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You find this Libra (Tula) man in any news paper office doing fantastic editorials or in a court room as an advocate of judge. He is medium built and is good looking. He is bestowed with keen observation power. He reads in-between the lines. Of course, he is a fast and voracious reader. He comes up with interesting passages where the author has contradicted himself. As an art critic he is impartial. If Libra (Tula) man is not in judiciary or journalism, suppressed and as he would dig an old rule position of 70s to reject your bill or to impose some recovery! When his talents are not honored, he would be writing anonymous petitions or would give counsel to those who fight the administration, enjoying the fun. He is firm in his mind but does not impose his ideas on others. His health is good by and large, but he is prone to some hereditary diseases like diabetes. The magnetite of the diseases depends on the individual strength of the chart. Though he is impartial, in a long run, after examining all the pros and cons, he would take sides. One judge rose to the level of Governor of a State. Libra (Tula) man is more idealist and his ideals are not practicable by himself! In the matters of religion, he is well read, recites many mantras and slokas but is fond of material comforts. Even if he becomes a sanyasi, he requires all the gala, comforts of the position. He is a peace loving person. He is very cool and composed. But he is moved easily when one says, "I skipped by break-fast". He regards food as a basic need. Immediately, he would give a good treat at a hotel. One chartered account who was buy making money is of this kind. He would not turn away any beggar at any time!
Similarly, he can not tolerate if his friend is suffering acute financial hardship. Without being called upon, one Libra prevailed over the situation and stood oral surety for a friend and paid the penalty! He could have evaded as there were not any written guarantee, but Libra always stands for justice. Where there is property deal, this man takes justified stance and does not stop to make a personal gain. He does not take credit for his good deeds. At times, his family members also would not be knowing his generosity.
Libra (Tula) man is very courageous. He does not indulge in chance games like cards and racing. Slowly and steadily, he builds his empire. He wants to be a political or a religious leader and he would be very much successful if the chart is strong. He has intuitive powers. One Libra's daughter was about to be engaged. This Libra was in the habit of doing pooja and reciting gayatri mantra every day. One day while doing pooja, he felt it better to delay the engagement for 2-3 weeks. The boy with whom his daughter would have been engaged was crushed to death in a road accident within 2 weeks.
Libra (Tula) man is justice personified. He does his duties as per regulations, whether he is an employer or an employee. Libra is a consignor of fine arts and crafts. He loves music very much. With little effort, he could master drums, flute and violin. He is very much fond of eating various dishes but is not particular of fruits and sweets. His life is full of activity. He is never a lazy person. He would be happy to assume the responsibilities. He has a team spirit and is not fond of being the head. He does not like flattery. The professions that suit the person most are: judiciary, finance departments, fine arts, public welfare departments like hospitals, railways, factories, journalism and accounting. He makes a slow and steady rise to a good position.
The draw backs with him are - his over indulgence in any material comfort. If afflicted, he would eat a lot and damage his health. When he has to serve a bad master, he would come up with all the loop holes in the law to help his master and he takes pride in doing this! One such man said, "It was the dharma of Bhishma to serve anybody who would be on the throne." So, he was serving his evil master and called it dharma. He forgot how the Bhishma and his gang perished in Mahabharata war! He is over zealous to healthy habits. What all he learnt in his kindergarten - to drink boiled and cooled water, to wash hands (better 3 times than once, he thinks!) would be practiced throughout his life. Junk food? It is an exception, he enjoys such luxuries but selects the eat-outs with great caution.
The description above would be prominent if moon is in the middle of the sign. For complete analysis of character, future trends, suitable gem stones a personalized approach based on horoscope is desirable.