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Rasi wise forecast for August, 2024

A month of happiness due to shopping and pleasure trips. You will enjoy whole month, though there are financial strains in day to day life, kuja is adverse in 2nd. There will also be some domestic problems. Relationship with children is not up to the mark due to adverse budha and ravi. However, you are happy with children in second half of the month. The days are good to children but you are put into some financial strains.

Your prestige goes up in society due to your children's progress. You will be purchasing one or the other thing that are needed for your children or your hobbies. Not a good time for availing loans. Marital life is excellent. There are some issues with mother and close relatives that cause heartburn in the first half.

You have lot of appointments and you are at the centre of happenings in he office during the first half. If you wish to take up some examinations, think twice as you are not able to concentrate. You are more concerned about what others think of you. This hampers your personal progress. You should go where you heart tell you and should not listen to herd. During second half, Students have lot of pressure due to strict faculty but this lead to great success.

Purchase of property is very difficult but not impossible. Similarly, you will be able to purchase gold in good measure. Almost throughout the month, financial front is a bit inelastic. There is some professional frustration but as shani is in his own sign, you can overcome professional problems.

Under any circumstances, you should not quit the job unless and until you have another clear appointment order on hand. Read small print before making any investments. In the last week of the month, you may get carried away by your hobbies. Before you decide to learn guitar, you will purchase one and will not play for more than a week! Do not be impulsive in spending for hobbies and for your children.

There will be some rifts in close family circle during the first half. It is difficult not to react. You should control your temper. Ravi in own sign during the second half of the month in favorable 3rd house will give you lot of energy and commitment. You will come across many people of influence who will help you to grow. Sports persons, people in show business have excellent days. You can expect awards and appreciations for your creative work. You will spend all the amount earned and should be careful about this. Do not be carried away by gossips and should not indulge in loose talks.

The financial front is excellent. You have money to purchase whatever things you want. You will enjoy many visits to shopping centers. However, no more of these from 26th. You may purchase the things you do not need or the things purchased may not work at all. There will be good profits in real estate dealing from 24th of the month, budha is favorable in 2nd. Despite your fascination for gadgets, you are able to save some nuggets this month, guru in 12th helps you in this. There is lot of work in the office and some people want to provoke and paint you in bad colors. You should exercise diplomatic skills and should keep your cool.

There is slow and steady progress in education. But some times you tend to loose interest as shani is retrograde.

During the first half of the month, there is lot of peer pressure. You with to do better than others and you will but the pressure and tension is terrible. There are some rifts in close family during the second half. This will cause some expenditure and heated arguments. There will be some financial gains from government. Your old dues will be realized. During last week of the month, there will be expenditure due to your friends. It is worthless and do not spend much. A good time for people in agriculture and sports. You will be able to purchase land properties till 26th of the month.

Some big event occurs that changes your life. In the beginning this seems to be a piece of sheer bad luck in good measure. This could be a long distance transfer, being forsaken from the people you counted. This shocks you but builds your inner strength. There is lot of income from various sources in small amounts that adds up to a big stream, till 25th August. Shukra favorable in 2nd and 3rd in the entire month ensure your dreams come true. You will come across many people of various culture and background.

In the second half of the month, you are recognized by the top brass and there will be great benefits. Yet as ravi is over your rasi, there will be lot of tension to outsmart others and make your style statement. You need to give importance to timely sleep and relaxation. In the first half of the month, there is restlessness and anxiety. Do not violate traffic rules, or else heavy penalty awaits you.

There are financial strains in the entire month and they are more intensified from 26th of the month, as shukra is neecha in 2nd. There is marital discord and it feel it all has ended. Do not take any hasty decisions. Let the time pass by and thee are good days to come. This misunderstanding is a misdirected attempt to understand. Despite blowing hot and cold, marital life solid state.

Many of the events are concerned about professional matters. You are put in charge of a monumental task that involves frequent travelling and physical strains like installation of a new machinery. You will be appreciated for your concern and judicious methods. Yet, if you are told to teach others your skills, keep some professional secrets up your sleeve, for obvious reasons.

In the entire month, relationship with family members is not up to the mark. You are prone to cuts and wounds as rahu transits in 8th house. You should recite rahu kavacha.

You are able to save more in the second half. You have a tendency to teach others with your never ending sermons. These cause lot of boredom and stop such elaborate instructions by evening. Otherwise, you will get exited, say how hard your younger days were and you will not be able to sleep!

There are bundles of money and during the first half, you will purchase what all can bring you enhanced social status from costly suede shoes to car, or gold. Many of your dreams will come true. You are able to make investments. Shukra is favorable in the entire month and that means gold coins rain! However, you may be tempted to commit sins with extra money power from 26th of the month. Wealth should never a reason for casual and careless life.

There are religious trips and association with people of repute. Also, there will be fall out from some, as kuja is adverse in 9th. Long term loans are available for investment purposes but your application gets stuck up in bureaucratic steps. Have patience and wait for good days; Short tempered nature with spouse is common but does not land you in any trouble. Dark circles around eyes, skin irritation and more gray hair are possible.

In the second half of the month, you will get promotion and recognition. First half paves the way for this and elevation does not come as surprise. New projects are launched in the first half and in the second half there is success in all ventures and also acquisition of wealth like gold coins. However, as shukra is under vedha and neecha by month end purchase of immovable properties or high end articles is not possible. In the last week of the month, you may waste some precious coins in the name of entertainment. You may spend small change but do not use plastic card.

You are prone to cuts and wounds due to adverse kuja in the 8th. Extreme caution is required. You should be extremely careful in investment matters. Though guru is bad in the 8th, he works as protective measure to save you from accidents and losses. Progress of your children is excellent. But there will be considerable expenditure due to this. Students in advanced studies like Ph.D are successful. Loans are available but there are unexpected turns and twists in the first half of the month.

You require some recommendations/ surety to borrow and your trusted soul mate turns out to be heartless. And in second half, a person of different culture, geographical background, quite a stranger comes out of the blue to help you. You are more attracted towards horror stories and movies for pleasure of it. At times, when you go to bed, there is replay, he cause for fright!

In the second half, there is lot of work pressure in the office and you will make your records! You will be shortlisted for upgrading. Despite work pressure you are very happy about the trend of events. During the first half, there was no clue of this. The boss seemed to be ill disposed towards you. But your honesty, hard working nature and desire for perfection and undeterred will power under pressure were taken note of. In the last week of the month, you should take care not to mix with people of questionable personality. You will get carried away and may land in trouble.

There are some disputes with close relatives regarding properties. Somehow, you find discomfort in their company. You property transactions goes at a snails phase and like whirlwind sees reversals. But you are not deterred and that is your specialty. Do not talk much in the office and land in bad shape. Marital life is excellent and many people of this sign may get married and settle in life with good jobs. There is success in many areas of life. You should exercise caution while dealing with your children or any children if you are a teacher. You are given to impatience and may impose corporal punishment. The schools have banned corporal punishment many years ago. You may be roughed up. You should be extremely careful in first half of the month, as one of your own person will fix you in this. There is unexpected success and profits in the entire month, the extent though is small.

You are prone to cuts and wounds, insults and humiliations in the first half. It is better to lay low and do only routine activities. In the second half of the month, you are torn apart by love and hate relationship with your boss. The person is very strict disciplinarian and also he will help you in your development. It is hard to please him. You are aware of his vast knowledge but afraid of the scepter he yields. In addition to this, you are likely to go wrong in the last week of the month. This causes very bad situation for you. If you are expecting an approval for your loan, it would not work out, guru is in adverse 6th and kuja in favorable 6th is checked. Finance is excellent almost in the entire month, thanks to shukra. From 23rd of the month, you can expect realization of old dues, arrears of pay or some inheritance, thanks to favorable budha. Health is good but there is always a fear of ill health; you are sensitive to such news of diseases. If a new virus is discovered in Amazon forest, you will panic in Ahamadabad!

In the entire month, you enjoy excellent relationship with your brothers, sisters and friends. Well, it is not always possible, some meetings and some travels are put on the hold as Shani is retrograde. There are severe strains in relationship with close family members which may end with heated arguments, rahu is in adverse 4th. Professional frustrations linger in the back ground in the entire month.

In the entire month, you are prone to cuts, wounds and accidents due to adverse ravi and shani. However, as ravi is in his own sign in the second half and during the first half budha is favourable in 8th. And shani is in his own sign. There will not be any bad events but episodes can be very small. It is better to recite Aditya hridaya during this month. There will be temptations to indulge in pleasures of life without discretion during the last week due to neecha shukra.

Relationship with children is too much strained as you behave like gym trainer than a father, due to adverse kuja. Be considerate in your approach. You can expect realization of long outstanding dues or inheritance. Progress of children is excellent and you are very happy with them, as guru in 5th reduced adverse effect of kuja. You are not able to purchase the things you need and pleasure trips are postponed. Expected help from friends and brothers or sisters does not arrive. There is strange attraction towards spirituality - you do not know whether you are a believer or atheist; the deliberations go on! There is always concern for money. You are in saving mood, to save more and more.

In the first half of the month, there is good professional growth, good health and clearing of loans. You will outwit your competitors and you have popularity. Though there are short tempered arguments with spouse, the quality of marital life will not go down, ravi though in adverse 7th is in his own sign. Do not believe you will get some expected amount during the last week of the month. It does not come at all. You have become too lazy these days and now you have become active and hard working.

There are domestic disturbances due to adverse kuja in the 4th. From 23rd of the month you will receive some arrears of pay. Avoid arguments with your spouse. Ketu in adverse 8th causes horrible dreams and fears for no reason at all. They throw you off mood.

Most of the planets are against you and only ravi and budha favor you his month. During first half of the month, you tend to loose your temper with your children. You are quite stick in the mud, inflexible.

In the entire month, health is very delicate. You should be on guard, if you have diabetes or any hormone related problems. Shukra is adverse in 6th for most of the month. You should not exert too much during the last week as you are prone to muscular pain and fever. No friends and you feel isolated. Financial position is good, God rewards your hardworking nature. Increased earnings do not come as bonus for gifts. But you will receive more orders and footfalls.

There is no improvement in relationship with your friends and relatives. You are heading for promotion and clearance of loans. Your status in society will go up considerably, you will be surprised - how popular you are. Marital life is at its worst in the last week of the month, take care to on safer side, 'yes' is the mantra, that cools down the situations. You are persistent in saving but during this month, the determination wavers - you have faced some disappointments and you want a change in life by shopping! This wound do well, the savings you have is still a tiny plant!
A good man never lets grief get the upper hand. The mountains are calm even in a tempest.  ― Mahakavi Kaalidaasa 
“From the body of one guilty deed a thousand ghostly fears and haunting thoughts proceed.”
― William Wordsworth
अन्ये जायां परि मृशंत्यस्य यस्यागृधद्वेदने वाज्यंक्षः। पिता माता भ्रातर एनमाहुर्न जानीमो नयता बद्दमेतं॥
Rigveda Samhita- Mandala10-Sukta34-Rik4
Rishi: Kavasha Ilusha or Aksha or Maoujivan ;    Devata: Akshakitava ninda

अन्ये।जायां। रि।मृशंति।अस्य।यस्य।अगृधत्। वेदने। वाजी। अक्षः। पिता।माता। भ्रातरः। एनं। आहुः। न। जानीमः। नयत। बद्धं। एतं॥

his (that gambler's); वेदने-money; वाजी- powerful; अक्षः - dice; अगृधत्- desires to steal; अस्य - his; जायां - wife;  अन्ये - others; परिमृशंति- humiliate by pulling; न जानीमः - (we) do not know; बद्धः -tied; एतं - this (man);  नयत- take; पिता -father; माता- mother; भ्रातरः - brothers एनं- about (this man) आहुः - say.

Others pull (dress and hair of) his (gambler's) wife, whose wealth the mighty dice desired to steal, his father, mother and brothers say, "we know him not, take him away bound (wherever you want to)

Stay away from speculation, gambling, racing, casino and card games.
During the month of August, ravi is in kataka rasi at the start of the month and moves into his own sign, simha on 17th of the month. Kuja moves into mithuna rasi on 27th from vrishabha. Budha is retrograde from 5th to 28th. At the start of the month he is in simha and in retrogression enters kataka rasi on 23rd.

Shukra is in simha at the start of the month and moves into kanya, his debilitation sign on 26th. Shani is retrograde and continues his transit in kumbha, his own sign. Guru, rahu and ketu continue their transits in vrishabha, meena and kanya respectively.