New: Transit of Shani into Meena rasi
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फलानि ग्रहचारेण सूचयन्ति मनीषिणः। को वक्ता तारतम्यस्य तमेकं वेधसं विना॥ - फलदीपिक
"With the help of planetary movements, mortals can only give indications of what is to happen; who else other than BRAHMA can tell with certainty as to what will definitely happen" - Phladeepika.
The forecasts are based on the transit of major planets during Vishvasu nama samat. Well, I do not subscribe to aya - vyaya-raja kopa-raja preeti or the results of nava nayaks and upanayaka or of sankranti purusha you find in all the panchangas. In my humble opinion, these do not hold much water. It is more worthy to consider the lunation charts.
[29.03.2025 to 19.03.2026]
If the eclipse has occurred in your rasi or in 6th, 8th or 12th from your rasi or in your star, then you should recite mantras (any simple mantra will do) for ravi or chandra, depending on whether it is Solar or Lunar eclipse. You may also recite mantra for your favorite God (Istadaiva), Ravi or Chandra as the case may be or use any mantra, instead. Eclipses have effect on your mind and moods than physical body - suppose you eat, drink and dance, you may not find any noticeable effect, immediately. महारुद्र महाकाळ कालभैरव राहु तथा केतुग्रस्त ग्रहण विपत्विमोचन सकलश्रेष्ठ होम (or whatever homa with an impressive and fanciful name!) is not needed at all. I sincerely hope you are not carried away by TV forecasts on eclipse days. The effects of eclipses are very short lived, that will not override the influences of your natal chart.
The Navanayaka phala, Aya, vyaya, raja koopa, pujyata are mere numbers without description and differ from panchanga to panchanga, depending on vimshottari or asttottari methods. However, panchanga shravana gets great deal of interest in astrology! In Andhra and Telangana, ugadi is state sponsored event with panchanga shravana, ugadi pachadi et al. Kannada people - when will they ever learn? Panchangas are basics but they are not whole of astrology.
Divine Thoughts
सा॒कं य॑क्ष्म॒ प्र प॑त॒ चाषे॑ण किकिदी॒विना॑ । सा॒कं वात॑स्य॒ ध्राज्या॑ सा॒कं न॑श्य नि॒हाक॑या ॥
Padapathaha: सा॒कम् । य॒क्ष्म॒ । प्र । प॒त॒ । चाषे॑ण । कि॒कि॒दी॒विना॑ । सा॒कम् । वात॑स्य । ध्राज्या॑ । सा॒कम् । न॒श्य॒ । नि॒ऽहाक॑या ॥
Pratipadartha: सा॒कम् - at once; य॒क्ष्म॒ - Oh, disease; प्र प॒त॒ - perish (fall down); चाषे॑ण - with the speed of chasha bird; कि॒कि॒दी॒विना॑ - with kikidivi bird; सा॒कम् - at once; वात॑स्य - with wind; ध्राज्या॑ - with speed; न॒श्य॒ - disappear; नि॒ऽहाक॑या सा॒कम् - with storm;
Meaning: Fly fast, Oh, disease, with the chasha bird, with the kikidivi bird, with the velocity of the wind, diappaer along with storm.
[Rishi: Bhishaga atharvana; Devata: Aushadhi; Chandas: Anushtup; Rigveda 10-97-13]
Well, the year vishwavasu begins with a solar eclipse! This throws the country into darkness caused by demise of a prominent figure or his post. The rasi that rises in the foundation chart is kataka. Lunar eclipse on 7th September 2025 (visible in India) and solar eclipse on 17.02.2026 (not visible in India) occur in 8th from kataka rasi which predisposes the nation to accidents, terror actions, tragedies and loss of lives. There will be accidents in mining, chemical factories and in deep sea waters. Kumbha is also the seat of education and meditation. An attack on prominent places like libraries is seen. A boat carrying little children may sink. Sudden panic, grief and terrible anger are seen as it is rahugrasta grahana. Kumbha is stira rasi that indicates earthquakes and landslides. These are not infinitesimally minor events in your neighbourhood! They make national headlines.
Lunar eclipse on 21st September 2025 is in 3rd in rasi. This eclipse causes strained relationship with the neighbouring countries. Long standing relationship with major players like China, US and Russia will undergo some strain. The eclipse in meena rasi on 29th March 2025 in 9th has major impact on the country's affairs. This opens Pandora's box where religious inclinations, patriotism or otherwise; convention vs. liberalisation go into conflicts. Some court judgements go against the government. Religious groups wriggle in several ways to have prominence in society.
Partial lunar eclipse on 03.03.2026 is in simha rasi the 2nd from rasi of foundation chart. The heralds many sorts of financial scams and also disputable surveys, report cards by the government as well as opposition alliance in alienation caprice as next general elections is far away into future.
The rasi that rises in the foundation chart is kataka and shani transits in 9th from rasi; During this transit, skepticism regarding religious practices comes to surface. Nobody listens to anybody. There is religious, social search for identification among certain classes of society. Similarly, in response the reaction by remaining people also solidifies when guru transits in kataka rasi. The government will revise many rules and regulations governing places of worship. And it is successful too. Opposition parties are unitedly divided or dividedly united. There is bitter fight between opposition parties and ruling parties. The situation is the churning in ocean - both poison and nectar pour out

Till May of the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis in 9th - 3rd houses for kataka rasi. By repeated onslaught of religious and nationalistic rhetoric causes overdose of nectar. However, this transit heralds naval discoveries in the filed of science. There will be remarkable development in space science. From 19th May 2025, rahu and ketu enter kumbha - simha, which is 8th - 2nd houses for your rasi. This causes water related accidents and scams, hearsays, planed or planted sting operations (against another sting operations) by the government. These disturb fiscal position and has destabilizing effect on the country.
During the year, guru transits in vrishabha (till 14.05.2025), mithuna (15.05.2025 to 18.10.2025; 06.12.2025 to 02.06.2026) and kataka (19.10.2025 to 05.12.2025) rasis. Transit of guru in vrishabha is 11th in the foundation chart. The financial position is excellent. There is lot of success in various walks of life. Guru in 11th is able to quell the problems caused by shani and rahu as well as eclipse in 8th. Transit in mithuna is the transit in 12th from rasi. This brings cool to already arising hot situations. Foreign reserves will go up. Problems caused to Indian nationals abroad will be resolved.
Transit in kataka is over rasi of foundation chart. As guru is exalted here, there are lot of religious activities. The process of reclamation on religious ground actually begins with this transit. If somebody in some sangh does not like he has no chance to peruse further, the sangharsh is so strong, Whatever happens when guru is exalted in kataka (in this case identity and dignity of the country) will will ripples for at least next six years. There is revival of ancient traditions and practices. The country will openly declare the religious preferences. This will increase spiritual development. Top courts declare some path breaking judgments. The progress in religious spare is not consistent, as he is retrograde several times.

In the lunation chart for Vishavasu naama samvatsara, lagna lord ravi is in the 6th and the 7th lord shani is in his own sign in 7th. There is a cluster of five planets in 6th house is the harbinger of conflicts. Shukra cancels debilitation of budha. Not exactly but somewhat so as both budha and shukra are retrograde. Budha is too weak to cause serious troubles while shukra is too weak to redeem! Lunation occurs in the 6th from lagna which is in 10th from the rasi of foundation chart. In the lunation chart, ketu is in 2nd, shani in 7th, guru in 10th while kuja is placed in the 11th house.
The ruling party is subjected to humiliations, insults and retribution by the opposition and at times by the judiciary. Vishaavasu samvatsara is not going to be good for the government. The leaders in government become jittery and react in various ways which cause further confusion. However, such events give rise to churning inside the ruling party and its sanghs and parivars as well as in population. The strength of BJP lies in combating conflicting thoughts and turn it into role of being persecuted by opposition! This year gives strength to opposition parties and they are able to carve a chunk of votes depository. Financial problems and questionable reports about the health of finance cause double jeopardy in population.
Inteligencia, universities and in favour of the government, an added advantage. 5th lord in 10th assures such a disposition while guru is 8th lord in 10th humbles the government as it is not able to cash on his ideology. The opposition parties will stand united though there are some muffled gurgling noises in their heads! Some governors face severe rebuke by the judiciary or parliament. These setbacks give impetuous to ruling party that is driven by 'now or never' plans. Parliament functions smoothly, none need to carry copy of samvidhan but should understand the vidhan of masses! Judicatory is high handed and delivers blow to ruling party, in particular. It is good, next time the ruling party can make a fool proof case! There is resigned attitude and preparedness to sacrifice than craving for power. Like phoenix, BJP rises again, please note that guru is exalted in 12th being 5th and 8th lord in course of the samvatsara.
It is only a cursory glance on possible and probable trends on national scene. A common man does not have any control over the affairs of the country, he is merely a valued voter! One is more concerned about his life, wife, bonus, bangings, bouquets and brickbats. Explore what is in store for you ..........
The Navanayaka phala, Aya, vyaya, raja koopa, pujyata are mere numbers without description and differ from panchanga to panchanga, depending on vimshottari or asttottari methods. However, panchanga shravana gets great deal of interest in astrology! In Andhra and Telangana, ugadi is state sponsored event with panchanga shravana, ugadi pachadi et al. Kannada people - when will they ever learn? Panchangas are basics but they are not whole of astrology.