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The objection by the skeptics is that the inclusion of constellations is wrong as these (unlike planets) do not move in the sky. The other rationalists in India have got used to beautiful names of girls like Rohini, Swathi, Anuradha, Bharani, Chitra, and Revathi! So, their question is a bit different: They object as to why only 27 stars are selected while millions and millions of stars are out there. If you take careful look at the boxes in your horoscope you find that the names of planets are written across in 12 boxes and you will not find the names of stars in there! When you find that the girl was rejected because it was born in a star, Aslesha - it does not mean Aslesha is not bad star. It is ruled by Buddha who makes on highly intelligent, if well posited. By Aslesha, we mean the POSITION of moon in the degree of zodiac known as Aslesha. Have a closer look. You find a table below the boxes (2 or 3 at times) that contains degrees, minutes and seconds of longitudes of planets, the name of the STAR they are posited in! Listen to the astrologer: He would say you will have happy married life because of sukra (Venus) in the 5th house and NOT that rohini is the star! The stars are mere milestones of the celestial passage of moon. There are millions of stars like many identifiable marks on the road, but only some are used to reckon the distance. Another example is of 'balance of dasa (planetary period). This depends on the balance of distance to complete the star. As such, the above objections are due to lack of proper knowledge of astrology.
Skeptics object that newly discovered planets, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the latest being Sedna are not used in astrology and any subject which does not move with latest discoveries dies out. This allegation is also fabricated. These days, we find excellent soft wares on astrology developed by reputed software companies, many websites on astrology and similarly many astrologers using the newly discovered planets in their predictions, particularly related to mundane astrology. One Telugu Panchanga uses these extra saturnine planets in the names: Indra, Varuna and Yama! The ancient Indians knew that rahu and ketu were not planets and the proof is that they were able to predict and explain the eclipses. Sun was known to be a star and they eleven such 'rudras ' are in the universe! The term 'graha' is used in the sense - the object that has 'gurutwa' (the one, which has weight). For that matter every Sanskrit word carries many meanings!
The constellations are different from the stars. The clusters of such stars to form a definite shape are called constellations (rasis). For example, simha rasi which contains 3 stars: Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni and resembles a lion. The rasis impart new meanings to the significations of the planets. The newly discovered constellations, Ophiocus (serpent holder), Cetus (whale) DO NOT add any degree and elongate the elliptical globe. It would be still 360 degrees. The zodiac in Hindu system is having 12 houses (constellations) and some western astrologers (not all, mind you) would make a 14-house chart, by cramming the new ones. If the Hindu astrologer finds CONSISTENT results by inclusion of new planets and constellations, he is welcome to use the same. Hindu society never objects or subjugates new thoughts. Charvaka, Budddha, Sankya, Dwaita, Advaita schools of thought have survived many centuries! In my humble experience, I did not find any NEW results by using new constellations. The extra saturnine planets are awfully slow in their orbits. Uranus takes 84 years, Neptune 168 years and Pluto 248 years and Sedna 10,500 years to go round the sun. This means these planets at most may (or may not) transit through two houses in one's lifetime. As such, these influence the generations together and the impact on a particular person is not much. We get the same results using 9 planets and 12 signs. But, when it comes to Mundane astrology, I have found that these planets truly contribute the predictions, the reason being, the nations survive even beyond 248 years!
The skeptics are always double tongued. If I use these planets and constellations in my work, they argue that I do not have sanction to do so as per classical works. If do not use them, they say that my knowledge is outdated, stale, stinking as I am not keeping pace with the latest discoveries!