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There are good cricketers in India and Pakistan, great people in pandava and kourava factions. Impartially we should appreciate aptness, whether the argument supports astrology or not. Most of the rationalists talk like middle school kids, their tongues lash out at anything and everything. Unfortunately, their logic and arguments are charvita chavarna - betel leaves chewed again and again! Do they know of an experiment conducted by a psychologist? Michel Gauquelin, a graduate in statistics and psychology conducted experiments of 576 birth charts for the first time and 508 birth charts in second attempt, spread over a period of 23 years (1949 -1973) and he found that there is a relationship between the planets’ positions at the moment of birth and the profession of individual takes up. In those days the registry in the church contained the birth time also. The first study was on personality traits while the second was on the profession the natives choose. In 1955, he published L‘influence des Astres. Gauquelin opined that significant number of sports champions were born just after the planet Mars rises (i.e. in lagna) or culminates (in 10th house). The Belgian Para Committee ridiculed the findings in 1965.
So, astrology is not well established as per scientific cannons beyond doubts. People concerned with astrology - astrologers, believers, rationalists et al should make their own thinking and then stick to their guns pens. Eliminating somebody does not eliminate the thought and similarly the savage remarks. One Mutri gained nothing by declaring he had relieved himself on a God's idol, when he was a child. Every baby does the same on the lap of parents but not when they are grown up. This is a frivolous act and nobody takes pride but this man did. Liberalism is easy to talk. Suppose Mutri has done the same on the idol of a respected national leader or on a regalia like Book of Constitution, would the Government of India keep quite, in the the name of freedom of expression? Mutri (ದ ಇನ್ಫೈನೆಟ್- ಅನಂತ) the Infinite was selective and he knew when and where to loose the pinchcock!
Man watches nature to deduce the methods the nature works. He laughs at the discoveries of his previous generation and his present day advancements are truly great. Little does he realize - his future generation will laugh at his discoveries!

Scientific methods are stronger and stringent. Only through repeated experiments lead us to precise conclusions. There was one more round of critical examination. Paul Kurtz, Chairman collected the data and astronomer Dennis Rawlins conducted the statistical analysis. The study found 22% accuracy but it later declined to 16% and ended up at 13% as Kurtz had accidentally forgotten to send some data to Rawlins! In the mean time, Suitbert Ertel professor of psychology in Gottingen University made another study. He separated athletes into groups with varying degrees of eminence, he found that the results tally Gauquelin's experiment. The controversy still continues.... With advanced computing technology (which can give simulation of even Big Bang) it is possible to frolic with millions of charts, forget 576 charts or 508 charts. In the mean time what happened to those 186 eminent people? They did not participate in any research - simply they had signed the warrant without going through the law books! With my grand mother's herbal decoction, I am cured of cough and while medical journals publish conflicting results doubting efficacy of those herbs!
Gauquelin proposed same study by both he and the Committee, separately. After agreeing to methodology the study was conducted and the results of these two tests matched. But the committee abstained from publication of outcome but said there were errors which they did not identify! In 1975, a manifesto signed by 186 eminent scientists appeared on the horizon. Marvin Zelen, professor of statistics at Harward University and member of Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal thought Gauquelin theory was based on location and not planets. He examined the charts of average individuals born on the same day and in various locations. The results upheld Gauquelin theory, but CSICOP did not publish the findings.