New: Transit of Shani into Meena rasi
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At the start of the month, ravi is in meena  and moves to his exaltation sign, on 14th April. Kuja transits in kumbha rasi till 23rd and from 24th in meena rasi. Budha is in mesha for first nine days of the month and thereafter he is debilitated in meena rasi. Budha is retrograde from 3rd to 25th of the month and is combust from 4th to 20th of April. Guru transits in mesha rasi in the entire month. Shukra is exalted in meena till 24th and moves in mesha on 25th of the month. Shani transits in his own sign, kumbha while rahu and ketu continue their transits in meena and kanya rasis.

Excellent month for purchase of land, buildings and other  properties. Former folk and sports persons have great time ahead. However, the process takes some time and delay due to shani in the 11th. You are likely to overspend using plastic cards. Take care, you should not go on loans for fancy reasons.  You are going to outsmart your competitors. This s the time to clear old outstanding loans as well as obtaining new ones.

Lot of physical strains particularly in the first half of the month. You are unnecessarily bothered as to what people around think of you. This takes off the pleasure of life. Some sleepless nights due to worries regarding investments and horrible dreams due to eclipse in 12th form your rasi.  Make investments only under government holdings. Do not run for dubious schemes.

If you are prudent, you will hit a jackpot otherwise a jackass will hit your pot! Remember, the eclipse on 8th of this months occurs in 11th from your rasi. By discreet means you will stand to gain in property matters and investments. Ensure you have paid all the government dues and taxes; you may run into trouble with the authorities during the first half. There is lot of money but you are tempted to browbeat others and play cheep tricks which are not good.

Any sins committed knowingly or unknowingly will enter the balance sheet. Profession goes the usual way; you can not change though you wish. There is stability in job and do not believe in gossips. Do not enter into any intellectual discussions as your senses are foggy and you can not drive your point. Relationship with children is good but you are not entirely happy with them. Restlessness, boredom and apathy are more in second half. 

A mixed month of good and bad. Profession growth seems to be imminent but actually it does not happen so. The issue gets dragged on. There is a powerful person working against you and another secretly plotting for your fall. Fortunately, you do not have serious professional problems. However, your graph is frozen. The top boss promises to bypass them but actual benefits are not realized during this month. In the entire month, you are well off financially.

You will spend a lot on religious causes and helping others. Your deposits do well and there is income from various sources. Higher authorities are uncompromising and this teaches you great lessons. You are not happy in the domestic front. Your house, surroundings and neighbors have become problems, these days. As the eclipse occurs in the 10th from your rasi, you should exercise great control on your emotions while you are in the office.
Solar eclipse on 08.04.2024 takes place in revathi star, meena rasi. There are no rituals associated with this eclipse as it is not visible in Bharat. This is a total solar eclipse in Canada, US and Mexico. This eclipse heralds undesirable results for the persons born in meena, tula and simha rasi persons.

You will see increase of your role and respect in the office particularly in the second half. You should not go by sycophancy  and should seep through the comments to know what is expected of you. You should guide others but should not take all the work over your head. If you have done so, the work load becomes more and more for next 2-3 months. Financial position is good and you are able to purchase whatever you want.

You will outshine others in your profession during first week of the month. You have a good balance between saving and spending. There could be some misunderstandings with your elders, bosses or teachers due to eclipse on 8th of the month. Weigh the effects before you speak. You will come across many friends from different backgrounds. Whenever you require, help comes from unexpected corner.

Eclipse occurs in the 8th from your rasi. This is rahu grasta suraya grahana that means both rahu and ravi are in 8th from your rasi. You are prone to cuts, wounds and humiliations. You should recite any slokas or stotras of your choice during this month. Be very careful while travelling by water and also while handling inflammable liquids. Thanks to shukra in benefic placement, no serious injury will occur.

You have more wealth and you are on safari to purchase what all the things you require or not. Marital problems are due to malefic kuja and shani in 7th.  However, these do not cause ripples in relationship. You can expect realization of dues from 10th of the month. The amount is very substantial, despite this, you have a feeling of low esteem. Stammering, shrill voice and headaches are due to this.
Kanya :

There is good professional progress.  You will get loans if and when needed. Also, you will be ale to clear old loans. You are prone to cuts and wounds particularly in second half. You should recite any slokas of your choice for ravi in this month. Success rate in any venture is very less. Mariel life is not up to the mark. You should not brush wrong side of your bosses or faculty. This is the time to change your life style.
Rasi wise forecast for April 2024

Excellent professional life. Those in service will get promotions or long distance transfer. Progress in respect of children is slow but steady. You are likely to incur more than you can to purchase shiny, useless objects. Take care of health, there may be infections, eye troubles or stomach upsets.

It is better to recite any slokas or stotras for ravi during this month.  Hobbies do not go well.  Sports persons should be careful in the arena. Marital life is not up to the mark but this does not give rise to conflicts, thanks to benefic guru.

A The persons in fine arts or finance have fabulous days ahead. If you plan, calculate the risk and go ahead cautiously, you will surely win. But careless attitude will land you in trouble - benefic shukra is also in 5th while the eclipse has also occurred in the same house.

You should be careful about investments. Domestic problems, loans and rifts with children are very discouraging. Property matters do not go fast but you are on right track - just go on saving more and more money towards this. 

You have raw courage, rough and calm mind.  That will get you through this month. There are domestic problems, misgivings with mother and close relatives. Studies do not go well; there are unexpected problems at the eleventh hour. Life seems to be boring and there is huge amount of professional frustration. You have got good friends too, to put you up if you fall down.

There are some issues related to children that bother you. Do not loose your patience with children during this second half of the month; it would not solve the problems. Finance is a bit tricky but it flows well above the mark in the last week.

You have raw courage, rough and calm mind.  That will get you through this month. Not all friends are for you. Take care you do not pick up rifts with your friends in the first half. You have good finances - for tours, picnics and costly purchases. That will last a coupe of days. Well, for day to day expenses, you have to make a balancing act. And you do, you will save few coins. Education is difficult. There is greet interest in occult sciences and religious matters.

As the solar eclipse occurs over your rasi, you should recite slokas for ravi during this month. If you are born in revathi nakshatra and if you are under bad dasha/bhukti, consider doing shanti for ravi. Do not pick up quarrels with influential.  Be humble and do not expect people with honor or recognize you. To keep you in good spirits, you have shukra on your side, you are able to purchase what all you required. There is lot of income from various sources till 9th of the month. Marital life is not up to the mark.

This month is more about having money in your purse or not having. Yes, there are some strains but it is within your capacity. Friends come to your help in the second half of the month.  The financial worries are more during first week of the month, no matter whether you have a million ready cash with you. There is a fear that you may require some assistance and perhaps money gives you the strength to overcome difficulties in future. Some fear of loosing some things lurks in background.