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Relaxation - Modern methods & cults:

Concentration is the process of sharpening the mental faculties while relaxation is the one which gives a break to mental activity. There are several techniques like Jacobson's Progressive Muscular Relaxation, Cognitive Therapy, Electyromyographic BioFeedbacK and Thermal BioFeed bacK. In these processes the therapist and client work together to understand the source of problem but the method is practiced in client's own environment. PMR uses muscular exercises to create a more relaxed state of awareness. Yogabhyasa can also be employed for this purpose. This has good effect on psychosomatic (bodily problems triggered by anxiety). CT uses counseling and hypnotism to groom the client properly. EMG BFK and T BFK use electromagnetic and thermal feed back to locate the causes for his anxiety and worry.

Drugs can also induce a state of relaxation. But, the effects wane away quite early compared to other methods and have severe side effects. During deep sleep brain cells produce Delta waves and so sound sleep is truly a good form of relaxation. In meditation, one can be in relaxed mood (as in sleep) and also be intensely awake. There is growing evidence that it is possible to attain Theta and Delta states and maintain consciousness. An experiment on the people practicing meditation for long period showed that they can produce Theta and Delta waves even while carrying out day to day affairs. Brain being very adoptive organ, would become proficient to produce Theta and Delta waves when the meditator is wide awake also, if the practice is done repetitively. Meditation practiced regularly will result in well being of body and mind. If one desires to sharpen his mental capabilities or achieve relaxation, he need not have to come near God. A beautiful picture, good music would of course assist him - just like yantras and mantras for a Hindu spiritual practitioner. As the modern man is moving away from our respective religious practices, he is unaware of inner peace. He wakes up on day and finds his life hallow.
Keeping these people in view several cults, yogis have been in circulation. You may find many management gurus, breathing therapists, guitarist-meditation gurus these days. These programs from such cult gurus are mere personality development programs teaching concentration, relaxation etc., that you may get the next promotion! These cult gurus sprinkle some spirituality on these personality development programs. Some of the modern gurus introduce advanced methods like Kundalini (Meditation on chakras). I have seen all men and women between 16 to 60 years of age shaking hands, moving eye balls and their posteriors in all directions in the name of yoga in a certain program of a cult. Mind you, these devotees did not shed 200gms of fat even after prolonged practice! Exercises (be yoga or anything) should be devised on body needs, age of the participant, his in put calories etc., and there can not be same exercise 'effective' for all. One should be very careful when he selects a particular group. 
Meditation in spiritual sense:

Meditation is same as concentration but the object of concentration is God. It works wonders for those who have devotion and love towards God. Otherwise, it becomes more strenuous exercise. Meditation need not give relaxation at all times, it may even increase anxiety. It is easy to meditate (i.e. on God) when you receive a promotion. But, if you have missed your promotion, meditation becomes hard and increases your anxiety! Meditation should be ventured by those who have firm faith (achala vishvasa) in God. One young girl did meditation to such an extent there was no time for any other activity in her life! She discontinued her education also. Her parents brought her to a renowned psychologist. She discovered - it was neither love nor devotion that drove her into spirituality but an unknown fear. She was advised Jacobson's PMR. Now, she is a distinguished student of medicine. Once, I went to a modern spiritual cult gathering along with a friend. He had joined this cult because many luminaries in the society were also in that. I recognized many men who had amassed wealth by illegal means. There were several well placed low characters. One should verify the principles and should not give importance to the social standing of the guru or the fellow disciples. When I need a plumber, I would go for the one having necessary qualification and experience and care least if he is a PhD in philosophy!