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The yantras are identical with the idols. Yantras have more representation as they have the drawing of the beeja mantra etc., which represent God as many descriptions and related things are inscribed on the yantra. It is not necessary that one should worship only the yantras. If you find it easy to concentrate or if certain idol kindles love and respect for God, you can worship the same. Yantras are mysterious geometrical drawings engraved on metal plates. It is not necessary that all the yantras should be only on silver or gold. It is only for the sake of fashion. Copper yantras are equal to any gold ones. These are not as costly as gem stones and do not have any side effects if a wrong one (for any planet) is selected. It is also true, yantras should be looked after properly - doing some pooja in whatever manner you like. Otherwise, they loose power. On the engraved plates you find beeja mantras of the deity. Yantras should first of all, be invoked with the Deity.

॥ओं ......... मम प्राणः मम जीवः वाग्मनः श्रोत्रजिह्वाघ्राणैः उच्छ्वासरोपेण बहिरागत्य अस्मिन् बिंबे अस्मिन् कलशे अस्यां प्रतिमायाम् सुखेन चिरं तिष्ठंतु॥ "I invoke the God in the picture (or yantra or rangoli - a drawing) or kalasha (a pot filled with water and mango/betel leaves) or an idol".
In case you purchase any yantra, you can do it yourself, if you know those mantras. I am not so called 'son of God' or any God-man who has taken up a contract or agency with God. I prepare the yantras with the relevant mantras. Mantras having anudatta, udatta (methods of pronunciation) should be recited in the proper method only. Namaskara mantras of navagrahas can be recited without any restrictions-any time any where. Any mantra (for that matter a prayer repeated with devotion several times) will get strength. Jesus said, "When two people gather in my name, I will be there among them."
Yantras are mysterious geometrical drawings engraved on metal plates. It is not necessary that yantras should be only on silver or gold. It is only for the sake of fashion. Copper yantras are equal to any gold ones. These are not as costly as gem stones and do not have any side effects if a wrong one (for any planet) is selected. It is also true, yantras should be looked after properly - doing some pooja in whatever manner you like. Otherwise, they loose power. On the engraved plates you find beeja mantras of the deity. Yantras should first of all, be invoked with the Deity. In case you purchase any yantra, you can do it yourself, if you know those mantras. I am not so called 'son of God' or any God-man who has taken up a contract or agency with God. One can prepare yantras with relevant mantras. Mantras having anudatta, udatta (methods of pronunciation) should be recited in the proper method only. Namaskara mantras of navagrahas can be recited without any restrictions-any time any where. Any mantra (for that matter a prayer repeated with devotion several times) will get strength. Jesus said, "When two people gather in my name, I will be there among them." There are specific mantras for invoking the deity of the yantras. After, this shodhasha pooja (sixteen varieties of pooja) with abhisheka (bathing with panchamrita - milk, curds, ghee, honey, sugar) is done. This yantra requires a sankalpa (commandment) that " I am doing on behalf of so and so for that particular purpose on this day". You should mention name (for whom the yantra is required), father's name, gotra (family name), star and purpose for which the yantra is required in the sankalpa.
Then shodhashopacharaya pooja (sixteen varieties of pooja) with abhisheka (bathing with panchamrita - milk, curds, ghee, honey, sugar) should be done. Yantras for personal ware can also be prepared on similar lines. It is always better to purchase the yantras which are duly invoked and worshipped.
Ravi Yantra: Ravi rules over heart, soul and dignity. Ravi governs eye sight, influence in society, popularity, heart and relationship with father or higher officers. Ravi afflicted will cause hot diseases, humiliation, wrath of the ruler or government. As ravi is a cruel planet, he causes rifts with the people represented by the house. He also confers highest offices in the government. A strong ravi in the chart makes the native an able administrator. When in debilitation sign Libra, he would cause imprisonment, humiliations, severe circulation problems, neurological and eye related problems, loss of or loss due to father. Those who have Ravi in Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, ravi owning or placed in bad houses and who have 6 to 8 relationship with the present dasa lord should worship ravi yantra. Ravi bestows abundant energy, royal favours, high posit ion in the government, clear thinking, ability to recite mantras with correct pronunciation, great popularity among masses. The worship of this yantra should start on Sunday. The mantra ॥ओं ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः आदित्याय नमः॥ for ravi ("OM HRAAM HREEM HROUM SAHA AADITYAYA NAMAHA") is to be chanted on Sunday morning at sunrise minimum 21 times. The worship of the yantra is similar to any worship of Gods say Ganeshji. It is not black magic.

Chandra Yantra: Chandra rules over eyes and mind. Chandra governs impregnation, conception, child birth, infancy. Badly disposed Chandra causes ill health to the infants (called balarista) and also pre and post delivery problems to the mother. Water related diseases like cold diseases (throat troubles, asthma, bronchitis etc.,) vomiting, Mental problems (fickle mindedness, anxiety neurosis, depression, mysterious fear and pessimistic nature, poor concentration, hysteria, insanity, drifting of interest), infatuation with opposite gender, lack of commitment, eye disorders, varicose veins, audition to drinks an drugs. Those who are having Chandra in the worst placement Chandra in vrischika rasi or having the ownership over bad houses or Chandra being in 6 to 8 relationship with the present dasa lord should worship Chandra yantra. For the blessings of Chandra one worship this yantra. Chandra bestows mental tranquility, good child birth, relief from cold and mental problems, promotions and for linguistic and artistic talents. The worship of this yantra should start on Monday. The mantra॥ओं श्रां श्रीं श्रौं सः चंद्राय नमः॥ for chandra ("OM SHRAAM SHREEM SHROUM SAHA CHANDRAAAYA NAMAHA") is to be chanted on Monday morning at sunrise minimum 21 times.

Kuja Yantra: Kuja represents martial arts, engineering skills, policing, army and communication skills. Depending on the position of kuja, the nature of energy he gives changes. Kuja rules over animal instincts. A kuja having good nature and strength gives self-confidence, tolerance, mathematical and logical mind, quick wit. He gives muscular strength for a sports man. Leadership, strong determination are given by kuja. A bad kuja makes the native a foolishly argumentative person, adamant, quarrelsome and violent. Kuja in bad houses or in kataka rasi will cause bad effect. There would be troubles through machines, tools and brothers/sisters of the native. The diseases that are caused by kuja are: burns, inflammatory conditions, wounds, abortions, ulcers, boils etc., Such a native would be at the extremes and would behave like an animal. Kuja is the significator of loans and a bad kuja would cause severe liabilities. Kuja in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses from lagna, chandra and sukra would cause Kuja dosha (Chavai dosha). South India is famous for Malasa Dossa and Chavai dos(h)sa! Undue importance is being given to kuja dosha than needed. If kuja in in own sign or exalted or if he is yogakaraka or if he is the lord over rasi/lagna or the 7th house, the chart is EXEMPT from kuja dosha. Kuja dosha from lagna is more strong than the other two factors. Normally, kuja dosha is looked in the charts of the girls and not boys, as if the boys are above the planets! Another blunder that is being committed is to match the chart for "dosha samya" (equal flaws) in the charts of girl and the boy. The argument is that if both have kuja dosha, the marriage will not be affected. Two thieves put together do not make a policeman! Those who are having kuja in above conditions or in 6 to 8 relationship with the present dasha lord should worship kuja yantra. The worship of this yantra should start on Tuesday. The mantra for kuja ॥ओं क्रां क्रीं क्रौं सः भौमाय नमः॥ ("OM KRAAM KREEM KROUM SAHA BHOUMAAYA NAMAHA") is to be chanted on Tuesday morning at sunrise minimum 21 times.