over did it after his middle age that resulted in severe problems in his spinal cord. Now, his black belt daughter is looking after his sports club. Some times he steps to instruct and suffers severe pain that night. He has stamina, muscular strength sans flexibility. Though he is slim and is good at martial arts, he can not perform yoga due to this. His elbows and joints end with a sharp curve.
He likes tension and time bound project. Without tension, he becomes lazy. He works in spurs and not continuously. He would tax his system too much, till it results in some problem like nervous disorders, anxiety, uncontrollable shaking of limbs in his advanced age. He sits in the loo for a long time, rather as a morning ritual! This causes excess pressure on the large intestine and rectum. Instead of sitting there with a news paper till his limbs become numb, he should depend on the natural impulse. Another problem he suffers (in India particularly virschika woman) is that - he becomes quite pessimistic when the anger is not let out. In that case also, he would not go for drinks and drugs but lies in bed. Under such circumstances he becomes worrisome. The professions that suit the Vrischika (Scorpio) man are: administrative services, sports, social services organizations and those where mathematical and logical talents are required. He can also take up publication, tourism. He does not have any business sense. He has a lot of vigor and strength to travel around.
Scorpio boss is kind hearted but demanding. He is competitive and so sets his staff against one another in a sportive competition. At the time of need, he would come forward to help his subordinates. As an employee, he is trust worthy, hard working and goes into minute details of the problem. He has a lot of initiative and does his home work and finally seek your opinion instead of blinking for your directions. He is either an astrologer/palmist/numerologist or a person who consults them frequently due to his curiosity to know he subject. It is one of the subjects he pursues in his religious field. As the days go on, he looses his interest in futurology and confines himself to spirituality.
The negative Scorpio is too adamant and a fundamentalist in his religious views. He finds it difficult to manage with his brothers, friends and neighbors. Due to over tensed nature, he is likely to have nervous problems. He should restrict his sporting activities after middle age than driving his body to its limits. One old man did shirshasana (head down yoga position) and had a massive cardiac attack. The negative Scorpio is too demanding from his children. His married life is quite excellent.
The description above would be prominent if moon is in the middle of the sign. For complete analysis of character, future trends, suitable gem stones a personalized approach based on horoscope is desirable.