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Yoga, ayurveda and diabetes:
According to ayurveda, diabetes is the result of pitta and kapha imbalances. This is difficult to say whether there is complete cure to diabetes through ayurveda and yogabhyasa. Each person is an individual and will be in different stages of the disease. However, whatever the stage of the diabetes, ayurveda and yoga assist in the healing process. Diet plays an important role. It is very important to be sure to have plenty of bitter taste each day. Your diet should include dark green leafy vegetables, turmeric and fenugreek. In addition to the using fenugreek (methi) in cooking, you may also soak one table spoon of fenugreek seeds over night and eat them the next morning. Guggulu, turmeric, bitter gourd and the seeds of kalajamoon have curative properties. Research shows that these most commonly available herbs actually assist restoration of the pancreas. These blend are available as Chandraprabhavati and Nisa amalaki. I have found Madhurakshak very useful - it contains karela, neem and jamun extracts.
Dosage varies depending on several factors. Before you take any ayurvedic medicines, consultation with qualified doctor is imperative. I should say, the situation is irreversible. There is hope at the end of the tunnel - genetics or even a minor operation to replace or even grow your own pancreas - perhaps after some 50 years. Experiments on mice have proven successful. Until then, just do not run for a cure to all pandits, hakims or doctors, including those food programmes on internet. Take it easy - when you get old, you can not digest fat and carbs also, you can not run more than 20 mtrs and you can not lift more than 5 kgs though you may be lifting 50 kgs long back! All the therapies can only control diabetes but 100% cure is not in sight. Best thing is to spend extra sugar in the blood - jog, run, jump, do yoga!
Yoga and management of diabetes:
Yogic system of treatment consists of i) regular practice of certain postures, called asanas, ii) breathing techniques, called pranayama, iii) proper diet management and iv) meditation. Not only for diabetes for any treatment these are the yogic treatment methods. Initially for a period of 3-4 weeks, the patient may not find any improvement through yoga. Thereafter, yoga starts giving permanent and irreversible results. People around 40-50 years find relief by that time. For juvenile diabetics (i.e., below 20-25 years), the results could appear after a year or so.
Yogic treatment restores the normal functioning of pancreas and other glands in the body. When the glands begin to function properly, pancreas gets activated again and results in normalcy of body functions. Following asanas are selected for diabetes treatment. It is not necessary that one should all these but should select whichever suitable to them, depending on time available, age and body ductility. It is imperative that all the asanas ( minimum of 5) should be repeated three times. The yogic practice may be done either in the morning or evening in empty stomach. Regular practice is needed. Before starting yoga, one should do some warming up exercises (I need not have to go into this, as these are the same you did in your middle and high schools). Though yoga has its own warming up exercises, to learn along with specific asanas would be burdensome to the learner. If you live in Bangalore, you will find these asanas very easy. After all, you have performed most of them hanging to bus-bars!
Recommended yogasanas for diabetes:-
Ardha baddha padma paschimoo ttanasana: Stretch both legs in sitting position. ring one leg near to stomach and press against the abdomen. If possible, you may try to hold the toe using other hand. Now, breath out and bend forward holding (or trying to reach) the out stretched leg. Do not strain but do it slowly and slowly. Achieving the final position is not the goal but attempt is. Hold it until it slightly lessens the pain and come back to original position by releasing the outstretched and and folded leg. Relax for a minute and repeat 2 more times.
Ekapada galavasana: This is one of the balancing asanas. You should not perform this asana if you have weak wrists. First, sit on the floor and bend a leg and using this leg as a support between hands, lean forward. Now, take in the breath and slowly push forward to achieve the final position. Remain in this position for few seconds and come back to sitting position. Take care not to push further more lest you should hit the ground nose down like the first rocket of ISRO!
Shalabhasana: Lay down on the floor, your stomach down. Bring two hands together and clasp. Let thehands be close together and now take in full breath. Putting all the body weight on the wrists, lift both legs - not bending at the knees. Got hurt? Oh sorry, I should have told to remove your punjabi steel rings and marwadi gold rings.
Padahastasana: Stand straight keeping your legs at comfortable distance with each other, say one or two feet. Now, breath out and bend forward keeping both hands on your legs for support. Slowly reach towards the floor, if possible your feet! Keep the knee junction locked. Hold it for some time and come back to standing position. You may not be successful in the first attempt. Try two more times. Do not stand near the wall if you are living in government quarters. The wall may collapse in case you loose physical balance and hit the wall. Due to heavy penal recoveries, you may loose mental balance too! Take care.
Suptaveerasana: This is an easy asana for diabetes. Sit on the floor keeping your both legs to the sides- not too far. Now bend back and come to laying position. Breath slowly and stretch both hands. Automatically, there will be tremendous pressure on your stomach, pulling inside. Repeat two more times. If you are not able to keep the legs side ways, you can keep a pillow and try to sit down on it. Forget this asana until you master keeping the legs side ways.