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Articles on Astrology

Study the effect of the lords of houses in different houses in the bhava chakra; Stage two: study the effects of planets.

As far as possible, do not consult a resident astrologer in the jeweler shop or the one who uses the letter pad supplied by dealers! Yet, NO DEALER CHEATS YOU WHEN YOU PURCHASE BLUE SAPPHIRE.
Krodhi samvat Ugadi

Solar eclipse on 08.04.2024 and lunar eclipse on 18.09.2024 take place in the 9th (meena) from while another solar eclipse on 03.10.2024 occurs in 3rd (kanya) from rasi of Independence chart. Total Lunar Eclipse  on 14.03.2025 occurs in moola star dhanur rasi (6th from rasi) and partial solar eclipse on 29.03.2025 is seen in pushya star, kataka rasi (over rasi). None of these eclipses are visible in Bhaarat.

Greeks were not willing to accept such fatalistic viewpoint and they coined the phrase - "astra inclinant, non necessitant " (star incline, do not determine). This is also Hindu way of looking at the future.

Generally, in panchangas only the combustion of only Jupiter and Venus  are published. It is understandable that combustion of Mercury is not given much importance by panchanga makers, it happens quite often!

Generally, in panchangas only the combustion of only Jupiter and Venus  are published. It is understandable that combustion of Mercury is not given much importance by panchanga makers, it happens quite often!

Concept of this yoga, examples of the yoga. Does it hold any water of just a fictional? How does this yoga affect or does it?
You must have noticed that payment gate wasy buttons are replaced by QR codes of my mobile to receive payments. The payment gateway  told to submit KYC, IFSC number etc., which I promptly did. Despite this, the amount was withhold for nearly six months. I had to raise a complaint to highest authority to get my money back.  If your money is withheld by payment gateway, mark my words - submit the KYC (& there will be no action!) and go on raising your complaint to higher levels! I am already downsizing and there is no point in expansion.

QR codes have restrictions; if the number of permissible transactions exceeds, I have to tell the payer to pay next day!  Anyway I am happy, I am in charge. I do not wish to have any more dealing with the gateway.

Due to general elections, I selected to blackout political predictions and many pages were redesigned removing references to politics. Since two months, I am not giving any mundane forecast. That takes lot of time to draw up and I am running short of time.  Also, I have lost interest in making mundane predictions. The world goes on with me or without me!