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फलानि ग्रहचारेण सूचयन्ति मनीषिणः। को वक्ता तारतम्यस्य तमेकं वेधसं विना॥    - फलदीपिक
"With the help of planetary movements, mortals can only give indications of what is to happen; who else other than BRAHMA can tell with certainty as to what will definitely happen"  - Phladeepika.
The forecasts are based on the transit of major planets during Krodhi nama samat.  Well, I do not subscribe to aya - vyaya-raja kopa-raja preeti or the results of nava nayaks and upanayaka or of sankranti purusha you find in all the panchangas. In my humble opinion, these do not hold much water. It is more worthy to consider the lunation charts.
Tula (Libra):

Solar eclipse on 08.04.2024 and lunar eclipse on 18.09.2024 happen in the 6th from your rasi while another solar eclipse on 03.10.2024  occurs in 12th from your rasi. Total lunar eclipse on 14.03.2025 occurs in 3rd and partial solar eclipse on 29.03.2025 occurs in 10th your rasi.
Vrischika (Scorpio):

Solar eclipse on 08.04.2024 and lunar eclipse on 18.09.2024 happen in the 5th from your rasi while another solar eclipse on 03.10.2024  occurs in 11th from your rasi. Total lunar eclipse on 14.03.2025 occurs in 2nd and partial solar eclipse on 29.03.2025 occurs in 9th your rasi.
Dhanus  (Sagittarius):

Solar eclipse on 08.04.2024 and lunar eclipse on 18.09.2024 happen in the 4th your rasi while another solar eclipse on 03.10.2024 and lunar eclipse on 25.03.2024 occur in 10th from your rasi. Total lunar eclipse on 14.03.2025 occurs over your rasi and partial solar eclipse on 29.03.2025 occurs in 8th your rasi.
Makara (Capricorn):

Solar eclipse on 08.04.2024 and lunar eclipse on 18.09.2024 happen in the 3rd from your rasi while another solar eclipse on 03.10.2024 occurs in 9th from your rasi. Total lunar eclipse on 14.03.2025 occurs in 12th your rasi and partial solar eclipse on 29.03.2025 occurs in 7th your rasi.
Kumbha (Aquarius):

Solar eclipse on 08.04.2024 and lunar eclipse on 18.09.2024 happen in the 2nd from your rasi while another solar eclipse on 03.10.2024 occurs in the worst 8th from your rasi. Total lunar eclipse on 14.03.2025 occurs in 11th your rasi and partial solar eclipse on 29.03.2025 occurs in 6th your rasi.
[08.04.2024 to 29.03.2025]
Due to eclipses in 6th from your rasi, you are prone to some health problems caused by anxiety and tensions. There will be shame and disgrace due to loans. The eclipses in 12th are likely to cause insults, humiliations and minor health problems. You should be careful in financial matters and should not be tempted to deposit in dubious banks and untrustworthy private players, even if your own brother is the in-charge! Be discretional in using load facility and do not abuse plastic cards. During eclipses 6th as well as in 12th, you should recite mantras of your choice for ravi or chandra (depending on whether it is solar or lunar eclipse) or your favourite God (Istadaiva), instead. Due to eclipses in March 2025 in 10th you are subjected to some professional frustrations and sudden misunderstandings with friends and relatives.
Due to eclipses in meena rasi, you will have some minor health problems and may face some appalling situations shadowing your personality. You may be sidelined in your office as charisma is at the lowest. Steer clear of ambiguous situations as you may be falsely accused of a wrong doing. During these eclipses, you should recite mantras for chandra or ravi (depending on the eclipse). You may also recite any mantras for your favourite God (Istadaiva), instead. Above measures are imperative is you are born under the stars revathi and poorvabhadra. Eclipses during March 2025 will slightly tarnish you image and also these will cause minor misgivings with children. Do not make any investments during March, 2025.

Due to eclipses in kanya rasi, you are prone to cuts, wounds and attacks by animals to some degree. There is are no serious problems due to these eclipses. There are marital discordance too to some extent. During these eclipses, you should recite mantras for chandra or ravi (depending on the eclipse). You may also recite any mantras for your favourite God (Istadaiva), instead.
Eclipses in meena rasi do not impact your life to a large extent. If you are bhukti of rahu or ketu, then you are likely to suffer some cuts and wounds. For others it would be merely certain misunderstandings with friends, relatives and brothers/sisters. If you are in risky sports extreme caution is needed. You are afraid of failures and will try to shun responsibilities. The eclipses in kanya rasi too do not have a great say in routine matters. You tend to be highly critical of your own party and rituals; and there will be certain friction with higher authorities and your father. Eclipses during March 2025 result in increased expenditure and minor marital problems. You are prone to cuts and wounds and care is regarded in this regard.

Transit of shani in kumbha, his own sign, in 2nd from your rasi is the final phase of adverse seven and half year transit of shani. Lucky fellow, you are! You never had any intense problems when shani was over rasi also. Out of seven and half years, the bad days were when shani was in dhanur rasi for two and half years!
ಯುಗ ಯುಗಾದಿ ಕಳೆದರೂ

ಯುಗ ಯುಗಾದಿ ಕಳೆದರೂ
ಯುಗಾದಿ ಮರಳಿ ಬರುತಿದೆ
ಹೊಸ ವರುಷಕೆ ಹೊಸ ಹರುಷವ
ಹೊಸತು ಹೊಸತು ತರುತಿದೆ

ಹೊಂಗೆ ಹೂವ ತೊಂಗಳಲಿ
ಭೃಂಗದ ಸಂಗೀತ ಕೇಳಿ
ಮತ್ತೆ ಕೇಳ ಬರುತಿದೆ
ಬೇವಿನ ಕಹಿ ಬಾಳಿನಲಿ
ಹೂವಿನ ನಸುಗಂಪು ಸೂಸಿ
ಜೀವಕಳೆಯ ತರುತಿದೆ

ವರುಷಕೊಂದು ಹೊಸತು ಜನ್ಮ
ಹರುಷಕೊಂದು ಹೊಸತು ನೆಲೆಯು
ಅಖಿಲ ಜೀವಜಾತಕೆ
ಒಂದೇ ಒಂದು ಜನ್ಮದಲಿ
ಒಂದೇ ಬಾಲ್ಯ, ಒಂದೇ ಹರೆಯ
ನಮಗದಷ್ಟೇ ಏತಕೋ

ನಿದ್ದೆಗೊಮ್ಮೆ ನಿತ್ಯ ಮರಣ
ಎದ್ದ ಸಲ ನವೀನ ಜನನ
ನಮಗೆ ಏಕೆ ಬಾರದು?
ಎಲೆ ಸನತ್ಕುಮಾರ ದೇವ
ಎಲೆ ಸಾಹಸಿ ಚಿರಂಜೀವ
ನಿನಗೆ ಲೀಲೆ ಸೇರದೂ

ಯುಗ ಯುಗಗಳು ಕಳೆದರೂ
ಯುಗಾದಿ ಮರಳಿ ಬರುತಿದೆ
ಹೊಸ ವರುಷಕೆ ಹೊಸ ಹರುಷವ
ಹೊಸತು ಹೊಸತು ತರುತಿದೆ

- ಅಂಬಿಕಾತನಯದತ್ತ
ನನ್ನ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಅಭಿಮಾನಿಗಳಿಗೂ, ನನ್ನ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಗಳಿಗೆ ಇಂಬು ಕೊಟ್ಟ ಎಲ್ಲ ಸಹೃದಯರಿಗೂ ಯುಗಾದಿಯ ಶುಭ ಕಾಮನೆಗಳು.
- ಮಂಜುನಾಥ ಶರ್ಮ
Transit of shani in kumbha in 5th which is considered a bad position, nonetheless shani is in own sign. Your investments are deadlocked. You will have to spend considerable amounts for welfare of children and finally you have good news. You have firm faith in God. Meditation appeals to you most. You are very strict with children yet considerate.

For some unconventional reasons of your own, you will put on a stern face, refusing to reveal your love and appreciation towards loved ones, particularly children! It is better to recite shani kavacha/ mantra/ shatanaama stotra (whichever you find easy) once a day. You should do shiva pooja on Saturdays and Maasa shivaratri days. No shanti for shani is required as he transits in his own sign.
During the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis which is 6th -12th from your sign. Sudden pain in extremes like feet and legs are seen. You are troubled by frightening dreams of goblin, imps, vampires of various description. These are not indicative of some future events but mere fancies of your mind that disturb sleep. You should be very shrewd regarding your investments.

At the start of the year, guru transits in mesha in 7th from your moon sign, a welcome transit. This gives success, wealth and excellent marital life. You will enjoy all round success in life. Many people of this sign get married or obtain well paying jobs. Marital problems, if any will be amicably settled. You will enjoy good health and you will get great recognition for your excellent work and way of life.

Transit of guru  in 8th from your rasi is a worst transit. There are setbacks and failures or postponement of events. There will be insults and humiliations in many walks of life and be prepared to face them. Do not ignore the advise of your family members and elders, even if it is not palatable to you. There will be great interest in religious matters and pilgrimages etc., Guru protects you from any debacles when he is in 8th also. It is better recite any guru related mantras or any mantra for your Istadaiva, to reduce the evil effects and to enhance all the benefits of guru in this transit. Regular visits to places of worship, conducting rudrabisheka or satyanarayana pooja will be of great help. It is better to take up some social service like feeding cows and giving donations to educational institutions and orphanages.
Due eclipses in meena rasi, relationship with children is strained. Their health causes concern, as you will make the issues complicated ignoring medication and advice. Exercise caution while purchasing properties and high end articles. You children may cause some disappointment but do not overreact, there is nothing you can do at this juncture; You are in such a state that nothing good from children charms you! You are hard to please and quite disappointed bloke!  Eclipses in March 2025 reduced your charisma and cause some financial imbalance. Eclipses in kanya rasi implies losses in financial matters. You are likely to incur losses in business or investments due to oversights or deception.

Transit in kumbha of ardastama shani is regarded very adverse position. Nonetheless shani is in his own sign. You may be forced to change job or relocate. All the close relationships you have fall apart. Many people may have severe strains with family members and will opt to go away to a foreign land. Mother's health causes concern or she may become antagonist towards you and it hurts a lot. You feel a nameless living in a far away land, is far more better than suffocating atmosphere. You will acquire lands and buildings, with some delay and setbacks. There will be problems in education and in property matters. Situation may go even worse on the above lines, if shani has less than 3 bindus in his astakavarga. You should recite gayatri mantra for shani, minimum 21 times a day during this transit. Regular visits to places of worship, conducting rudrabisheka will be of great help.
During the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis which is 5th -11th from your sign. You should avoid any arguments with your children. Do not expect fabulous profits, there are disappointments. You should be careful in business and investments.

Transit of guru in 7th from your rasi is a brilliant transit  that awards success, wealth and excellent marital life. You will enjoy all round success in life. Many people of this sign get married or get settled in life. Marital problems, if any will be amicably settled. You will enjoy good health and you will get great recognition for your excellent work and way of life. This transit considerably reduces the adverse effects of shani in ardastama, eclipses and nodes. There are several jolly good events with your kids.
Eclipses in meena rasi (4th from your birth rasi), there will be concerns about mother's health. You have bitter quarrels with close friends and family members. Costly equipments in your house and workplace may break down. There are problems related to properties and education becomes most expensive. Ensure you are not on wrong side of your faculty. If you are in the middle of property transactions, you should proceed unhurriedly; you may have to change your options.
When the eclipses are in 10th (kanya rasi), there are sudden events that pound deep repercussions on your profession. You may fall from grace of higher authorities. There could be court proceeding against you for tax evasion or you may displeasure of government or you could be falsely implicated in a wrong doing. You may be into various problems during March 2025 due to eclipses over your rasi and in the 8th. Your influence will go down and your are prone to cuts and wounds. You should do shanti for ravi and chandra, particularly if your star is moola. Persons of this sign should recite maha mrutyunjaya mantras during March 2025.  During this eclipse you should recite mantras for chandra or ravi (depending on the eclipse) or your favorite God (Istadaiva), instead. For next six months from the date of eclipse, you should be extremely cautious in professional matters. The effect of the eclipse diminishes as the days go on.

Transit of shani is kumbha in 3rd, an excellent position. Furthermore, it is remunerative transit in his own sign. You are full of boldness and determination. You will come across good friends who remain who remain with you for the rest of your life. Some wealth and profits are expected from your brothers/sisters. Many people of dhanur rasi will get promotions and favorable transfers. A good time to open new branches. Look out for opportunities for franchise, licence and authorization of reputed concerns. You will be able to purchase properties as investments and also for own house like a house.
During the year, rahu and ketu transit in meena - kanya axis that is to say, in 4th and 10th from your rasi. This transit causes setbacks in property matters, problems to mother and sudden time bound projects cause tensions that reflect in your domestic life. There will always be some professional frustrations and also a bothering rumor about redundancy, automation, closure or shifting of entire facility to the centre of amazon forest! This feeling impacts on your personal life. Do not give yourself to such thoughts - the gossips go on for a long time until they naturally die down.

Guru in 6th (vrishabha rasi) from your moon sign results in professional problems, loans and ill health. You will have to shoulder additional responsibilities in the office. But ensure you do not part with your success formula in the name of team work. You should recite any mantra/stotra/sloka etc., for guru during this transit. Regular visits to places of worship, conducting rudrabisheka and satyanarayana pooja will be of great help. It is better to take up some social service like feeding cows and giving donations to educational institutions and orphanages. The problems can be reduced to minimum as guru is in his own sign.
Kumbha transit causes financial constrains to some extent. However, such constrains can be managed with prudence, there is no dearth of stop gap arrangements. The shortage is caused due to oversubscribing to saving schemes and investments and not due to some kind of problems. No remedial measures are required at all.

Rahu and ketu transit in 3rd and 9th axis. You oscillate between sudden surge of courage and sudden loss of such courage. You may fall from grace of higher authorities. But the transit of shani in 2nd will cool your mood swings and slow down your responses to provocations. There will be a feeling that you have run out of luck; you are not able to recognize how lucky you are - you are inclined more towards pessimism. Invest yourself in religious and spiritual matters.

Guru transits in 5th (vrishabha rasi) from your moon sign. Transit of guru in the sign identical with 5th, brings good progress of children and good luck. Many persons of this rasi will be blessed with birth of children, adoption of pets, settlement of children, marriage and such good events. You will see great progress of children, good investments, all kinds of happiness and contentment.
Meena (Pisces):

Solar eclipse on 08.04.2024 and lunar eclipse on 18.09.2024 happen over your rasi while another solar eclipse on 03.10.2024 occurs in 7th from your rasi. The eclipse on 8th April is in revathi star while the eclipse on 18th is in the star poorvabhadra. Total lunar eclipse on 14.03.2025 occurs in 10th your rasi and partial solar eclipse on 29.03.2025 occurs in 5th your rasi.
Know your personality....
Due to eclipses in 2nd from your rasi (in meena), there will be financial problems and rifts with family members. You will become restless and easily provoked. You intend to hurt one and all with your highly critical tongue. These are minor setbacks and do not call for any concern. Eclipses during March 2025 may cause sudden health problems like allergy and infection to chest region. You should be careful in financial matters during March 2025.

However, eclipses in the worst 8th from your rasi (in kanya) predispose you to cuts, wounds and accidents. Extreme caution is required in this regard. There will be unexpected expenditure and disappointments in life. If you are under rahu or ketu bhukti then shanti for ketu is required. During these eclipses, you should recite mantras for chandra or ravi (depending on the eclipse). You may also recite mantra for your favourite God (Istadaiva), instead. You are prone to insect bites, canine attacks and food poisoning. There is more effect on mental plane than physical problems due ketugrasta (involving ketu) eclipses.
Transit of shani in kumbha, his own sign, over your rasi is the second phase of adverse seven and half year transit of shani. You need not have to worry about this transit. Out of transit in makara, kumbha and meena, the transit in meena would be horrible one and kumbha transit does not cause big problems. Transit in kumbha is unfavorable transit over your rasi. Furthermore, it is remunerative transit is in his own sign. You will stabilize in life. At times, you are sidelined and subjected to humiliations. There is a sense of deficiency in life and you feel lack of mental and physical strength. Shani bhagwan will teach you lessons to mould your character in full. The element of health, success, decisive mentality are more than the drawbacks.

Rahu and ketu transit in 2nd and 8th axis from your rasi. If you are under rahu or ketu bhukti then shanti for ketu is required. You are given to negative thoughts and low self-esteem. You should not embark on new business ventures when ketu is in 8th. You are afraid of all and everything. Or you may believe a total stranger and may run into trouble. There may be quarrels with brothers/sisters and neighbors. Trivial setbacks cause lot of frustrations and worries. There are some financial strains too. Relationship with close relatives is strained.

Thereafter guru transits in 4th (vrishabha rasi) from your moon sign. This transit comes as a gift from God at the very time of need, as it brings happiness and reduces fatalistic attitude. This transit is good for education; students witness grand success. But such progress does not happen easily, there are hurdles. The transit in 4th is not called gurubala - you have to put efforts to be happy, to gain education (knowledge) or properties.
Transit of shani in kumbha is the initial phase of adverse seven and half year transit of shani. You need not have to be distressed about this transit. Out of transit in kumbha, meena and mesha rasis, transit in mesha would be horrible one and kumbha transit does not cause big problems. Transit in kumbha is unfavorable transit in 12th from your rasi. For your own reason, you wish to save more and more money. Now and then you will let loose the strings on a shopping cart. No impulsive purchases are made, though. You do not relish attending public functions and sink into nirvana.
Due to wear and tear in life, you have lost interest in men and women around you. Enjoy the life in slow fashion and do not call it laziness - you deserve such relaxation to simply sit and look out of the window! Save more and more when shani transits in mesha rasi.
During the year, rahu and ketu transit over your rasi and in 7th from your rasi. This transit causes concerns like frequent headaches, hair loss, irritation in eyes, eyes repeated eye infections, acne and pimples. There is constant fright that you may loose social standing. You do not agree with your spouse on even a single point and due to that frictions break out now and then.

Transit of guru in vrishabha in 3rd from your rasi, gives you moral courage and rarely you will falter from the path of God. Actually guru in 3rd is not called gurubala. But this transit will remove all the difficulties associated with transit of nodes and eclipses. Your relationship with friends, relatives, brothers or sisters and neighbors will improve considerably.