Coming soon: Transit of Shani into Meena rasi and its consequences...
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At the start of the month, ravi in dhanus till 14th of January and transits in to makara rasi on 15th which is called makara sankramana. This is the start of Uttarayana (Summer solstice) the beginning of hot months with extended day time. In the Mahabharata, this day marks the death of Bhishma. Bhishma although fatally injured in Mahabharata war, waited to start of uttarayana to leave his mortal body. According to the Bhagavad Gita those who die in uttarayana attain salvation. Uttarayana is the day of new good healthy wealthy beginning. During the Uttarayana, faithful bathe in holly rivers like Yamuna, Ganga, Kaveri and Krishna. Tarpana is offered to forefathers on this day. Pongal (bhogi) also known sankranti is celebrated as a harvest festival in South of India (I do not want to catalogue as South and North India). It is celebrated as Lori in North of India.
Be tactful not to brush shoulders with your bosses. You may run into trouble. As far as possible maintain some respectable distance. Unless you are called for, do take adventitious responsibilities. The second half of the month seems to be good in professional area but it is not so! You will not get expected benefits. It may be that you are hand picked by on person who likes you but the boss is transferred out, placing you in alien hands!
There are domestic problems, misgivings with close relatives, property related issues trouble you till 21st of the month. There may be health problems to your mother also - kuja is neecha and retrograde in adverse 4th house.
There will be financial stability. You are able to make long term investments though you have minor strain in day to day maintenance. This is because you prioritize long term savings over routine spending. There is excellent income during first four days of the month. Be wise to utilize this to tide over rest of the month. Even if you want, you are not able to or inclined to purchase any items of pleasure. From 29th of the month, this will change, you will choose to spend few coins on pleasures of life - shukra is exalted but in adverse, under vedha. So, it remains only as a plan.
Meeting old friends, trekking, tours and doing something adventurous is the specialty of the month. This is the best time to open new branches. You should do all these before 21st of the month. As kuja is debilitated and retrograde, some of the ventures may not take off or you may come across obstacles. As such, it is better weigh the options before you step out. If you are in sports, you have fair amount of success. But some of the winning may become disputed. Stay clear of any controversies. You should be careful of cuts and wounds as ravi is in the 8th. A small wound may become a laceration due to non availability of doctors/medicine or your own negligence. Do not go for self-medication and home remedies!
There are some professional problems in the entire month due to adverse ravi, shukra and shani. As shani is in own sign, you will not loose your job; but if you are trying to change job, it is near to impossible. Some friction with spouse is possible during first four days of the month. There are some minor disappointments with your children.
A month of all odds pitted against you. Every thing, every one and every event seems to go out of hand. One things that solves all these problems are your richness that tides over all the problems. It drizzles gold coins due to favorable shukra. Also, there is timely advice, help and support from peers, well wishers and bosses, in case you need. With this you are able to stay clear of problems. This is the time to take pleasure trips and pilgrimages.
Though there are routine financial strains, this will not hamper your travel plans. It is a strange situation where you have money for pleasure trips and pilgrimages while few coins for routine expenditure - debilitated kuja is bad in 2nd while shukra is beneficial in 9th! Do not loose your temper and have good control. Do not be impulsive in buying anything that glitters. You are prone to cuts and wounds, particularly during second half of the month. Read small print if you are considering purchase of immovable land properties.
A bright month of great financial gains. Your popularity also will increase. You are able to clear outstanding loans too. Professional growth is good in the first half. Marital life is not up to he mark, you need to restrain your dictatorial instincts with family members. You have an attitude not to agree with anybody! Students should be watchful againt temprations that distract.
Things are bad as bad as they can be. You should be tough to surge forward. Well, there are good events during the first four days. You will purchase good things needed. Students fair well in examinations. A long time dream becomes a reality like purchase of a dwelling house.
Students in advanced studies have great time. They will achieve targets and suitable placements. Luck dawn for all the people of this rasi. There will be pilgrimage, house warming, marriage or such overwhelming incidents which are rare.
A good time investments in gold and precious stones. There are extremely good events related to children like marriage or job. Your friends feel you have set an example for others. Your dignity is enhanced during the fist half. There are professional problems due to kuja retrograde and debilitated in adverse 10th. You need to relax and think 'out of the box' solutions than being inside the problem. You are undergoing a time of great change. There is excellent financial condition in the entire month. Relationship with mother and close relatives is not up to the mark.

In Karnataka, the festival is marked by visiting one's friends and relatives to exchange Ellu (mixture of sesame seeds, small coconuts pieces, jiggery pieces etc). Farmers decorate their cattle with ornamental items and Pongal - a sweet delicacy of rice is prepared in every household. In my porvashrama (past life) i.e. before diabetes caught hold of me firmly, this was my favourite dish. A hotel in Pavagada was preparing this dish all round the year; My father and I were regular visitors. My dad would say, "ಇವನು Wren & Martin ಗ್ರಾಮರ್ ಕಲಿತಿದಾನಯ್ಯಾ" (He is learning Wren & Martin Grammar). English was royal language, very difficult to master and learning English was ajinomoto of every student life. The hotel owner being anglabhimani, would serve me another liberal scoop of pongal. ......................Those were the happy days!!
Prayers are offered to surya bhagawan and as thanks giving that we survived the bitter winter, donations (like blanket) are given away. Tarpana to forefathers are given on this day. In the evening, the cattle are taken in a procession. A night a bonfire is lit in the neighborhood to celebrate the change of season.

There are lot of funds to purchase costly things, gold, domestic house and vehicles. If you have already purchased a house, then you are going to purchase one more or some land..
This month is mainly concerned about ill health, tiresome work, unsuccessful ventures. You should maintain low profile as your charm is far less. There are financial strains to some degree. Financial position improves after 24th of the month.
There is remarkable progress of children. They will get settled in life, enter into prestigious colleges or get married. You are full of devotion and there are sudden tours to religious spots, as thanks giving. Despite this you are not specifically spiritual - you have your own doubts. The religious trips are due to insistence of children. Expected amount of income will not be realized. However from 21st of the month, there is no need to worry about finances. You have increased your savings as a measure of insurance for future. Hence, there is shortage of funds.
Professional success, income in salary and your influence. You will get promotions and appreciations from your bosses. Loans are available if there is need. You have lot of diplomatic skills to outsmart your opponents. You are able to make considerable investments in shares, bonds and mutual funds.
Consider making such investments from 5th to 14th of the month. Students have hard time as they are easily discouraged, due to guru in 4th and ketu in 8th. You are prone to allergy, insect bites and canine attacks. Health has become a priority item and also you want to prove your metal to some people, say your relatives.

The month brings you lot of recognition and considerable importance in society. Financial position is excellent during the second half. You are cash starved and so wish to keep all the currency notes close to your chest - not planning to do anything with that! It is better that way, the time is not good for purchases or investments. Savings will go on, as shani is in 12th but in own sign.
You will realize, your life is a successful story, despite lot of obstacles. You are watching out new ways to reinvent yourself. Relationship with your children is not good. Except for ravi all the others planets are either badly disposed or under vedha, if they are good to you. 'Stay fit, stay lively. Do not bother to think about others and other things' - that is what I tell myself. You should recite any mantra or stotra of your choice for Lord Ganesh/ Skanda/Muruga/Kumara swamy during this month.

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” -J.P. Morgan

ए॒वा पि॒त्रे वि॒श्वदे॑वाय॒ वृष्णे॑ य॒ज्ञैर्वि॑धेम॒ नम॑सा ह॒विर्भि॑: । बृह॑स्पते सुप्र॒जा वी॒रव॑न्तो व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयी॒णाम् ॥
ए॒व। पि॒त्रे। वि॒श्वऽदे॑वाय । वृष्णे॑। य॒ज्ञैः। वि॒धे॒म॒। नम॑सा। ह॒विःऽभिः॑। बृह॑स्पते। सु॒ऽप्र॒जाः। वी॒रऽव॑न्तः। व॒यम्। स्या॒म॒। पत॑यः। र॒यी॒णाम्॥
Prati padartha:
एवा -thus; पित्रे- Father; विश्वदेवाय - Lord of the world; वृष्णे - showerer (of rewards); यज्ञैः - worships; विधेम - glorify; नमसा - (with) praises; हविर्भिः - (with) offerings; बृहस्पते - Oh, Brihaspati; सुप्रजाः - good children; वीरवन्तः - brave; वयम् - we; स्याम - be; पतयः - possessers; रयीणाम् - wealth
Thus may we glorify with worships, with oblations and with praises to Father, Lord of the world, the showerer of rewards; and may we Brihaspati become possessers of wealth; May we be blessed with good and brave children.
Rishi: Vamadeva Gautama; Devata: Brihaspati; Chandas: Tristup (Rigveda 4-50-6)
Kuja is retrograde entire month. In kataka rasi, he is debilitated till 21st of the month and from 22nd re-enters mithuna rasi in retrogression. Budha is in vrischika at the start of the month. He transits in dhanur rasi from 5th to 24th of the month and on 25th enters makara rasi. Guru is retrograde entire month in vrishabha rasi. Shani transits in his own sign kumbha entire month. Likewise rahu and ketu continue their stay in meena and kanya rasis respectively. Shukra is in kumbha rasi till 28th and enters his exaltation sign meena on 29th.
Rasi wise forecast for January, 2025
You should be careful in sports arena or gym. You are likely to overdo and land in trouble. You may sell of old holdings to acquire new profitable ones. Or you may make an agreement with a developer for demolition of old house to raise a shopping complex. You will come across new friends across many countries or culture.
From 21st of the month, you will be able to secure financial assistance and also the amount is substantial. You will secure inheritance or realize long outstanding dues during last three days of the month. There are some misgivings with your children and spouse. You are prone to cuts and wounds due to adverse rahu in 8th. Professional life is having problems due to heavy work. You should recite any mantra / stotra of your choice for Durga Mata during this month.
There will be construction of house, all kinds of happiness but then during the first half there are problems from government agencies that needs to be sorted out. Relationship with children is not up to the mark. There will great success with some tanginess (due to kuja, retrograde and debilitated). Loans and advances may not be available in time. Ensure you are not trapped for not reading the small print. Be patient with your spouse, you seem to loose patience for small reasons.
Due to such over budgeted ventures, there will be temporary shortage of funds for day to day maintenance. You are willing to impose such measures. There will always be one or the other issues with your father and elders in the family. There are lot of friends to visit you from 22nd of the month. Excellent marital life. Many people of this sign get married. Students have slow but steady progress in education.
You are prone to cuts, wounds and septic conditions due to adverse kuja who is retrograde and debilitated in the worst 8th. Such wounds may become complicated due to self-mediation or due to neglect.
Guru in 6th will not cause severe problems if you adopt remedial measures. You have great courage and patience which are truly assets at the time of need. Electronic gadgets in your house require frequent repairs. There is mild amount of professional frustration. Students have quick progress particularly in modern sciences. You should recite kuja gayatri mantra minimum 21 times a day and also guru kavacha once a day during this month.