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गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमं। ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पत आ नः शृण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनं॥ (Rigveda Mandala 2-Sukta 23-Rik 1)
"We invoke you, Brahmanaspati, chief leader of the (heavenly) bands, a sage of sages, abounding beyond measure in (every kind of) food, best lord of prayer, hearing our invocations, come with your protections and sit down in the chamber of sacrifice". The above mantra used as avahana mantra for Lord Ganesha is actually the mantra related to Brihaspati also known as Brahmanaspati. Prayers to Brihasptati, His description appear largely in Mandala 1, 2, 7 and 10. Only one sukata (No. 50) is dedicated to Brihaspati in Mandala 4. In Mandala 5 and 3, the references to Brihaspati can be found at Sukta 43 and sukta 62 respectively. Here are some examples:
अनर्वाणं वृषभं मंद्रजिह्वं बृहस्पतिं वर्धया नव्यमर्कैः। गाथान्यः सुरुचो यस्य देवा आशृण्वंति नवमानस्य मर्ताः॥ [1-190-1] - Priest, augment by your hymns Brihaspati, who deserts not (his worshipper); the showerer (of benefits), the pleasant tongued, the adorable; of whom resplendent, god and men (the ministers) of the institutor of the sacrifice, emulous in sacred songs, proclaim (the praise).

Mantras for Guru

आ विबाध्या परिरापस्तमांसि च ज्योतिष्मंतं रथमृतस्य तिष्ठसि। बृहस्वते भीमममित्रदम्भनं रक्षोहणं गोत्रभिदं स्वर्विदं॥ [2-23-3] - Having repelled revilers and (dispersed) the darkness, you stand Brihaspati on the radiant chariot of sacrifice (which is) formidable (to foes), the humiliater of enemies, the destroyer of evil spirits, the cleaver of the clouds, the attainer of heaven.
एवा पित्रे विश्वदेवाय वृष्णे यज्ञैर्विधेम नमसा हविर्भिः। बृहस्वते सुप्रजा वीरवंतो वयं स्यामपतयो रयिणां॥ [4-50-6] - Thus may we offer worship with sacrifices with oblations with praise to the paternal, universal deity, the showerer (of benefits); and may we, Brihaspati, become possessed of riches and be blessed with excellent progeny and valiant descendants.
चत्तो इतश्चत्तामुतः सर्वा भ्रूणान्यारुषी। अराय्यं ब्रह्मणस्वते तीक्ष्णशृंगोदृषन्निहि॥ [10-155-2] - May she (Alakshmi) be scared away from this (world), scared away from the next (world), the destructress of embryos, sharp-horned Brihaspati, approach driving away the Distress.
Guru is held equal to other Gods like Agni, Marut and Indra. He is said to have seven heads, seven rays, sweet tongue, sharp horns, blue back and a hundred wings. His colour is golden hue with red. Bright faced an pure. Has clear voice, has bows and arrows - goodness his arrows, truth his bows. Has hammers of gold and iron in his hand. He kills evil spirits (pishacha s) and opens the door of cowsheds (if they have been confined). He is known as the father of all gods (देवानां..... पितरम्...... ब्रह्मणस्पतिं) (2-26-3). Piter is the word in Indo-European languages equivalent to Pitru which means father. Ju-piter is Ju, the father of all Gods.
Guru bestows wealth, health and lifespan. यो रेवान्यो अमिवहा वसुवित्पुष्टिवर्धनः। स नः सिषक्तु यस्तुरः॥ May He (Brhmanaspati) who is wealthy, the healer of disease, the acquirer of riches, increaser of nourishments (pusti - life span), the prompt bestower of rewards be favorable to us.(1-18-2). It is easy to please Him, being first grade benefic. Small amount of remedial measures like service in temples, feeding orphans and needy, imparting education to others or sharing such expenditure will go a long way in pleasing Guru. Gou pooja, shall we say, service to cows, included. Admit other beings also into the list - like squirrels, dogs, donkeys and birds. Be kind to others including animals and birds, surely this will please the Gods - whoever your Gods be.
Jupiter known as Guru or Brihaspati, is putra karaka (the significater) of children. Guru ill placed would cause problems related to children as well as delay in child birth. He governs digestive juices and affliction to guru will cause jaundice. He bestows vidya (wisdom) which is essential to understand any subject in depth. He is revered as the teacher of all Gods. He is the dispenser of divine justice. No other planet hates Jupiter as he himself is Providence. He gives good manners, patience and devotion. Many of the problems in life are successfully combated if Jupiter is strong in the chart. The remedial measures to Guru are easy to perform. Even if there are lapses in the process (Anustana), being kind-hearted, he does not mind. Regular recitation of guru will give a firm support from the Almighty and reduce the problems in life. Remedial measures to guru are at most important for begetting children as well as to gain in-depth knowledge.
Guru namaskara sloka, peedahara stotra, gayatri mantra & beeja mantra in Kannada, Sanskrit, Telugu, Tamil, Punjabi, Oriya, Gujarati, Malayalam, Bengali and English: