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Adomukha matsyasana: Sit on the floor cross legged the bottom portion up (padmasana). If it is not possible, you can squat on the floor (swastikasana). If you have studied in rajapraja schools of AP, you know what I mean. You never sat on desks till you entered college. Bend forward and lay down stretching your hands. There is external pressure on the stomach. Why did you purchase that costly stomach heating sauna massage belt? Repeat two more times.
Urdhwa prasarita padasana: Easy to explain. My God, it is difficult to perform. Stretch hands upwards in laying down position. Take in the breath and lift both legs joined together and hold within your tolerance limit. Now, you feel worms crawling in the stomach. Come back to laying position and breath out. Repeat two more times. Now onwards, you can throw away your tele marketed pulsator belt. Some people lift the legs after breathing out. This will cause severe cramps in stomach and is a wrong practice.
Chatushpadasana: Stand on the ground keeping both legs half to one meter apart. Resting your hands on legs bend forward. Now walk on all fours without bending hands and legs! Your thighs press lower abdomen over and over again. Repeat two more times. Do you know that four legged animals do not suffer piles? As men and monkeys walk on two legs keeping back bone erect, the stomach weight collapses on lower rectum. Chatushpadasana keeps lower abdomen, bladder and kidneys in order. If you master this asana, you have bright future in Congress. Indiraji saw that every Congress MP is proficient in this asana!
Mahamudra:This is similar to Ardha baddha padma paschimoo ttanasana and is easy to perform. It is self explanatory. Just remember that you need not have to care whether you breath in or out. First keep your hands on the knees and inch by inch progress towards toes, but the legs be stretched straight. Repeat two more times. When you get used to retain this position for say one minute, then when you bend forward breath out and pull in the stomach.
Urdhwa dhanurasana: Lay down keeping your hands and legs pulled towards the body, i.e., folded. Now, take in the breath and push the stomach upwards. You need not have to make the legs and hands straight. Push the stomach upwards as far as possible. When you achieve the final posture, breath out. Before coming down to normal position take a full breath. You do not loose physical (or mental!) balance, though this posture looks challenging your balance. Problem is to push stomach upwards!
Bhujangasana: The picture itself explains the method. Take care to keep the legs together as they try to fly away from each other. It is not necessary to make the hands straight but desirable. Breathing? Anyway, you are still breathing after so many yogasanas! Thank God! Still have some strength? Repeat two more times.
Suryanuloma: Breathing slowly through right nostril (pingala) only 10-20 times.
Bhastrika: Fast single time forceful breathing in through right nostril and expelling rapidly 6-8 times through the same nostril. Fast single time forceful breathing in through left nostril and expelling rapidly 6-8 times through same nostril. Finally, same procedure is done with both nostrils for 6-8 times (repeated 3-5 times).
There is no panacea. No yoga, ayurveda nor any top most doctor can cure unless God is willing to cure. Every doctor and therapist does his duty but the cure is in the hands of God, Almighty. Regular meditation helps. The natural significator for diabetes is Shukra. You can recite any shukra related mantras kavacha etc., You can also recite Mahalaxmi Asttottara. If you have your natal chart (janma patrika or jataka), you locate the significators of the 6th house who cause the diseases. Remedial measures to those planets will help.
Limitation: Yoga is only effective management of body functions and is not a cure by itself. So, the patient should not ignore his medication. If there is malfunctioning of body organs, yoga will infuse health into the body. If it is case of handicapment wherein the organ has a cyst or is damaged in an accident, yoga can not help. No yogic practice can make an amputated leg to grow!